The next day, Lin Long walked straight into his office and was surprised to see all the employees gathered together.
“What's going on?”
Lin Long asked curiously.
“Boss, watch our game. Since yesterday it has been loud like a thunderstorm.”
Adulli turned and pointed at the installed monitor to see the game's stats.
Lin Long noticed that the game he created now was ranked ninety-eight in the app store. For an app to break into the top hundred within a day is an astonishing feat that no one has ever achieved before.
In addition, Lin Long also noticed that there were videos on YouTube. One of them is a well-known YouTuber who may have been hired by the marketing agency of the company Linlong contacted.
at the beginning of play It has reached thirty million views. And most of the comments are in a good way. The game was evaluated as the most valuable game of the past year. The download has now reached twenty-two million downloads.