Tuscan Hill was a coastal hill on the outskirts of Springfield that trekkers and climbers avoided. The sunny side had rough terrain and was so steep that it was impossible to scale. Moreover, the leeward slope rolled down to the raging river. It was almost impractical to practice rock climbing on the hill.
A characteristic feature of Tuscan Hill was its summit, which was a flat surface, often referred to as a tabletop.
General Lance Baker was a high-ranking officer in the military. He arrived half an hour ahead of time and stood by his helicopter on the Tuscan Hill tabletop. It was his first rendezvous with a very important man, and the soldier wanted his first impression to be good.
Lance was a young man dressed sharply in a general’s uniform and had flown the helicopter all by himself to the hilltop. The mission was quite sensitive, and the government could not risk any leaks at that juncture.