Who’s Kyle?

Julia was in seventh heaven. Her lifelong dream had come true. Tristar Entertainment had recognized her talent, and Haley B would launch her in a big-budget movie! Finally, after years of hard work and sacrifice, she was on the path to celebrity status.

After Victor and Haley left, many of the rejected candidates approached Julia and sucked up to her. If you couldn't become a celebrity, joining a future celebrity's entourage was wise. Julia promised the rejects that she would never forget them.

The beauty had to go through an hour-long orientation from the Tristar Entertainment staff before leaving. She returned to the audition hall to find that everybody else had left. The candidates had been evacuated through a backdoor exit to avoid the media.

Julia sighed and headed towards the main exit. "Mom, I got the big break!" she texted on her phone and walked out the hall's double doors.