The crowd began murmuring amongst themselves in utter confusion. What was going on? Had the host gone insane? What was that about enslaving the celebrities?
Nina Mendez left her seat in a temper. She was acquainted with being pampered and fawned over. Instead, the host was being disrespectful. Even as a prank, his behavior was unacceptable.
"What nonsense is this?" she snapped at him with an exaggerated display of her arms. "If this is a joke, it's not a funny one! Quit it, or you're fired!"
The host turned to her and sucker-punched her in the gut. Nina got the breath knocked out of her. She keeled over in pain. As the beauty raised her head, the host pointed a gun at her head. "Sit down or die, bitch! Your choice."
Nina gasped and staggered back to her seat. The other celebrities, including Haley and Julia, were petrified. Had terrorists hijacked the event?