
“What?” Eva asked in disbelief. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely certain.”

The girl stared at the infant quizzically. Then, her eyes searched for Sophia frantically. What was going on?

“But… But… Sophia said… You slept with her… And she had the baby… She submitted the paternity test as proof…”

Victor nodded. “Fake paternity tests would be easy to procure for a doctor of her influence and renown. About sleeping with Sophia… I wouldn’t say I didn’t have sex with her. It’s just that I don’t remember.”

Eva looked more confused than before.

“These matters are separate,” the man added. “All I told you was that this particular baby isn’t mine. If it were, my senses would recognize it.”

Eva rubbed her forehead, trying to understand Victor’s words. “My head is really muddled now. You say you probably slept with Sophia but are confident the baby isn’t yours? How does that work?”

Victor led Eva away from the crowd and found a private corner table. He handed her a glass of wine.