Theodore walked deeper and deeper into the alley. He looked at the clock in his phone. It is now past midnight. This time is probably the strongest time for ghouls and vampires.
He had previously encountered two or three ghouls. Although they were stronger than the first ghoul he met. He was still able to deal with them easily. Because he already knew how to deal with it.
All he had to do was to limit its speed. In the blink of an eye, its speed slowed down or it was halted. That was the time of its death.
Theodore had no feelings when killing the ghouls. It's because on the way he walked He found the bodies of his victims torn to shreds everywhere. The victims of these ghouls were children, women, old people.
They don't choose their prey. As long as there is enough flesh and blood
Theodore decided he had to wipe them all out. However, now that I have walked for a long time, I still haven't found a single one of them.
Theodore let out a sigh.