
[Side mission: Defeat the portrait of "Anna"] 

[Mission reward: 30 experience points, Nightmare School skill x 1] 

Just as Astr was thinking, he got a mission to defeat the portrait creature. "You want to learn swordsmanship?"

Noye couldn't help but repeat it again, glaring at Astr with a look that seemed to be looking at a new species. After some thinking, Noye again asked, "But, but, can your body hold up?" 

Astr said after seeing the hesitation of his father, "I'm just learning briefly, father; don't worry, and my body can take that much."

'This... aren't you worried? It's too sudden!' Noye truly felt that maybe it was because Astr had awakened his wizard talent that he became overconfident in himself. 

'Not to mention the brazen words that he would be admitted to Astral Academy in a month, and now, he actually said that he wanted to learn swordsmanship!'

 'What can you learn from a sickly young man who can't even take two steps without breathing? It would be great if you didn't accidentally cut yourself off!' Noye thought very hard, but he didn't say it to his son.

 After a moment of silence, Noye advised tactfully, "You may be a little excited, Astr. Even if your body improves, you should continue to take care of yourself and recover slowly."

"Just let me try, father; you can watch from the side." Astr blinked his icy-blue eyes and looked up at Noye pleadingly. 'Not good! It's a crit! Hit' Noye was defeated.

After all, he couldn't bear to reject his son. He had to sigh and compromise. "Okay, I will watch from the side. Once you lose your strength, you can just stay in bed for the next few days." 

"Yes, Father, I agree."

'Plan pass.'

Astr raised the corners of his mouth and thanked his father sweetly. Noye couldn't help but rub Astr's fluffy and curly hair. When

Astr was served by the maid, he put on a set of light clothes and was slowly pushed into the courtyard. On the broad avenue paved with white rectangular stone slabs, a tall and thin man with a resolute and tough face was already standing. 

Astr retrieved his memory, stood up from the wheelchair, and said with a smile,

"Hello, Captain Ole, you are still as energetic as before." 

The Serene family has guards, but they are only 56 in number. They act as bodyguards, and when these people have nothing to do, they will help with regular chores like cleaning, cutting wood, etc. 

Seeing that his little master still remembered him, Ole's eyes suddenly lit up. He pursed his lips a few times, then pulled out a stiff and jerky smile, although it looked a bit scary, and he said it dryly.

"Hello, Master Astr. I will be your swordsmanship teacher today." 

As Ole said that, he held out a thin wooden sword. Astr took the wooden sword, and his arm sank uncontrollably. 

On the side, Noye was sitting on the lawn with his legs crossed, and Servent was holding an umbrella near him.

Seeing this, he shook his head. 'This is the lightest one—just a wooden sword with a lead core inside. A real steel or silver sword is much heavier than this.' 

'Although it is a pity, Astr, who is born with insufficient talent and a weak body, will never be able to take the path of a swordsman. Just wave it around and have fun. 

On the other side, Ole did not express any opinion on Astr's strength but just held the sword in front of him with both hands. 

"Imagine there is an enemy in front of you. The tip of your sword should be pointed at his throat or chest." 

"Hold your right hand under the guard and your left hand at the back of the hilt. Spread your feet forward and backward, with your right foot in front and your left foot behind."

Following the instructions, Astr assumed the basic posture of holding a sword. 'Fast and accurate. It was as if it had been practiced countless times.'

Ole looked towards Astr posture, and his eyes flashed with surprise. Ole's brows rose imperceptibly. He circled Astr, but found that there was nothing that could be corrected. Everything is in good shape. 

"Have you ever practiced swordsmanship before?" He couldn't help but ask, even though he knew that the young master had been bedridden. 

Astr looked at the rough wooden sword tip and chuckled, "No, this is the first time I hold a wooden sword." 

'I always cut with a steel sword or a silver sword. In VR games only.' Astr thought  

Ole was silent after hearing this. Although he didn't speak, his eyes shone even brighter, as if he had discovered a buried treasure. Next, Astr really let him see what a "genius" can be called. 

"Huh--" The wooden sword passed through the air, accompanied by a sharp sound breaking through the air, as if the air had been split. Elegant and comfortable. The rough wooden sword became a light dance partner in Astr's hands. 

In the waltz composed of sword sounds, Astr danced with a sword in his hands. 

"Yes! That's it—drawing an arc and slashing upwards! It's so perfect!" 

Ole was so excited that he screamed, his face flushed, and he stared at Astr with burning eyes, as if he saw a rising star. 'It's incredible!' 

All sword skills, as long as Ole demonstrates them once, Astr can reproduce them perfectly and use them skillfully. 

Ole looked at Astr as if the person standing in front of him seemed not to be a sickly young man who had just learned swordsmanship, but a veteran who had been on the battlefield for many years! 

Even when practicing slashing, Ole felt a shudder rise from the bottom of his heart when he was stared at by those icy-blue eyes, and he smelled a hint of blood.

Like a hungry ice-snow leopard standing in front of him, the evil aura that hit his face made the hair on Ole's body stand up. On the side, Noye stood up.

He stared at Astr blankly with his mouth half open. 'I was stupid. My son—is actually a swordsman genius!' Noye felt that his world view had been reshaped, and he even pinched himself, thinking that he was dreaming. 

Thinking of what he had just said in denial of Astr, he couldn't help but feel his cheeks getting ashamed. 

Immediately, waves of excitement stirred up in his heart, gradually turning into stormy waves, almost making him tremble. 

'My dear Anna, our son is a swordsman genius!' 

[Acquire the swordsman profession!]

[Get 15 experience points!]

[Acquire Basic Swordsmanship (Level 5) skill] 

"Huh, huh, huh..." Astr gasped loudly. After the system finally came out, he could no longer hold the wooden sword and was so tired. Collapsed on the ground. 

"Master Astr! Are you okay?" Ole immediately squatted down, asked with concern, and said it in a deep voice. "I'm sorry, I was too excited. Well, I should have noticed your body, Master." 

"... ."

Astr couldn't say a word. He just shook his head tiredly, his face and body soaked with sweat. Having obtained the swordsman profession, his goal has been achieved. 

He added the 15 points of experience gained to the swordsman profession, and the swordsman rose from Lv1 to Lv3. Suddenly, a stream of heat flowed from the heart to the limbs, and a tiny amount of strength emerged. 

Although there was no substantial change, Astr did feel that he had become stronger and that his arms, which were filled with strength, could be lifted again. 

'As I expected, the swordsman profession can increase physical fitness.' 

At this moment, Noye's voice sounded from above his head: "Are you okay, Astr?" 

Astr raised his head and met his old father's anxious eyes. "Well, I'm fine, father." 

Astr spoke slowly. He stood up, picked up the wooden sword, and handed it back to Ole. 

"That's the end of today's training. Thank you for your careful teaching." Astr said to Ole 

Ole took the wooden sword, put his right hand on his chest, and made a knight move towards Astr.

After the salute, he turned to Noye and said seriously, "Your son is a swordsman genius, Master Noye." 

"I can see it." Noye nodded, looked at Astr guiltily, and said it sincerely.

"From you, I learned never to look down on others, Astr. You taught me a good lesson." 

"I'm so proud of you, my son."