Wants To go Out

(Astr Pov)

After completing the task of defeating the portrait, I also gained 30 experience points in addition to skills.

Now I have two professions: "Wizard Apprentice" and "Swordsman", which are level 4 and level 3, respectively.

When the wizard apprentice reaches level 10, I can unlock the fusion skill with the Canvasbane. Which can be said to be another good skill for me to use.

The swordsman profession can improve my physical fitness so that I will be able to lift a real sword after I level up a little bit more.

'It's a bit confusing which profession I should use this for.

(3rd person POV)

Astr thought for a moment and finally decided not to use these experiences and keep them for some other day.

"I had a lot of fun with you tonight," Astr said, looking at the canvas and saying with a smile, "However, it's time to rest. Good children should sleep well at night."

The childern word directly triggered Canvasbane, but it can't complain.

'Suddenly, I don't know how to complain. As expected of a human being who can piss off people as soon as he opens his mouth,

'I completely understand what he meant by children; someday, maybe I will be free.' Canvasbane looked towards Astr with resentment; she completely forgot what happened a few minutes ago.

Astr patted the Canvasbane's blackened head in a way that reminded the Canvasbane of patting a dog.

Then, Astr stood up because, now that he is on the verge of becoming crazy, he needs rest.

He returned to the bed and closed his eyes. There was a feeling of weightlessness, as if he were sinking into the deep sea.

The light yellow moonlight shone on him, covering this slender figure with a veil as beautiful and pure as the Holy Son sealed in a glass coffin.

The Canvasbane looked at Astr's soft white hair that was gradually fading and his pale and delicate face, and the dreamlike feeling rose again.

'Was I really defeated by this seemingly weak and vulnerable human being? And became his vassal in cowardice?Obviously, I am much stronger than him! So why?' 

{What an elusive human being} The canvasser murmured, and the voice echoed in the empty bedroom.

The surrounding paint began to flow back, flowing back to the canvas like a stream flowing into a lake. It retreated into the canvas, silently mending itself.

In the night dotted with stars, the human-faced moon grinned sinisterly and looked below the surface at everything that was happening in the world.


Somewhere in the nightmare realm world

A pure white church stands in a vast forest, pointing straight into the night like a hand bone, majestic and towering.

On the inside, it was even more pure and dazzling.

On the altar at the front of the hall, there is a wooden coffin.

The surface is simple and unpretentious, but from the gaps, dripping paint is constantly seeping out, like a waterfall of colours, flowing to the white stone tile floor, giving people a sense of blasphemy.

Under the altar, a man wearing a white priest's uniform was kneeling on the ground, using a paintbrush to dip his paintbrush into the paint flowing out of the coffin and smear it on the white floor with concentration and piety.

Suddenly, the tip of his pen paused, and his amber pupils shrank slightly.

"A little mouse ran away... And my minions weren't able to catch it.... " A hoarse murmur escaped from his mouth, like an old piano.

Gradually, a colour as red as blood overflowed from the tip of his pen.Eventually, like a river, it overflowed the floor, escaping outside the church in some direction.


Serene Family Mansion

When the sun was shining high, Astr opened his eyes.

"Ah, ah, ah, it hurts!" He stretched out on the soft, big bed, but when his arm moved, it affected his whole body, and he immediately grinned in pain.

The aftereffects of yesterday's training and nightmare fight showed up. Every inch of Astr's muscles is extremely sore, as if he had been run over by a car.

'I can just rest today, I think.' Astr lay flat on the bed like a plank again, thinking expressionlessly.

The degree of erosion is still very high, making the brain throb. However, the violent impulse dissipated a lot due to excessive exhaustion.

Astr spent his day simple and with rest.I ate some dessert, read quietly, and took a rose bath in the evening.

'Well, this young master's life is so simple, unpretentious, and filled with luxury.'

After a day and night of rest, Astr readjusted his condition.

During breakfast, Astr added the fifth sugar cube to his coffee while his old father was hesitating to speak, looking at Astr, who was eating so much sugar. But Astr didn't give him any chance; he spoke first.

"Father, I want to go for a walk today."

"You want to go for a walk?" This sentence successfully drew Noye's complete attention away from the coffee and sugar.

"Yeah." Astr nodded without showing any sign that he said anything wrong.

"Okay! This is great!" Noye got so excited because the last time Astr asked to go out, who knows how long ago it has been?

Sometimes, looking at his son's pale and weak appearance lying on the bed, Noye had a feeling that this mansion was slowly turning into Astr's' tomb.

But suddenly, Astr awakened his wizarding talent, and his body was visibly improving.

"Thank you for the protection of Lord Eternal Burning Sun." Noye used his right hand to draw two circles on his chest, not noticing Astr's strange expression on the signs.

'Because if there was really protection from the eternal scorching sun, Noye should prepare a dustpan now to sweep his ashes into boxes.'

"It's a pity that I'm busy with work and can't go out with you," Noye said regretfully.

"However, I will prepare money. You can buy whatever you want when you go out. If it's not enough, then report it to me. You can use your last name. I think most shops will make it easier for you. And I will also send the guard captain with you."

"Thank you~Father~" Astr raised a smile and saw the old father pinch his cheek lovingly.

'You can get shiny gold coins without getting stained with blood, great,' Astr thought, remembering his gaming days.

After that, under the service of the maid, Astr changed his clothes.

In the full-length mirror, a slender young man was reflected, with curly white hair like the first snow, fluffy and smooth, and a pair of icy-blue eyes that were slightly drooped, like a little lamb, docile and innocent.

Around the neck, layers of white retro neckwear are embedded with sapphires, which contrast with Astr's eyes.

On his body, he wears a dark blue double-breasted slim-fit jacket that is as deep and elegant as the night, and the pearl buttons surrounded by gold threads are like stars dotted in the night.

It's early autumn, the weather is crisp, and the temperature is comfortable. The lower body is the same set of dark blue shorts, and the white knee-high socks play a role in keeping warm.

Astr put on his cowhide boots, looked left and right, and came to the conclusion thatHe could rely on his face to make a living.

'Maybe I can get 2 or 3 beautiful girls. Nah, leave it. It's too early'.

'Thanks to my beautiful parents for giving me such a face that can make people put down their guard based on my appearance.

However, who would be wary of a sickly young man in a wheelchair? Right?' 

"Oh my god! Master, you are so beautiful!" the maid exclaimed, with little stars in her eyes and a slight blush on her cheeks.

She couldn't help but worry about whether such an innocent and ignorant young master, Astr, would be abducted by evil people.

'What if none of them were watching and the young master was tricked into leaving?What if there is a wretched person who wants to misbehave with the young master?

Young Master Astr is so weak and slender, he has no ability to protect himself when encountering vicious people!' Maid thought again and again, getting more and more worried without knowing her young master is the most dangerous person around with her companion.

This worry of Maid dissipated a lot when she saw that the guard captain, Ole, was also going out with them.

"Master, do you want to learn swordsmanship today or in the future?" Ole asked eagerly when he saw Anlos for the first time again.

Astr sat in a wheelchair and chuckled. "Of course, I will ask you for more advice in the future."

"Yes, I will definitely give you all my best advice." Ole breathed a sigh of relief because he wants to train this genius.

Even though he knew that the young master was unable to train yesterday because of physical soreness, he was still anxious, fearing that such a one-in-a-million talent would be too tired to practice.

Along the way out of the mansion, Astr felt what it meant to be surrounded by stars.

The exclamation spread from one end of the corridor to the other.

"Oh, my son, you are like an angel!" Noye's eyes lit up when he saw Astr, and he turned to the guard captain worriedly and said, "You must protect Astr and not let him get hurt at all!"

"Yes! My lord," the guard captain said solemnly.

For those who didn't know, they will think Astr is going on some kind of expedition or battle because of the guards and maids that were with him.

"Squeak--" The mahogany wood door slowly opened, and the sunlight poured in, shining on Astr's face.

What comes into view is a field of bright red roses and lush green grass.

The blue sky stretches endlessly above his head; it is clear and open, and the cool breeze caresses his cheeks and hair, making him feel relaxed and happy.

Large tracts of roses and carpet-like green grass swayed in the wind, filled with a light fragrance.

Quiet and peaceful, it's like arriving in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.