Principal Gabriel

The scream was so sudden and loud.

What's more, it came from the head of the alchemy department, Felix Radar, who is like a snake and a person who cold-bloodedly mocks other people even if their parents died in front of them.

Professor Keal was frightened and stood up. For a moment, he hesitated to speak, but "What, what's wrong? Sir"

Instructor Byron also suddenly jumped next to Felix, craning his neck to look at the list in his hand.

"The first is the Louis family guy; well, there is no doubt about it because every time there are people from this family, they are all No. 1. 

The second is... Astr Serene? That frail young son of the Serene family took the exam. And he clinched second place in one go?"

"Okay, this is indeed a bit surprising, because that kid has been bedridden since childhood. Is it possible that he is a genius? But..."

"Is it necessary to overreact this much over this, Felix? Is it possible that you know him?"

Instructor Byron observed the amusement without deeming it a significant matter, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. It's like reading "Gossip."

"Astr, sir, it's him." Professor Keal exclaimed in surprise, "He got second place! Oh my god, it is very good news. I told you he was a very good man."

"Like a kind and well-behaved... little gentleman..." Chubby The professor's voice became smaller and smaller.

He glanced at Felix's visage, so sullen it seemed almost drenched, and resumed his seat in silence.

"Oh, it looks like something is not good here."

Byron said while looking left and right with interest, he was also wondering what was going on: Can some kind person explain to this pitiful person what's going on now?"

Felix disregarded him, gripping the exam paper until it whitened in his grasp. His lips were tightly pursed, and his eyes seemed on the verge of igniting into flames.

'So, the guy who got the first multiple-choice question wrong ended up second, just behind Rafeal. How's this possible?' Felix felt his face burning.

"There must be something wrong with this guy... I think he answered wrong on purpose. A sinister voice escaped from his clenched molars: "To mock me... to mock the whole academy."

'Otherwise, why would this guy can't secure the top rank? I mean, if there is not a single mistake in the entire test paper, can he secure first place?

Rafeal, who is extremely talented, got two points deducted for the final essay topic.'

'So this guy is telling me examinee that Astral Academy exam is nothing if I want first I can come and if I don't want I will not answer properly.'

In anger, the more Felix thought about it, the more he realised that this was the case.

The head of the alchemy department's face was green and red, like an unripe tomato.

Paired with his hook-aquiline-like nose, he looks like the cunning villain in the story.

"I will see him later on, but fortunately, Rafeal Louis is here... Otherwise, if this guy with unknown origins really wins first place, the whole academy will probably be boiling." Felix murmured gloomily.

'Astr is such a good and kind boy; why doesn't Mr. Radar like him... Is it because the measuring tool happened to be broken in Astr's' hands? But that's definitely not Astr's' fault!'

Keal was very puzzled. It was clear that Astr was the only person besides the underground organisation who understood the results of his research.

"What exactly is happening? Can anyone please explain it to the poor instructor?"

Instructor Byron scratched his head in discomfort because he couldn't get anything to eat.

At this moment, a slight clicking sound came from the door. Suddenly, the three of them stopped and looked towards the door.

What caught their eye was a man sitting on a chair.

This chair was very tall and strange. Because its lower part is actually made of the four hooves of a white goat!

Strong and powerful, it walked in with a man on it. It looks as fresh as if it had just been chopped off from a goat.

The man who is using this unique chair leans on it casually and elegantly, with his silver hair falling like a waterfall.

Judging from his appearance alone, the man is about forty years old. There are two faint nasolabial folds at the corners of his smiling mouth. He has a very handsome appearance.

There seemed to be stars twinkling in a pair of silver eyes, gentle and profound.

"Principal Gabriel Hamlet...what are you doing here?"

Felix's brows suddenly tightened, and he felt a throbbing pain in his forehead.

One Astr is enough to give him a headache, so don't let the principal add another trouble now.

He gazed at Principal Gabriel's smiling countenance, and a sense of foreboding spontaneously welled up.

'Every time I meet this crooked principal, nothing good happens...I hope I am overthinking it.'

The silver-haired handsome man spoke; his voice was low and slightly hoarse, like a bottle of mellow red wine that has accumulated over the years. But it can be heard clearly.

"Can't I come if I have nothing to do? You are so stingy, Radar."


Instantly, the Alchemy Department's principal's forehead crumpled, with a vein bulging out.

'In this academy, if I had to find a guy that I couldn't deal with the most, it would be Principal Gabriel.'

The position of the principal has not changed since two hundred years ago, when the first principal died in the Great Patriotic War. At that time, his son, Gabriel Hamlet, returned from the distant Wizard's Tower and succeeded him as principal.

Principal Gabriel's appearance has not changed at all since Felix came to the school decades ago.

No one knows what level Principal Gabriel is at in wizarding.

'All I know is that since he took over, like a big hand pressing down, there is no trace of the Nightmare School or Nightmare Cult in the Leonis Empire.'

In terms of strength, Felix admired him. However, in terms of character...

"I observed the results, and there's a student this year who only got the first multiple-choice question wrong. Did he pick the option I provided? Come on, spill the beans~~"

Principal Gabriel struggled to extricate himself from the mutton chair. Leaning out from the middle, his silver hair tousled, yet he bore the appearance of a curious baby.

Felix: "..."


He sighed, and when facing the principal, he still had to compromise.

He rummaged through the pile of test papers, found the one belonging to Astr, and handed it to Gabriel.


The Principal of Astral Private Academy, Principal Gabriel Hamlet, narrowed his eyes, rubbed his chin with his hand, and reviewed the test paper.

It is perfect. Any teacher who sees this test paper will only come up with these two words.

There were no questions with fixed answers in advance, and even the free essay questions at the end are perfectly scored.

Regarding the few ungraded comments...

Astr's written words were mirrored in Principal Gabriel's silver eyes.

It appears it was penned down nonchalantly.

After a brief pause, he raised his head and, with a smile, uttered, "Let me see the first-place paper again."

With a sullen face, Felix took out Rafeal's' paper again and handed it to his principal.

After reviewing Rafeal's exam paper, Gabriel focused on comparing the final essay question with Astr's exam paper.

'Really, not a single mistake.'

Gabriel lowered his gaze, as if he had discovered an intriguing toy, and thought joyfully,

'The answer he came up with is different from the answer that I deduced people will give.'

What Astr wrote are all "correct answers".

[Question 1: What is the scientific name of the substance that the wizard absorbs through meditation?]

 [A. Mana]

[B. Elemental energy]

[C. Source of matter]

[D. Symphony of Phantom Ephemera]

'There has never been a candidate who got the first answer wrong in several years.'

Astr's answer is

The correct answer is - D. Symphony of Phantom Ephemera.

"Hahahah, hahaha, you got my complete attention, boy."