Astr Is not A Devil

Astr is not a devil after all. As a helpless human boy whose physical fitness is far below average, he also still feels hungry in the evening.


'My stomach has been making this squirming sound for a long time.'

Astr rubbed his sunken belly and touched his distinct ribs upward.

'This body is still too thin. It seems that no matter how much sword training I do, there is no effect; I didn't gain any muscle or fat in this whole month'.

"Wand in one hand, a one-handed sword, and full stamina—this is standard equipment for wizards, I think. So I will be good even with this  body" Astr muttered, making himself laugh.

The innocent smile on Astr's face made Canvasbane shudder with fear, but he also started to imagine some more things.

Canvasbane imagined for a moment that Astr's delicate face with this innocent smile is placed on a muscular body.

'Oops! It is double torture, both mental and physical, for me.'

{You must not lift the weights, master; I beg you please; you are already perfect now.} The Canvasbane said it with great sincerity.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

Astr rolled his eyes, failing to grasp the meaning behind the utterances of the Canvasbane with a different thought circuit than ordinary people.

Feelings of hunger are getting stronger and stronger, which is not a good thing for the body because when your body wants nutrients, you should give them. So Astr decided to ignore Canvasbane and decided to go out.

'Why didn't Maid come in the room to check on me? Should I use the bell to call them? Nah, let's go with courage.'

"Huh..." Astr came out of bed,  held the door handle, and took a deep breath to be mentally prepared.

"Click." He pushed open the door with all his strength.

When Astr's white head poked out of the door, it was as if equipped with a radar and eagle eye detection. The eyes of the surrounding servants were fixed on him.

They swarmed him like ants.

"Master Astr""Congratulations! Master Astr.""Master Astr, you are our pride."

"Don't come over here." Astr's cheeks turned red. He covered his ears and sprinted away from these "eccentric" servants as fast as he could in his life.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is like fans meeting a celebrity.

Whenever and wherever Astr appears in the mansion, he will receive hot looks that can burn his face and unbearable compliments.

The Canvasbane was surprised to see Astr again like this{You devil, you are actually very shy }

Astr: "..."

'You know nothing; I can deal with people, but I can't take compliments and congratulations, even though I was a gaming streamer in my previous life. Who are you calling the devil'

Astr had a lot of thoughts, but he didn't say anything. Now Astr had only one thought, and that was the dining room.

'I would have been good if I had called Maid, but like this, my fear will go away because in the future I am going to get more famous,'Astr  thought while running with a sinister smile.

The dining room of the Serene family is still peaceful and warm. The crackling fire emits an orange-red light, giving it a sense of warmth that cannot be matched by electric heating.

"Astr!" Seeing Astr was coming while panting, Noye's eyes lit up, and he quickly stood up and helped Astr sit on the chair. There was a strange kind of kindness on his face.

'It's no wonder that they responded like this. After all, Astr got full marks in the Astral Academy entrance exam, which is the biggest academy in the Empire where all people want to study but can't get in. And Astr really made history there.'

Noye reminisced about not believing Astr earlier, feeling an intense desire to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

He couldn't help but say apologetically, "You have clearly demonstrated your boundless potential in swordsmanship. Yet, I didn't believe in you. Only the sapling itself can truly understand how deeply its roots are anchored in the soil. And now I understand."

Astr coughed twice, waved his hand, and said casually "It's okay, father; you will get used to it in the future."

Noye: "..."

'There will be more surprises like this in the future.' His ice-blue eyes, identical to Astr's, were filled with moisture, rippling and moist like a lake.

'Anna, our son has become the pride of our family' Noye stared at the portrait of the woman hanging in the centre of the corridor. He took a deep breath after staring at it for some time and calmed himself down.

'Now, the outside world only knows that Astr, a little-known dark horse, defeated Louis Family Young Master and became the first perfect score winner in history.

If people were to know that Astr had achieved these results in less than a month of study, then I am afraid even the royal family would be alarmed.'

"I will never question your choice again, Astr; I promise this to you today." Noye said seriously and solemnly, "I have seen how much unimaginable potential you have. I will be your solid backing."

"Thank you so much, father. I will never disappoint you." Astr nodded helplessly, but his eyes curled up unconsciously.

"So, can you allow me to frame the report card that is written by the principal himself?"

 "No, OK" Amid the laughter, the father and son enjoyed their dinner peacefully.


Three days later,


The low and melodious bell rang, resonating through the night. The bright crescent moon cast a pale yellow glow on the curved eaves of the buildings, creating a cool and tranquil atmosphere.

The tall street lamp illuminated the statue of Princess Astral's beautiful and sassy grey-white face, lengthening the shadows beneath it.

It's 12 o'clock in the night now.

Monument Square.

The joint practical examinations of Astral Private Academy, the Wizard Department, and the Knight Department are about to begin.

In front, Byron Richard, the instructor of the Knight Academy and the practical examination examiner, leaped left and right, scanning among the candidates. Yet he couldn't locate the distinctive white head. He is searching for Astr because of what he did to Felix and in the exam.

Byron couldn't help but feel a little anxious. If Astr Serene, the first perfect scorer in history, did not appear before the exam bell rang, he would be directly disqualified from the exam.

At this moment, Byron's eyes suddenly lit up, and his vision focused on one place. At almost the same time, the candidates heard the sound of horse hooves coming from far away, and they turned to look.

A tall and white horse with a gorgeous and spacious carriage along with it stopped in front of the candidates.

The carriage door opened, and a dainty little leather boot extended, touching the ground precisely as the last bell struck at twelve o'clock, indicating the start of the exam.


The candidates were completely dumbfounded. They stared dumbfoundedly at the white-haired boy who stepped out of the carriage just after he did it, and they all had the same thought

'This is fucking cool...'

"Phew~" Instructor Byron couldn't help but whistle excitedly.

At the forefront of the candidates, Rafeal Louis fixed his iconic amber eyes on the slender figure and, through gritted teeth, uttered his name: "Astr Serene!"

Veins popped out from Rafeal Louis' tense arm muscles, and his clenched fists caused nails to dig deep into the flesh.

'It was him, this guy, who used some despicable means to steal my glory. He also made me a laughing stock in the entire Leonis Empire'

All the things Rafeal boasted about were like slaps in his own face. Ever since the results were issued, Rafeal didn't even dare leave his room.

"You, you despicable usurper..." Rafeal's back molars grinded loudly, and his right hand couldn't help but press on the sword at his waist.

Astr straightened his light, dark blue suit, raised his head, and squinted at Rafeal.He sincerely asked with a smile on his face.

"Excuse me, but who are you?"

The moment these words fell, the anger on Rafeal's face froze, like solidified grease.


There was deathly silence in the entire square; no one spoke.

"Pfft." In this silence, Instructor Byron's laughter, which was heard clearly by everyone, felt so harsh.

"Sorry, sorry, cough." Byron, facing the candidates' stares, waved his hand and gestured forward. "But take a look at Rafeal's expression; I can't help."


Even without the Byron reminder, the candidates had already seen it.

'Yes, we all saw it. It's just that we didn't dare to react.'

They all saw that Rafeal's originally handsome face had become as green and twisted as a crushed tomato due to extreme anger and shame.

It looks really ugly.