I am Weak And Pitiful

After a while, Rafeal raised his head and looked at Astr in confusion: "Then, what should we do?"

"It's very simple," Astr chuckled. "Of course we take advantage of the perfect opportunity to enter it's hideout, kill monsters, and level up. That's it."

'Enter the hideout? Kill monsters? Levelling up? Are you fucking serious?'

A series of questions suddenly appeared in Rafeal's mind after hearing Astr, and he became more frightened.

Before he could figure it out, he saw Astr jumping off the canvasbane. He spun around, drew out the thin sword from his waist, and suddenly hit the trunk of the tree.


Suddenly, dark brown paint sprayed out and splashed on the white snow.

The next second, a sharp roar shot up from above.

Rafeal looked up in horror and saw the oil painting of an old woman on the tree. She got out with an angry expression on her face from the portrait.

The ravines were as ugly as crumpled rags, indicating her extreme anger.

"You, what are you doing?" Rafeal screamed at Astr, and his eyes widened with more fear.

Rafeal was stunned for just a second.

'Why did I suddenly enter this battle?'

"Of course I am going to kill monsters." Astr said it as a matter of fact.

However, he only struck out with one sword. After summoning the [Portrait] monster, he stepped aside, leaving the battlefield to his portrait, The Canvasbane.

Astr has already experimented. The skill [Soul Thread] can feed the experience gained by the Canvasbane back to him.

It's equivalent to unilateral team formation.It can be said that Astr is very capitalist.

{ You are so ugly thatI will tear that face off! }"Anna," or Canvasbane, roared excitedly and bloodthirstyly, stretching out her pale and thin arms. She tore open the face of the old woman in the oil painting with one claw.

[Ah ah ah ah!]

Listening to the beautiful screams, "Anna" felt that the paint all over her body was flowing comfortably.

The emotions that had been oppressed by Astr for a long time were finally released in this fight, showing the violent inner side of a nightmare monster.

One after another, the portraits were suddenly awakened, roaring and stretching out their upper bodies, crawling down from trees like spiders, and rushing towards "Anna".

The snow was flying, rising like white sand, and was splashed with puddles of mixed, dirty paint.

Looking at "Anna"'s crazy appearance, Rafeal felt a chill coming from the bottom of his heart.

And Astr, who could make such a monster obedient, made him dare not think too deeply.

"Why are you still standing there?" The soft voice that can scare Shitless sounded at this moment. Rafeal shuddered suddenly and looked at Astr in fear.

"There are more and more monsters. Quickly draw your sword and fight. I am not in good health and have no strength. And I am not your nanny either."

After the words fell, the portrait of "Anna," who was fighting, suddenly staggered, and her face was scratched by a claw.

Regardless of the pain, it stared at the delicate Astr in disbelief and slowly asked a question.

'Master, why don't you listen to what I am saying? I can finish them off.'

Rafeal suddenly understood, looking at the scene in front of him with another delusion.

' Yes, I think Astr's power probably comes from this terrifying portrait. He himself has no abilities.'

Rafeal felt his confidence return vaguely.

With a crashing sound, he pulled out the steel sword, shouted loudly, and with all his strength, he swung the steel sword towards the oil painting of a woman who was rushing towards him.

Then it was just an empty shot.


Rafeal threw himself directly into the snow and tried to dodge the upcoming attack on Portrait.


A slight sigh passed through the chaotic roars around Rafeal and reached Rafeal's ears.

He hurriedly raised his head. He looked back, and what he saw was the picture of Astr, who was "in poor health", decapitating a woman in an oil painting with a sword.

The white-haired boy's face was pale, his cheeks were red from the cold, and his wrist was so slender that it was doubtful whether he had enough strength to lift the sword.

However, with this kind of wrist, he wielded a shining silver sword with heart-stopping sharpness. He slashed the portrait with just one move.

[Ah ah ah ah ah!]

Accompanied by a shrill scream, the beautiful head of the woman in the oil painting flew out.

The long brown hair flew in the air, and they fell into the snow with a thud, flowing out large swaths of paint.

Anger distorted his beautiful face, but Astr, who has always been kind and would not give his enemies too many opportunities to experience negative emotions,

With a flip of his wrist, the thin, long sword flew through the air like a flying swallow, splitting the headless body in two.

Even the canvas underneath was torn, and after that, there was no chance of survival.

Like Astr confirmed in the next second, the separated head and body suddenly collapsed. They melted, turning into pools of paint that stained the snow.

Rafeal: "...?"


'It seems there is definitely something wrong'

Immediately afterwards, Rafeal saw at a glance that another oil painting was climbing down the tree trunk behind Astr.

'If he can, then I can. Let's try again.'

"Be careful!" Rafeal shouted, and he hurriedly got up with his sword.

As soon as he took a step, Astr turned sideways, and the sharp claws of the oil painting scratched his clothes. It was just a little bit close, but it was still not caught.

Immediately afterwards, Aste raised his sword lightly, and the blade slid along the oil painting that could not restrain its inertia.


A long crack appeared on the extremely beautiful oil painting, like a scar.

"I am weak." Astr said, raising his hand to cut off the painting's head.

"I'm pitiful and helpless." Astr said, piercing the canvas with his sword while wailing miserably.

"So..." Astr flicked the blade, and thick paint splashed onto the snow.

Astr complained in distress: "Can you please fucking stop disturbing my rest?"

There was silence all around. The river of dirty paint and broken frames almost melted the snow.

Rafeal: "..."

At this moment, he felt that he was a complete idiot standing there blankly holding up his sword.

'Do you call this weak, pitiful, and helpless?Do you call this a physical weakness or an extreme weakness?Now the oil painting monster must be avenged even if he dies.'

Rafeal looked at his broken limbs that were broken while becoming a hero, and he remained on the ground. He almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

'What kind of monster did I provoke?'

Now, Rafeal knew why Astr was able to conquer that terrifying portrait.

Because Astr is scarier than the portrait.

"I'm so tired." Astr pursed his lips and glanced at the canvas. The Canvasbane immediately came over and helped Anlos sit on her.


Rafeal looked at Astr with an indescribably strong feeling, as if he had eaten a fly but couldn't spit it out.

[Defeated the portrait of the Oak Banshee of the Forest;get exp 6]

[Experience bonus for killing nightmare creature by the "Anna" Canvasbane]

[Earned a total of 35 experience points.]

'It is very nice.'

Astr nodded with satisfaction.

It was much more experience than Astr had gained from swiping mobs for a week in his nightmare.

'This place is really good for harvesting experience points'

Astr was even a little reluctant to leave this place.

But at this same time, Astr's health dropped to 43%, and he was exhausted.

"Now, what are we going to do?" Rafeal asked cautiously.

Astr closed his eyes and whispered one word: "Rest."

'...Okay. Those who don't know any better will think that they are here for camping.'

Rafeal could not enjoy the attentive service of the Canvasbane. He could only squat on the stone miserably, exhaling and rubbing his hands. He was waiting anxiously.

Astr took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, skillfully conjuring up a picture of a fisherman in his mind. With the flick of the fishhook, his senses immediately unfolded.

Meditating in the dream space of a nightmare that does not belong to you is actually very dangerous.

But Astr couldn't help but want to try it.

A large amount of elemental energy—Symphony of Phantom Ephemera—gathered in the air, and with sufficient nutrients, they crowded together like sardines. And Astr, the "shark" eating at the buffet, had a rapid increase in health.

In the distance, a majestic and terrifying energy shot straight into the sky like a chasm.

Even though he was just "looking" from a distance, Astr felt a palpitation and fear in his heart, and his whole body felt numb.

Suddenly, a pair of eyes opened in the void.

The amber-like pupils that looked like they had accumulated wisdom over thousands of years reflected Astr's insignificant figure.

"Ah ah ah!" In an instant, Astr suddenly came out of his meditation.

'My brain is tingling like needles'

And in an instant, Astr's whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

[Erosion increased by 30%]

Astr almost went crazy just by a glance at those amber eyes.

"Huff...huff..." Astr breathed heavily to calm his heartbeat.

After a while, he lowered his head to look at the Canvasbane and said it in a homely tone

"Hey, I seem to have seen your former master."