

The jagged arm descended like an iron cone from mid-air, causing the snow to erupt, forming a rising white wall.

[Shameless vile human beings! I will ravage you to death! ]

The oak banshee of the forest roared crazily and angrily, opening her large black mouths with countless faces, and the sharp flute sound made Rafeal fall to the ground in pain.

"Really? That's what I'm looking forward to."

Astr licked the corners of his mouth, ignoring the blood flowing from his ears.

He lightly and skillfully dodged the fist that hit like a meteorite, and then he swung his sharp sword at the wrist of the forest banshee.


The sharp sword blade cut through the linen canvas-like skin, leaving a deep crack.

The scarlet paint spurted out and splashed all over Astr's head and face, immediately adding blood to his fair and delicate face.

[Ah ah ah ah! How dare you, how dare you hurt my beautiful skin! You are a vile human being. I will tear you in pieces.]

The banshee of the forest was furious. Her countless arms smashed at Astr frantically, leaving deep pits one after another in the snow.

This scene was reflected in Rafeal's eyes, scaring him sh*tless, and he started crawling behind desperately.

It was so shocking and terrifying that it is simply not something that humans can fight against.

"My choice was not wrong...what wrong is Astr? He is the stupid one...who actually wanted to fight against this kind of monster with his mere weak human body."

Rafeal muttered to himself. He tried to convince himself and looked ahead.

This glance made him stay where he was.

What caught his eye was Astr's delicate figure, flying through the snow and fog like a flying swallow.

The originally shining silver steel sword was now stained with scarlet pigment, and it became extremely evil.

No, not just swords. Astr's whole body was like a blood-devouring, ferocious beast with primitive instincts that had been aroused. He roared, hissing and biting his enemy with great excitement.

It's as if his enemy is not a twisted monster beyond common sense but merely his prey.

Rafeal was stunned to see this scene.

'Why is Astr becoming so crazy and so brave? You know, if he makes one mistake, he will be smashed into pieces.' Rafeal was puzzled.

He subconsciously took a step back, and he bumped into a hard object. It's a wooden picture frame.


At this moment, the blood all over Rafeal's body solidified in an instant. His eyes moved upward stiffly and slowly, and what he saw was the beautiful and ferocious smile in the portrait of Canvasbane.



[Little mouse, you only know how to hide, huh?]

Another punch came in the air, and the Oak Banshee screamed sharply, roaring towards Astr.

She originally thought that to deal with this little bug, she would just clap her hands casually.

But she didn't expect that the human being in front of her would be so difficult to deal with.

'Every time, without fail, he defeated my attacks with incomparable precision, just as skillfully as he had dodged countless times.'

It also left unbearable, ugly cracks on Oak Banshee's flawless skin.

[Ah ah ah ah!]

The scream of the flute went straight into the sky, and the snow fell one after another, like a white sandstorm. The oak banshee in the forest smashed several big hands together, causing the ground to shake.

This time, in the rising snow and mist, she didn't see the figure jumping around that she wanted to see.

'Alas! Did I win? I wanted to see him screaming, '

The oak banshee of the forest was immediately overjoyed, but there was also regret on her face.

At this time, a voice as gentle as a spring breeze came to her ears.


Astr's beautiful face, splattered with blood spots, was reflected in the eyes of an Oak Banshee looking at her. His eyes were like looking at a delicious dessert. For some reason, the oak banshee shuddered violently.

The next second, a sharp sword soaked in red paint quickly magnified in her sight without giving her time.

[Ah ah ah ah!]

Astr fiercely inserted the sword into the body of the Oak Banshee, using the gravity of his own fall to cut long cracks on each face.


The scarlet paint almost poured onto him, sticking to his white hair and flowing down from the corners of his eyes.


Astr fell to the ground, staggered twice, and fell on the dyed red snow.

"Hoo, ho, ho—"

Astr gasped; he felt that his lungs hurt like fire, and his whole body was sore and swollen.

Although Astr was not injured, the arm holding the sword was trembling.

'The health value has dropped to 32%. I have also reached my limit. Tsk, this body is really weak.


If others knew that Astr used this "weak" body to drive a Nightmare BOSS crazy,

They will definitely become crazy and even name him and report him as a hacker.

Astr looked at the huge and ugly Oak Banshee, and he knew where to hide just by waving his arms. However, this time, Astr couldn't even lift his legs.

'There is no way to escape from this now.'Astr thought calmly.

He instantly raised his sword and pointed it straight at the palm that was coming towards him.

"The tip of the sword should be pointed at the opponent's throat or chest." For some reason, the words of Captain Ole came to my mind.

"But the oak banshee of the forest has no chest." Astr sighed.

The next second, the flying snowflakes were like a speeding train, drowning him.

Glittering drops of blood splashed in the air, and the huge impact caused the sharp sword to insert into Astr's abdomen upside down.


Astr's body rolled down into the snow, the sword raised high like an unbroken flag, bright red as roses, blooming beside him.

'...died? He died! This time, for sure, he died.'

The Oak Banshee immediately grinned and laughed wildly.

[Hahaha! Finally, dead! Died with just one palm. Human beings are indeed such fragile creatures.]

[Ha ha ha ha!]

At this moment, a weak and miserable cry for help came into her ears.

"Help me... Please help me...!"

The oak banshee of the forest stopped laughing and looked down.


Rafeal Louis crumpled onto the ground, his form ensnared by the slimy portrait of Canvasbane. It was as if he had sunk into a quagmire of paint, with the grotesque canvas devouring most of his body. The lower half disappeared into the engulfing depths of the artwork.

A gloomy murmur overflowed from the melting mouth of the canvass, which she wrapped in strong resentment.

{Cowardly humans, betraying their kind, abandoning companions... Do you truly believe survival is within reach?}

The oak banshee of the forest looked down at the canvasbane with disdain.

[Are you avenging that cute boy it's disgusting. ]


The Canvasbane was silent for a long time and then said it viciously.

{I can do whatever I want; none of your business.}

[Haha, you are a weak and lowly person, not even qualified to be my nourishment... But you can't devour my prey, you know]

Countless skinny arms, like wings, stretched out from the back of the oak banshee of the forest, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Only when you see this scene directly with your eyes will you be able to feel how overwhelming the pressure is. It makes you unable to resist.

"Help me!" Rafeal, who was about to be swallowed by the canvasbane, screamed desperately at the oak banshee of the forest.

"Didn't you say that when there is only one person left, you can let that person go?"

"Now I am the only one alive, so please save me quickly and let me return to reality!"

Hearing this, the oak banshee of the forest stopped moving and blinked countless pairs of eyes.

Then, she suddenly grinned with a wicked smile.

[Sorry, I don't want you to let go.]


In an instant, the hope in Rafeal's eyes was shattered, and his face turned gloomy for a moment.

'It's over.'

At this moment, the noble youngest son of the No. 1 family of the Leonis Empire, Rafeal Louis, only had these two simple words in his mind.

The oak banshee of the forest was condescending, looking down at the two weak ants in front of her. The saliva left on her body made the musky smell grow stronger.

She slowly leaned down, opened her big mouth, and swallowed Rafeal and the Canvasbane from mid-air like a black hole.

The Canvasbane didn't resist because she knew she couldn't defeat it.

'This must be the fate of the betrayer...'

Rafeal closed his eyes and looked at Astr, who fell not far away.

'See you in the Underworld, my hateful little master—wait, where is that human being?' The swirling eyes of the Canvasbane suddenly widened.

Then she suddenly looked at the oak bushes in the forest, and an unbelievable surprise rose from her heart.

'Is it possible——? '

At this time, the Oak Banshee of the forest suddenly felt pain all over her body.

This pain was almost imperceptible, but an extremely uncomfortable feeling swept through the whole body very quickly.

[Um? ]

The oak banshee of the forest rolled her eyes. She saw the white-haired boy, who was supposed to be dead, standing over her.


Astr Serene grinned, revealing his sharp white teeth, and from the deepest part of his crooked blood-red eyes, an intertwined pitch-black light shot out.

In his hand, he was holding a potion tube that was completely empty with some remains of dark purple liquid.

[Soul Thread Portrait Fusion Skill]

[Inferno Resurgence]

[Description: Life is like fire, burning fiercely.]

[Effect: When the health value is cleared completely, the erosion rate will be temporarily increased to avoid death. It lasts for 13 seconds with little bit increase in health leaving after the skill is over.]