Rafeal Went Offline

Astr studied the broken banana heart in his hand, feeling its cold and round touch.

After a long while, Astr slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"It is so beautiful..."

Astr murmured, taking a deep breath and smelling the fragrance, which made him salivate wildly.

"Ah, wu -"

Astr opened his mouth and took a bite, making a clicking sound. His neat white teeth did not leave any marks on the heart, but instead he was hit hard.

"It hurts..."

Astr frowned aggrievedly and muttered, "So I can't eat..." 

"But... I'm so hungry."

Astr turned his head, his eyes turning slowly like the full moon, looking at Rafeal and the Canvasbane entangled not far away.

Ice blue paint dripped down his cheeks and from the corners of his mouth.

Rafeal and the Canvasbane shuddered together.

Astr stared at them as if he were staring at a delicious dessert.

"You don't come here!" Rafeal struggled desperately; he cried and tried to move his legs back.

He couldn't believe that Astr actually killed a high-level nightmare creature single-handedly.

'If I were a formal wizard, I might still be called a "genius".'

But standing in front of Rafeal was just a 14-year-old sick boy who had not even officially entered Astral.

He is far beyond the category of "genius"; he can only be described as a "monster".

Now that the oak banshee of the forest has died, Rafeal's fear has now transferred towards Astr.

But Rafeal still suspects a little bit that this is all an illusion.

And when he wishes that this is a dream, and when he wakes up, he will still be the lofty genius who was admitted to Astral with the first place in the exam, Rafeal Louis.

Instead of being stained with vomit and paint, dirty, embarrassed, and unable to do anything, waste

"Crunch, crunch."

Astr held the sword with a cute smile on his blood-stained face and walked towards them step by step, like a cruel butcher.

"You don't come here... I am Rafeal, your  companion. But his smile stopped halfway.

Rafeal trembled, and after meeting those emotionless ice-blue eyes, he felt a small hope in his heart was broken.

He turned his head suddenly and shouted to the Canvasbane.

"You don't want to be killed by that lunatic, right? Let's join hands and kill him!"

There was a fierce look in his eyes. The more he spoke, the more he felt that this was a good idea.

"While that lunatic killed that Oak Banshee, and now he is weak, let's kill him together."

The Canvasbane looked at Rafeal with an unknown meaning and said slowly

{Then, after you kill him, you will return to reality; what about me?" }

Rafeal was stunned for a moment; his eyes flickered. "You—just follow me. Our Louis family will keep you safe."

He was just talking nonsense. When a nightmare creature appears in front of humans, the only result is death. All the way down, though.

Rafeal felt that the IQ of this nightmare creature was not very high. She can follow Astr, so why not him?

'She can definitely be deceived.'

Canvasbane looked at Rafeal, who looked like a fool, and said,{What you said makes sense...}

Rafeal was secretly delighted. "Right, yes, I am right."

{But I refuse. }

Rafeal: "..."

He was stunned, and this extremely familiar sentence hit him in the face like a slap in the face.

The next second, thick and dirty paint rushed into Rafeal's mouth and nose.

Rafeal's eyes widened instantly, like his eyes were about to burst.

{do you know? } The eerie and hoarse voice of the Canvasbane flowed into Rafeal's ears.{The biggest difference between you and Aste is that you are nothing without your family.}

{And Astr makes his family proud on his own.}

" Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"   Rafeal regretted it.

' I could swear to the gods that I would never betray Astr again, and I could even bow down or even kneel to Astr, just to get a chance of survival. '

Now Rafeal feels like this. However, when that opportunity appeared in front of him, he did not seize it.He made the wrong choice and will pay with his life for it.

The paint poured into his mouth, nose, ear canals, and eyes, shattering his internal organs and infecting him from the inside out.

From then on, Rafeal Louis disappeared from the world.


A silver light flashed, and a line of blood burst out from "Rafeal"'s neck.

However, what flowed out was not blood. Although it looked similar, Astr recognised it at a glance as red paint.


Astr tilted his head, showing a confused and curious expression. He saw "Rafeal" raising his head stiffly, with a flattering and ugly smile twitching on his handsome face.

"Yes, cough* it's me, Your faithful Canvasbane, Master Astr."

A jerky voice came out of "Rafeal"'s mouth, as unclear as a person who hadn't spoken for a long time. He put his palms on the ground and staggered up from the ground.

As soon as the ground cleared, Astr's sword blade was placed on "Rafeal"'s neck.

The sword wrapped in the aura of a nightmare made "Rafeal"'s hair stand on end, but he still tried his best to control himself and looked at Astr fawningly.

Astr stared at "Rafeal"'s face, frowned, and thought in confusion.

This flattering and disgusting smile seemed a bit familiar. While hesitating, he just heard a sound.


"Rafeal" suddenly knelt down, hugged his legs, and said it with a flattering smile.

"You must be tired, master, Come and let me squeeze your legs~ My great master, you actually killed that bitch, Son; you are so powerful and so admirable to me."

Astr: "..."

'I can't be any wrong. Only the Canvasbane can achieve this inhuman licking energy.  The feeling of chill directly suppressed

Astr's excitement, allowing him to regain some consciousness.

"You swallowed Rafeal..." Astr said hoarsely in the eyes of the Canvasbane that lit up, "You really know how to seize the opportunity."

Rafeal's death did not stir up anything in Astr's heart. After all, this was the result of his own choices. He himself was going to do it because he knew more secrets.

"Yes, I have always liked this face... Now I can finally have  it."Rafeal grinned and stroked his face lovingly.

Astr looked at the scene and said, "You look like the Oak Banshee."You are worthy of being from the same origin."

Rafeal: "..."

'I still prefer the crazy and silent Astr'

Astr consciousness returned, and immediately afterwards, he got hit by severe pain and exhaustion; they came like a tide, drowning Astr.

Astr's body suddenly fell over and was hurriedly caught by Rafeal.

'He is so light.' Only with a human body did the Canvasbane realise how weak Astr's body was. He can feel the jagged ribs through your clothes.

'... Was it really this person with such a weak body who killed the Lord of the Snow Forest?'

"Rafeal" couldn't help but wonder.

'Even though he was using that disgusting potion to drive the Banshee crazy and mutilate her,

But even if someone else holds that potion, they may not even have a chance to get close to the Banshee before they get smashed into pieces.  

Moreover, the ability to resurrect from the dead gave the Canvasbane a familiar feeling.

'Alas, who are you, Astr Serene? Fortunately, I hugged his thighs early on. Hehe~'

Now Canvasbane completely forgets about what happened before. Where he was strong-willed but with a cowardly nature, he would have never surrendered.