Third Place

Under the light, the bright red colour of the sword in the glass cabinet was reflected in everyone's eyes, dazzling and full of confusion.

One after another, students stood up and walked onto the podium, trying to pull out this "sword in the stone" and prove their identity as the proud man of heaven.

However, without exception, they all failed. Holding it for half a second seemed an impossible feat, and merely lasting five seconds without stumbling would earn the admiration of everyone.

Astr frowned slightly and smelled the growing restlessness in the air. Suddenly, he saw that nightmare space had started infecting reality.

As the speed of the nightmare started increasing, the crack slowly widened. Now, even without holding the hilt of the sword, Astr could feel a chill spreading along his exposed skin.

Fortunately, the "trash" principal who was watching the show stopped in time before causing widespread chaos.

"Papa." Gabriel raised his hand and patted it twice.

Immediately, a force far more powerful than the nightmare came out, instantly soothing the students' bewitched hearts and restoring their consciousness.

"Eh? What I just did"

"I didn't want to come up and try. After all, I was driving in reverse."

"I feel like my head hurts. Vomit."

The students who woke up were both panicked and curious. They looked at the scarlet sword in the glass display case with awe in their hearts. This is the sword that killed the nightmare monster. It's so terrifying.

However, when they thought about who the user of this sword was, they became awkward again.

Astr Serene. In just one month, this name became familiar to everyone.

They glanced at the figure sitting on the wheelchair, and their eyes traced the boy's white and fluffy curly hair, his beautiful cheeks, and his slender body.

It seems that Astr is more suitable to stay in the greenhouse, pampered and carefully cared for. Rather than holding a sharp sword to cut off the weird,

Astr Serene is like a piece of jade that had been unknown for more than ten years and suddenly emitted a dazzling light. Everyone is speculating and wanting to discover how much strength he has hidden.

[First in all subjects] This is a naked declaration of war. Astr Serene aims to etch his name into everyone's hearts.

He wants to become the "king" of Astral, and they are only qualified to worship him.

Countless students clenched their fists.

Astr was like this scarlet sword. He recognized the danger but couldn't resist the urge to tame it, driven by the desire to prove himself.

Just when the commotion finally subsided, Principal Gabriel, the troublemaker, spoke again.

"By the way, our fourth place and all those below came on stage to try it out."

"But the third place after Astr and Rafeal I haven't seen, so third place would you like to come on the stage~"

As soon as these words came out, the auditorium suddenly fell silent. Students looked at each other, and the atmosphere became weird.


what happened?

Who is third?

Astr's curiosity was piqued. He opened his icy-blue eyes, craned his neck, and peeked into the seat. After several seconds of eerie silence, a tall figure slowly rose from the far back corner. ——Ah, it's her.

Astr suddenly realized. It was the straight, dark-haired girl who sat next to him during the written examination and had a connection with him.

If Principal Gabriel said so, she should be in third place, just behind Astr and Canvasbane Rafeal, who are not in the same league. Fully qualified to sit in the front row.

However, she emerged from her little corner, in the shadows.

The other students looked at her with complicated eyes. The admiration for the appearance was mixed with disgust and rejection.

The tall girl stood on the podium, her long black hair as smooth as brocade spread around her waist, covering her dark red school uniform like a mourning dress.

That pale and unchanging face is like an exquisite ice sculpture, exuding cold air and keeping people thousands of miles away.

"This beautiful lady is Ellara, our third place." Principal Gabriel was introduced.

'Ellara? No family name?'

However, Astr's concern deepened because he had a vague sense of familiarity with this name, indicating that this person had appeared in the game.

But the strange thing is that Astr has no impression of her beautiful and cold face.

'This means that this girl not only changed her appearance in the future but also gave up her name.'

While he was thinking about it, Astr saw that this girl, who was as tall and slender as a willow, started shaking again, causing a blurry effect. Just like the written exam.


Astr couldn't help but laugh out loud. He thought this long, straight, black-haired girl was pretty and interesting.

"Are you still shy, little Ella? Come on and show us your  strength."Principal Gabriel said

If the man hadn't been so handsome, the Knights of the Eternal Burning Sun would have arrested him and purified him for being greasy.

Hearing the principal's urging, Ellara trembled even more seriously under the countless direct gazes.

Astr could almost hear her teeth chattering.

'Don't be afraid; don't be afraid. It's just a tattered sword, no big deal.'

Astr bent his eyes and lightly hooked his fingertips on the armrest. Suddenly, a force like a breeze spread from his fingertips to the long, straight black girl's hands.

Like a considerate gentleman, he gently led her forward.


Ellara's eyes trembled slightly. She didn't resist, and she allowed the force to drive her. She slowly and slowly moved her stiff and sluggish legs.

Although the first step was a little awkward, she finally started walking towards the Scarlet Sword and finally stood in front of it.

At this point, Astr could no longer help her.

'I hope she doesn't hit her head when she faints, since she is so tall.' Astr thought.

He observed the black-haired girl, now wearing her school uniform like mourning attire, as she slowly gripped the hilt of the sword.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Astr's eyes gradually widened.

In the auditorium, the whispers gradually disappeared and became silent. Half a minute passed.

The third-ranked student in the school, named Ellara, calmly let go of the hilt of her sword.

The tall figure stood on the podium as usual. Suddenly, the Canvasbane Rafeal on the side frowned.

'I don't know why; just at that moment, I felt a dark aura that was much more terrifying than Oak Banshee'

'or it was some kind of illusion' But Rafeal still didn't think about Illusion. So Rafeal glanced at Astr.

As expected, Astr, whose senses were more acute than his, he also frowned at this time.

The slender sword soaked in red paint contains the Aura of Astr's nightmare and it is inextricably linked to him.

The moment the girl with black hair reaching her waist took hold of the sword, Astr felt a heat as hot as lava, burning up his toes.

As if facing the sun at close range, all the water evaporates instantly, burning the body into charcoal and ashes. The feeling was fleeting.


Astr bit his lower lip, and a few suppressed chuckles escaped from the gap between his grinning lips.

The Wizard Apprentice of the Forbidden School, the young master of the first family who is replaced by a nightmare Creature, and an ice girl who is as hot as the scorching sun...

'This Is the generation of them is really a sleeping dragon and a phoenix.'

Astr glanced sideways at Principal Gabriel and saw the same expectant smile on the face of this handsome middle-aged man.

The principal also fucking honest Astr can see from his smile. Because there was crooked smile of Dragon King on his face.(if you don't know Crooked smile of Dragon King than go and read face slapping urban Cultivation Manhua)

After letting go of the sword, the girl with long black hair seemed to turn a blind eye to the dead atmosphere in the auditorium.

She stepped off the stage with her long legs and walked towards her seat in a small, dark corner.


On both sides, the students gave her surprised looks. Ellara's expression did not change, but her pace quickened a bit.

"When she and Astr stand together, they might really match with each other."

A whisper came, and the black-haired girl's eyes, as cold as ice, trembled imperceptibly.

'the situation has became complicated'

Another student agreed and joked, "Why can't the three of us be together? Astr is petite, so it must be very comfortable to  hold."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a chill. Her gaze pierced and her body is like clusters of ice.

She turned her head quickly, but only saw a slender and tall figure walking past. Her black hair, as smooth as silk, swayed from side to side as she walked.

The cold sight that made her heart beat fast disappeared again. It seemed like it was just his illusion.


The student scratched her head in confusion and turned his gaze back.

What she didn't know was

Tonight, she will have a nightmare of being burned.


Principal Gabriel clapped his hands twice to call the students' attention. After the good show was over, he had a look of satisfaction and unfulfilled interest on his face. This is the happiest time of his life.

"This year, our Academy is really full of talents," Principal Gabriel said with a smile.

"Astr, Rafeal, Ellara, and all of you sitting here."

"It seems like you've observed a pattern where, in the initial years, things were dull, but eventually now, there's a surge of geniuses.

The idea of a special attraction between geniuses could add an intriguing element to your observations. Perhaps explore the concept of brilliance inspiring and drawing in like-minded individuals in your narrative."

"As you embark on your first year at Astral Academy tomorrow, remember the significance of your studies. Just like nurturing seedlings requires essential care, cultivating your mind with basic knowledge is crucial for your growth."

"What I want to say is, While focusing on studies, please don't forget to fully enjoy your own youth because these are the only times when we can be free.."

"The student union that governs the college, the Silver Oak Wizard Organisation, the Clock Heart Alchemy Association, etc. will definitely keep you busy and give you no time to be bored during your three years of campus life."

After a few words from principal,The students became very excited. A pair of sparkling eyes, as if they can't wait for school to start now.

Astr couldn't help but be moved by the contrast. His previous high school life, a monotonous routine from 8 AM to 8 PM, lacked any extracurricular experiences.

The prospect of a dynamic life at Astral Academy stirred emotions within him.

'The vivid memory of a dazzling cluster of lights piercing through dark clouds in the early morning remains etched in my mind. It serves as a reminder that diligent studying and aiming for a reputable university are worthwhile pursuits.'

'Reflecting on it now, there are a tinge of regret in my memories.'

'Now, as a "new student" who is going to attend Astral Academy for a long time, I was enjoy a rich and colourful extracurricular life.'

Thinking of this, Astr couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and a sincere and expectant smile appeared on his face.

This appearance caught everyone's eye, making people want to rub his head hard.

He is really like a little devil, a guy that makes people hate and love him at the same time.


The entrance ceremony ended in commotion and restlessness.

When the enthusiastic instructor, Byron, pushed Astr out of the auditorium with great vigour, the crowd automatically parted to make way for him.

The students wearing Astral's dark red uniforms watched silently as the sickly young man in a wheelchair and wearing a white shirt slowly passed between them.

Countless eyes followed him, showing reluctance and contempt, admiration and admiration...

Though Astr had not yet completely impressed the geniuses in this group, he had actually left an indelible impression in their hearts.

'Astr may have a very high talent as a Wizard, but if he wants to be first in all subjects except for Rafeal, he must first pass me.'

Ranked fourth overall in the entrance exam, Macul thought to himself.

'It's over master I don't know what to do now'

'Its okay just do what you have been doing'

Canvasbane Rafeal nodded to Astr after their voice transmission chat

'Astr Serene...'

Ellara eyes were fixed on the back of Astr, and only Astr's figure was reflected in her magnificent purple eyes like gems.

On the Teacher's Sitting Place.

Mr. Keal, the Wizard Department and Alchemy professor, radiated excitement and joy. In stark contrast, Felix, the head of the Alchemy department, wore a gloomy expression, almost as if tears were on the verge of falling.

"I really don't know why you are so happy."

Felix made a dull voice from his nasal cavity and mocked.

"A heretic has obviously sneaked into our school. I think our future lives will be very  'colorful'."

Heretic? Oh my god, are you talking about Astr?" Professor Keal exclaimed, stammering,

" But you also saw what a gentle little gentleman he was."

"I only saw how much harm the sword in his hands caused to other students, Don't tell me that you didn't feel the power of a nightmare attached to that sword!"

"But, but, it was brought out of the  nightmare."


Felix suddenly turned around and used those two swords. He stared at the stupid Alchemy professor with hawk-like eyes and said sullenly,

"How did that Astr Serene used it? Could it be that he, a sick and crooked freshman, could resist the erosion of nightmares?"

"Ah this..."

Keal leaned back, hesitating and unable to speak.

"In short," Felix raised his chin and said firmly, "I will not let him take first place here."

"No matter how outstanding his performance is."

At this time, Felix still doesn't know. The level of "Outstanding Astr" is .