4 Guests

There are four visitors in total, which is a very auspicious number.

Their attire is very conspicuous and unique. They are covered in a dark cloak and wear a brass one-eyed mask on their faces.

The huge single eye covered the upper half of the face, and the inorganic pupils looked like gods peering out.

Astr knew at a glance that these four "guests" who had not made an appointment were followers of the God of Nightmares.

Just like the Knights of the Eternal Burning Sun, the Nuns of Tranquilly, the Choir, the Fairy Assembly, and other sects that serve the Righteous God

Those who believe in evil gods also have their own "hobby groups." It's called "The Order of Alice." The logo is a golden one-eye.

It is said that the terrifying evil god who gave birth to countless nightmares has a single eye that is turned sideways. And the moon with a human face in the night sky is his residence.

Whether the news is true or false remains to be discussed. After all, anyone who has looked directly at the evil god has gone crazy without exception.

The followers of the Alice Order all adhere to their belief in the God of Nightmares.

However, their allegiance primarily lies with the seven lords, who hold a proximate connection to the gods within the realm of nightmares, compelling them to dutifully follow the orders issued by these lords.

In fact, compared to other true believers, this group of cultists has faced their "idols" much more often.

"Who are these humans?" Rafeal asked, murmuring in his heart. In this dream space, there are more humans than monsters.

"They are believers in the God of Nightmares, and their target is probably me."

Astr said, his icy-blue eyes looked at the wall, which was extremely deep.

"After I kiled Oak Banshee of the forest, it must have attracted the attention of the Lust Painter."

"While the Lust Painter may show no concern for me as a mere human, a legion of monsters under his command relentlessly seeks to apprehend me and earn favour in his dark domain."

"Oh, how pitiable I am for falling victim to these dreadful monsters. It's as if we're mere playthings in the palm of their hands," sighed Astr, adopting an air of resignation akin to a wilting cabbage.

In his hands, the faces of the Broken Banshee Heart were wailing in horror and distortion.

Rafeal: "..."

'Ah, yes, yes. The master is right.'

"In short, they are not good people." Rafeal gave up thinking and grinned excitedly from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

"Then it doesn't matter if I eliminate them all, right?" Astr glanced at him, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Leave one here."

"A living person."


After receiving the permission, Rafeal's whole temperament changed. The handsome face began to melt and turn into dirty paint, dripping down.

A pungent and bloodthirsty smell gradually filled the bedroom. {I'm leaving, Master...}

A wooden picture frame appeared behind Rafeal. He backed away and disappeared into it. The smile on the picture slowly disappeared into the chaotic colours.

The breeze blew, and Astr leaned against the window, his white, curly hair swaying slightly, looking down at the roses as red as blood under the window.

In the centre of the gorgeous rose, the circles of lamprey-like fangs were reflected in his indifferent, ice-blue eyes.

Under the mocking smile of the human-faced moon, Astr waited quietly for the play to begin.


Paul, Evander, Jack, and Colinda think today is their lucky day.

"We have been given the opportunity to serve the Lord. This is the reward for our long-standing and pious efforts."

Paul said it excitedly, raising his rough and cracked lips. The golden one-eyed mask blessed by the leader allows them to see around them unobstructed.

A The four of them looked up at the tall mansion standing in front of them, and they couldn't help but feel a hint of envy in their hearts.

"If we Kill one of the boys here, we stand to gain a substantial amount of gold coins—of course, more crucially, we'll earn the favour of that adult."

"Don't act on impulse; the adult specified capturing him alive. We must do our utmost to fulfil its requirements."

"Of course, of course."

The four of them talked to relieve the tension and fear in their hearts.

This was their first time coming to the Dream Space Nightmare realm, and they felt extremely honoured to be able to face the power of the Nightmare God.

However, their human instincts kept warning them to escape, as if they would explode if they took one more step closer.

"Time is running out; let's go in quickly."

Paul swallowed his saliva, and nightmares started eroding their bodies.

"The mission is very simple. Enter the mansion and capture or kill a sick and weak little boy." He murmured and took the lead.

The four of them walked on the flat stone road through the manor.

Under the mansion, there are clusters of delicate red roses growing, each one as big as an adult man's fist, swaying gently in the breeze, exuding a rich fragrance.

"Fucking rich people..." Paul murmured, half envious and half jealous.

Nightmares manifest from reality. The expansive garden and grand mansion represent aspirations beyond reach for individuals like them, dwelling at the societal bottom.

Such luxuries seem like unattainable dreams throughout their entire lives, underscoring the stark contrast between their humble existence and the opulent world that teases them from afar.

'But what if you possess more wealth? Life is meant to be enjoyed. Moreover, consider that the proprietor of this mansion has suffered from frailty and illness since childhood and has been confined to bed for an extended period of time.

What's even more alarming is that they are here not just to claim his riches but to reap his very life.'

Tonight, they will obey the call of the God of Nightmares and dedicate his body and soul.

Thinking of this, Paul's jealousy gradually disappeared, and he even felt a little darkly proud.

"Get ready to enter the house. Stay alert. There may be an ambush."

Paul stepped on the steps in front of the door, turned around, and said to the remaining two people:

'Wait, two people?' Paul stopped, his breath hitching.

'Evander, Jack...'

His eyes passed across the puzzled faces of these two people in turn. Paul lowered his voice as if he were afraid of disturbing something and said,

"Where's Colinda?" 

"Colinda?" Jack was stunned, turned around, and said, "Isn't she right behind—"

His voice paused, and his eyes suddenly widened. What came into view was the empty stone road.


In a dead silence, the breeze brought coolness and caressed their cheeks, causing goosebumps. A faint smell of rust drifted into the nostrils of the three people.

They saw a dark hole in the centre of a rose beside the stone road. Layers of fangs appeared before their eyes, like flower buds blooming.


A severed finger fell from the crack. It brought an extremely strong smell of blood.


Paul shouted, waking up the remaining two people. The next second, the rose's crack suddenly opened more than one metre long and bit directly towards them.


One of them screamed, and Evander fell to the ground, blood spurting out from under him. His entire calf was actually bitten off just like that.


All the roses woke up, bared their fangs, and made a high-pitched mocking sound.

[Ugly, stupid... hopeless...]

[Such a disgusting creature. I can't eat it.]

[Do you want to kill it?]

[The residents who are more powerful than us want them... without our intervention...]

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Paul urged from inside the door.

Jack dragged Evander, who had lost a calf, into the house, and Paul immediately slammed the door.

After remaining in a stalemate for a few seconds, they breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground when they saw that the damn rose would not catch up.

'In less than three minutes, one of them was dead. Another had a broken leg and lost the ability to move.'

'how so? What the hell are those? Is this, is this a Nightmare realm world? '

Their noses saturated with the scent of rich blood and the moans of their companions, they found their minds in disarray, unable to think clearly amid the chaos.

Turning around, the darkness of the mansion pressed down on them like a mountain. In the centre of the corridor, a huge oil painting hangs on the wall.

The handsome-looking blond boy was looking down at them with his amber eyes.

There was a pleasant smile on his face. As if to welcome their arrival.


Here is an explanation for something.

Dream Space: It is a skill that every nightmare creature has. They can drag people, or people can enter by mistake or intentionally, into their dream space. It is the same space as the nightmare world, but in dream space, a specific area is under their command.

Nightmare realm world: It is a world where all the Nightmare Creatures live for more in the future.

Nightmare World Space: It is a large-scale version of Dream Space, only controlled by a demigod nightmare lord or some high-level boss.