
Astral Academy Infirmary

The rising sun in the early morning dispelled the thick fog and also dispelled the slight discomfort caused by the first murder in Astr's heart.

After all, the reality is different from the game. The enemy will not have a health bar on his head, nor will wounds and blood be treated.

Astr sat up from the hospital bed, panting slightly, and lost in thought. Not long after, the slight sound of cloth shoes stepping on the floor brought him back to his thoughts.

"Ah, you're awake! So early." The person who came was a young lady in a white coat who should be a nurse.

Seeing Astr getting up, the nurse came forward and roughly checked the injury.

"It's almost healed... I've never seen anyone whose wounds heal so quickly."

She murmured in surprise, looking at Astr as if she were looking at a rare species.

"You call it congenital weakness? You can recover faster than that muscular gorilla, Byron."

Astr pretended to be weak and coughed twice: "I still have no strength at all. I can't walk without a wheelchair."

In reality, if Astr isn't wary of the outside world, he could run around if the nurse asks him.

"What else do you want? You have experienced nightmares in this realm. It is already very good that you are alive and kicking."

The nurse pinched Astr's face in a fit of laughter and tears. She felt that the touch felt quite good, so she couldn't help but squeeze two more times. She pinched Astr until his cheeks turned red.

By the time the medicine was changed and the bandages were wrapped, it was already past seven in the morning.

There is still some time before the first class starts at 8:40.

"Would you like to take a stroll? I can push you back to your dormitory," the nurse suggested. "There are usually few visitors in the infirmary at this hour."

Primarily, she desired to spend time with this adorable and beautiful little boy, akin to a porcelain doll. 'Master, linger a bit longer, if you please.'

Astr didn't know what she was thinking, so he just nodded and thanked her: "Please trouble you, sister."

The nurse was called Sister, and she told Astr a lot of gossip along the way.

For example, the thick hair of Felix, the head of the alchemy department, is actually a wig.

'That's right. How can someone who studies mechanics and compilation not be bald?' Astr nodded with deep understanding.


Astral has two independent student apartments, one for men and one for women. The appearance follows the consistent style of the Leonis Empire, with red brick exterior walls, curved vaults, and gorgeous and elegant carvings.

For the sake of Astr's actions, his dormitory was arranged on the first floor, so there was no need to take an elevator up and down the stairs.

"Your dormitory is in 101. Ah, here we are." The nurse murmured, pushing Astr to the door in the middle of the first floor.

"Do you know where I live?" Astr asked strangely.

The nurse lady blinked and said jokingly, "All the girls in this academy know it."

Astr: "..."

'It okay. Since boys and girls live separately, no one will attack him at night, but I want some girls. Maybe no, no. '

Astr had the key to the dormitory. After opening the door, he saw a spacious living room.

A dark red couch is placed in the centre, forming a circle, with a red and white carpet underneath.

In the middle of the sofa is a rectangular glass coffee table with a rose ceramic teacup and matching teapot placed on it, which is extremely exquisite.

Behind the sofa is the fireplace, which is not burning at this time. Behind the iron fence, there are just piles of black charcoal.

'I feel like I could spend a whole day here.'

Astr thought.

In his mind, he imagined a scene of young boys and girls gathering around the sofa at night in a burning fireplace and chatting.

Then, Astr declined the nurse's offer to help, said goodbye to her, closed the door, turned the wheelchair, and came to the bookshelf on the other side.

On the tall, dark brown solid wood bookshelf, the first two rows are neatly placed with large books such as "A Hundred Years of History of the Leonis Empire", "Biography of Princess Astral Rose", "Secret History of Wizards," and so on.

Below, there are some magazines, novels, and other "miscellaneous books" randomly placed.

Astr randomly pulled out a copy of "The Secret History of Wizards" and found a yellowed note inside.

It was messy.

[If you want to know where you can find some prostitutes. Every Friday night at 3 p.m., the alluring sorceress awaits you at the underground training ground of the Knight Academy.]

[Guarded by the Silver Oak Wizard Organisation]

'...why are there still small advertisements?'

Astr didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he closed the book and put it back.

At the same time, silently keep the time and place in mind. The living room is a common area that connects four separate dormitories.

At this moment, one of the dormitory doors opened, and a familiar figure walked out.

Reafel Louis stepped out in high spirits, with golden hair on his head and a haughty look on his face.

'It's really a true performance.' Astr thought to himself.

When he saw Astr's figure, Rafeal's footsteps visibly stopped.

Then, a flattering smile immediately appeared on that handsome face, and he trotted over and pushed the wheelchair diligently.

Astr glanced sideways at him and smiled. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Thanks to the master, I slept well."

A bloodthirsty light flashed in the eyes of Canvasbane Rafeal.

This scene happened to be seen by another roommate who happened to push out the door, Macul, who ranked fourth in the entrance exam.

For a moment, Macul's expression changed.

'Why would Rafeal call Astr "master"?'

"Ah, good morning, Macul." Astr smiled as usual. "It seems that the college's dormitories are arranged in order."


Markul glared at Astr and Rafeal. After a while, he gave up thinking.

'Maybe I heard it wrong.'

"Good morning, Mr. Louis, Mr. Serene." Macul said it seriously.

Rafeal nodded casually. He had no interest in humans other than Astr.

'Just worship and fear him.'

"Just call me Astr. We are all classmates, so there is no need to be so polite." Astr smiled gently.

Macul was deeply moved, nodded heavily, and then said in surprise, "Are you able to move now, Astr?"

'The injuries suffered by Astr when he came back from the nightmare were obvious to all.

If they hadn't been in Astral Academy and rescued him in time, it was still unclear whether Astr would have woken up again.

But in less than a month, Astr was able to walk around, although he is in a wheelchair, and his injuries look all healed.'

"In order to keep up with the course, I have to get well soon."

A joke left Macul in awe, prompting him to give a thumbs up to Astr. "This studious spirit is commendable and truly worthy of recognition in the Empire. A rising star."


Astr was choked, paused, and changed the topic.

"Where's the other roommate?" Astr looked at the closed door.

Hearing this, Macul's expression became strange.

"He... seems to be a repeat student," Macul pondered.

"He consistently leaves early and returns late. One day, I heard the door closing in the early morning. Typically, I just lock myself in the room and have no idea what he's up to."

"That's it." Astr nodded. This fourth roommate is quite mysterious.

However, after all, living in the same place makes it impossible not to see each other all the time.

Sooner or later, his "shyness" will be revealed. Thinking like this, Astr didn't take it to heart.