
The Blue Fairy found herself taken aback by such a mundane and foolish request. Wondering if the human sought her company solely for serious academic discussions, she, who usually oversaw matters of love, felt an intense reluctance and a growing desire for competition.

The prospect of capturing or even consuming this human seemed enticing, promising supreme pleasure. Leaning into her newfound desire, she confronted him, posing the choice between serving him or becoming the nourishment for his beloved Miss Rose.

Astr lowered his gaze, observing the blue fairy, whose impure desires were laid bare. In his clear ice-blue eyes, there was no escaping the reflection of her intentions.

The god of nightmares personifies desire and fear, as do the forces associated with him. It's no surprise that most wizards wielding nightmare powers exhibit eccentric personalities.

The potency of this magic widens the gap between practitioners and ordinary folk. Principal Gabriel, despite being consistently named the most handsome man in the empire for years, remains a centuries-old bachelor, prompting Astr to question if he might already be deceased.

As Astr pondered, the enchanting voice of the Blue Fairy chimed in,

[How can I resist becoming a servant of the Lord?]

Astr raised his gaze, finding the blue fairy in a more casual demeanor. The parchment containing the power of rules returned, establishing a subtle connection between Astr and the Blue Fairy.

Glancing at the canine-like signature on the parchment, Astr squinted, emitting two cryptic laughs. If he were to ask the Blue Fairy to teach him meditation pattern carving, he could offer hope before eventually eliminating her.

The reason for keeping her? Astr believed the Blue Fairy could serve as his poster girl. In the future, as players arrive, he envisions reaping benefits from their interactions.

Yet, given his busy schedule, Astr couldn't maintain constant contact with players. It would be out of character. Like exquisite and expensive goods in a distant window, it remains just out of reach.

Players must strive relentlessly to attain Astr's enduring attention. For the allure of his gaze and smile, they're willing to shed blood and sacrifice their lives – such is the fervor.

Enter another figure, human in appearance yet capable of delivering Cthulhu-like experiences to players. This character serves as the usher, guiding actions per Astr's directives and reporting back to him.

Miss Blue Fairy, with her skin as dark and luminous as the night, slightly curly gray-blue hair resembling smooth fringes, soft and moist lips, captivating green eyes, and a plump figure, perfectly fits this role.

"As for the desire to consume you at every moment? That, my dear, would only heighten the excitement."

Contemplating this, Astr regarded the Blue Fairy with a gentler gaze, causing her face and ears to redden, and her breath to quicken.

[Now, you are the master of the slave family. The slave family will guide you in carving your own meditation pattern. However...]

[Human beings, who themselves require strength from other existences, must reciprocate by lending their own strength... a concept unfamiliar to the slave family.]

Humans, inherently weaker than other races from birth, lack the sharp claws and robust bodies of beasts, the natural charm and longevity of elves, and the innate peculiar powers of nightmare monsters. The very origins of human existence in this chaotic world remain elusive and subject to varying opinions.

Yet, despite these uncertainties, humans possess unparalleled advantages—learning and inheritance. They are the most prolific creatures on the continent, exhibiting remarkable unity.

The establishment of the Wizard Tower empowered humanity to surpass racial limitations. The resounding echoes of steam and gears made the world resonate with the metallic roar of progress.

Across generations, numerous pioneers have bequeathed knowledge through spirit and body, weaving a tapestry of history and legend. Like countless streams merging into the sea, these legacies ultimately converge in the hands of Astr.

"Have you witnessed humans ascending to become Nightmare Lords? One stands before you now," Astr declared. "Discipline them accordingly."

Pondering this, the Blue Fairy realized the uniqueness of a human capable of controlling nightmares and forging a contract with her. Their abnormality defied common sense.

"I understand," she acknowledged. "First, enter a meditative state. Let your senses not extend outward, but turn inward."

"Inward?" Astr arched his eyebrows. The concept seemed akin to a cultivation method from an alternate worldview, introducing a new dimension to their endeavors.

"Yes, gaze at your own body, blood, and bones, delving into the deepest recesses of your soul."

"Examine the origin that shapes your 'self.'"

"Then, crystallize this ethereal, formless, and uncertain origin into a pattern, one that can be directly observed, allowing others to draw upon it. This is the meditation pattern."

"That's the essence of it," Astr affirmed, his nod reflecting thoughtful consideration.

The notion of scrutinizing the origin of oneself sounded mystifying, igniting Astr's curiosity. Unable to resist, he licked his non-sharp canine teeth, casting a glance at the Blue Fairy, who responded with a submissive smile tinged with fear.

With absolute control over his nightmare realm and the Blue Fairy bound by a contract and rules, Astr harbored no concerns about potential betrayal.

With crossed legs and closed eyes, Astr eagerly immersed himself in meditation.

A subtle, invisible wave emanated from Astr, rippling through the bedroom like concentric circles. It carried the ambiance of air-conditioning, akin to a chilly breeze sweeping over a snowfield.

Expanding his senses, Astr "saw" the contorted furniture, unveiled the true form of the blue fairy now reduced to a decaying mummy, and beheld the night outside the window where the moon, with a human face, brandished numerous menacing tentacles.

As he directed his senses inward...

Thoughts materialized into action, gradually dissipating the cold air in the bedroom and restoring the figure on the bed to its delicate form, hair included.

The process proved challenging, akin to taming a wayward husky. Beads of sweat formed on Astr's forehead, and his complexion paled as the endeavor unfolded.

Witnessing this scene, the Blue Fairy grew increasingly apprehensive. Astr's swift mastery of the technique showcased a terrifying talent.

"Is he truly human? How can he surpass the fairies in strength?"

In appearance and strength, this blue-skinned "young lady" felt thoroughly outclassed and battered.

On the bed, as Astr concentrated, the convergence of his senses unveiled his own flesh and blood meridians. Astr observed this unfolding spectacle with a sense of novelty, as though he had stepped into a realm crafted from flesh and blood. Soft and vibrant red walls pulsated, blood vessels resembling intricate tracks.

Yet, an air of decadence and frailty permeated everything. Astr's senses delved deeper, reaching the "King" of this grand fortress—the source of his power.

Having traversed the searing blue soul flame at the deepest recesses and endured the agony of burning consciousness, Astr's vision eventually locked onto the amorphous, indescribable entity.

As its form gradually crystallized, Astr's gaze intensified, and a storm of emotions surged through his heart—What is this?!

Astr pondered extensively on the genesis of his "self." However, he never anticipated that it would manifest as a [fish]—a minimalist creation, depicted by a single, rudimentary line.

This fish bore a striking resemblance to the unadorned figure of a fisherman pointing towards an enigmatic existence. The unassuming design quietly concealed itself amidst the ever-shifting lines, lurking within the profound depths of the soul's fiery core, and discreetly nestled within the afflicted blood vessels and flesh.

Like a sudden lightning bolt, this revelation struck Astr's eyes, leaving him momentarily stunned and unable to recover.