Welcome To Nightmares World

With a silent curse, Astr nodded and offered a warm smile, "Since I'm here today, let me contribute. I genuinely appreciate the plants you've cultivated."

Upon hearing this, Keal's eyes lit up, a wide grin forming on his face, accentuating the apple-like roundness. "Thank you, Astr! Despite differing opinions from others, I truly enjoy my research. Sometimes, I feel I just need the right opportunity to succeed, and I've been patiently waiting for it."

Observing the old professor's cheerful smile, Astr couldn't help but feel a sense of calm. It seemed like a sentiment earned only through years of experience.

Astr's first day as an assistant commenced in this relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, guided by Professor Keal as they explored his "Botanical Garden" and listened to explanations of his experimental processes.