
In the midst of his sudden descent into madness, Macul couldn't shake the bizarre notion.

"Is this train some sort of umbilical cord, leading back to my mother's womb? Haha, want to say hi to my unborn brother?"

Amidst the chaos in his mind, one clear thought emerged for Macul.

"Astr Serene, you loathsome nightmare creature, what have you done to my mother?"

In a fit of rage, Macul bellowed and swung his fist towards Astr's face with a resounding impact. However, Astr merely tilted his head, causing the blow to miss and Macul to stumble forward.

Caught off guard, Macul glimpsed the gleaming sword materializing in Astr's hand, its silver light flashing. In the polished surface of the blade, Macul witnessed the severed head and his own widening eyes.

[Ah ah ah ah! ! !]

The translucent, bright red resentful baby wailed miserably, its head colliding with the train wall before bouncing to the ground.