Excited Player

In the quiet chamber, a fish-shaped pattern dangled delicately in the hands of the blue fairy, bathed in the soft glow of pale yellow moonlight. The players, their faces marked with both fascination and awe, couldn't look away.

"This is the meditation pattern of the prophet," the blue elf revealed. "Engrave it into your mind, become a wizard apprentice, and forge a profound connection with the indescribable master."

Excitement filled the air as the players envisioned themselves as the chosen ones, dependent on the revered Lord Prophet. Despite their below level 10 status, dreams of world conquest ignited within them.

However, a lingering doubt surfaced among the eager crowd. "What we do if we failed to complete the task?" one player asked, annoyance apparent in their tone.

The camp dissenters remained a minority among the players. In this realm where killers outnumbered prey, figures like Virtuescape, inherently bold, racked up several kills solo.