Kidnapping Mission Completed

In that moment, a fleeting sensation swept through her, leaving the white-haired boy shivering like a lamb in the gaze of the other players.

Skywalker's heart softened, worry etching her features. "What if the Alice Order does something bad to him after catching him?" she pondered, her words veiled by automatic censorship.

The onlookers stared in shock at Skywalker, refraining from delving into what the innocent-looking girl had hinted at. The game system had even muted her words, and an uneasy silence hung in the air.

The single wolf, feeling the urgency, interjected, "Enough trouble. We've got our catch; let's get out of here swiftly." The group, realizing appearances could be deceiving, hesitated no more and moved on.

Though it seemed like a straightforward novice mission, an uneasy feeling lingered in the single wolf's heart, as if he had overlooked something crucial.