Demise Of Priest

The Canvasbane brought his running to a sudden halt, his eyes narrowing in perplexity at the "unidentified object" sprawled on the ground before him.

The enigmatic figure, labeled as the "unidentified object," straightened with an air of enthusiasm, fixing the Canvasbane with a keen gaze and exclaiming, "Awesome!"

A pregnant silence hung in the air.

'Mr. Are you fool,' Canvasbane's countenance twisted into a scornful expression as he regarded the assembly of men and women with a haughty tilt of his head.

Surveying their well-kept attire, the Canvasbane deduced they were not denizens of the Lower City. Yet, an unmistakable air of foolishness and disorder clung to them, leading him to a chilling realization.

These were the individuals with same aura who were responsible for Astr's abduction.

In an instant, the Canvasbane's eyes transformed, emanating a dangerous glint. His painted eyes rotated slowly, casting an ominous aura.