Warm has just ended

The players swallowed nervously, a collective anticipation shimmering in their eyes. There was no room for fear; their swords rose with a shared excitement that transcended any apprehension.

Facing the monstrous boss with a head resembling that of a horse, they refused to be daunted by the looming threat. To them, fear of these lesser creatures would be a disgrace to their allegiance to the Prophet.

"Come on, my friends. Let's show them the might we carry within let's fuck them till we die," Virtuescape declared, stepping forward to sever the piercing tongue with a swift stroke. The air was filled with the pained cries of the resentful baby, but the players, far from showing mercy, wore expressions of exuberance.

Even amid the grotesque scene, the thrill of battle transformed their faces, turning them into a group of determined warriors.