Scorching Sun

The scorching flames danced with fervor, distorting the very air that surrounded them. Amidst the billowing white steam, the elusive silhouette of Astr emerged.

A surge of agony seared through Astr's palm as his right hand succumbed to the relentless heat, melting away instantly. Blood and fragments of flesh cascaded into the nearby lake.

[You have gained the tempered flame] echoed the system voice.

[Goblin bone cup material collection progress: 3/4] it continued.

Astr's eyes widened with a mix of astonishment and disbelief. Principal Gabriel's words about the tempered flames echoed in his mind, and now, unexpectedly, they manifested. The only remaining material for the goblin bone cup was the "immutable mold" promised by the principal.

Reflecting on the flames' path from the lake's depths, Astr pondered the unfolding events.