Girl with twisted heads

Astr was slightly taken aback. His gaze lingered on the tree of shadows adorned with human faces, scrutinizing each one with a discerning eye.

"Oh, it's you."

Similar to the elusive [Portrait], the [Sinner's Skull Tree] from the Sinner series stood among the seven nightmare lords, an elite creature reigning in the realm of "Pride."

Simultaneously, it played the role of the BOSS in the second mission dungeon titled [Oil Painting Exhibition].

"Attend the nightmare oil painting exhibition" – the task requirements were deceptively simple, offering no clues about when or where.

For an ordinary person, this might be bewildering, leading to confusion about where to commence. However, Astr, well-versed in gaming plots and strategies, promptly identified the relevant location within his mental map.

It led him to a concealed dungeon accessible only by possessing a specific item – the "Paint Exhibition Ticket."