Doubting Prophet

When the countdown concluded, myriad figures materialized across various locations on the world.

As players opened their eyes, they beheld rows of red brick houses, grassy plains, or thick fog that surged like living creatures. The cool autumn wind caressed their cheeks, and the cold, moist air permeated their noses, chilling all the way to their lungs.

"Oh my god! This feels too real!"

"Hmm~ This soil is so fragrant - damn it's cow dung!"

"Why did my lower body become a mosaic?! This game is inhumane!"

""If you undress, it will be pixelated."

For a moment, with excited hearts and trembling hands, these players entering the public beta for the first time resembled huskies escaping from the reins or strange worms encountering elementary school students, engaging in many shocking acts.


Within the Leonis Empire, a figure in ragged clothes and covered in blood concealed themselves in the shadows of an alley, shouting to the sky: