Oil Painting Exhibition (end)

[The player "Virtuescape" has killed the hidden BOSS "Ophelia Louis" in the Oil Art Exhibition Dungeon]

[The nightmare space is about to collapse]

"What?!" The wheelchairGod exclaimed in shock, "Virtuescape killed him? What about the Single wolf?"

"Damn it! Needless to say, that guy must have failed again."

Another teammate said angrily, his eyes almost bursting with fire. They had paid such a high price and got nothing out of it.

When did their Odin's Spear Guild ever feel so embarrassed.

In front of them, the pale white faces seemed to sense something, and their painful expressions turned into smiles of relief.

Like a melted painting exhibition, white paint mixed with blood and tears flowed down the face, as if a hard-shell mask had been peeled off, revealing translucent illusory faces.

These faces were not perfect and each had its own flaws.