Chapter 00 - prologue his fiery

Prologue - his fiery

(It's dark outside the weather is cold, all the kids are sleeping, all the adults are outside waiting on the birth of their leader new born baby all in the village of the Apollo clan ) 

(Ayame is in the infirmary giving birth to her new born child Fumiko the nurse is delivering the baby. Ayame is screaming to the top of her lungs while shes giving birth but Fumiko is noticing that she is struggling to deliver the baby)

"This baby would not come out please lady ayame Push harder, I'm trying as hard as I can !! This is a serious problem. since the baby isn't coming out.. We may have to perform a c section

( after hearing all the screaming Rin Suske the husband of Ayame Suske and father of the child that's getting birthed quickly Rushes into to the room where the birth is happening)

"What is the problem? lady Fumiko. I hear a lot of screaming, sorry sir but the baby isn't coming out. What do you mean The baby isn't coming out, We're having trouble delivering the baby and we might need to perform a c section on lady ayame. Huh c sectio-)

(Before Rin could finish his sentence they all hear alot of background screams coming from down stairs )

" What's that noise, I don't know but I'm going to check and see where's that noise is coming from"

.( As Rin rushes down stairs he sees a total BloodBath of his people and soldiers all dead Rin with a serious look on his face starts to manifest His fiery sword" ( the sword of Apollo).

"Come out who did this, show yourself"


(Rin hears movements and immediately pull out his Sword" (The sword of Apollo) and suddenly a man with Black clothing, spiky hair, a cut on his right eye with lightning surrounding him appears )

" i see you're still carrying that troublesome of a sword Rin, illumi what are you doing here , Ive come here to retrieve that child of yours, What do you want with my child, Well for starters .Your child is quite a Troublesome and he's an asset apart of our plans too free hades"

(Many years ago before humanity was born a god name Hades unleashed war onto the other gods in order to become the only god in the multiverse, Hades was soon defeated by his fellow siblings but many gods who fought in this war was brutally hurt for an eternity or dead and in order too defeat hades they had to seal him in a place below even hell, the only way to get the seal to break is to find 6 keys that are all protected by the 6 villages that the gods created, in order to protect the keys each god who represents the villages each give their villagers abilities like their own in order to protect the keys, Hades however have allies who created a clan called the forsaken clan they are dedicated too collect all keys and free him)

" the instructions from my leader is to retrieve him from you, so i have come here to kill you" 

(with the look of confusion, rin then tells illumi )

"So im guessing you need to raise my child so he can open the door that holds the key, yes correct we could use you but your to stubborn so i guess u can call this plan b, interesting so your leader oblivion is still afraid of me even in my current state , it's not that we are afraid of you, my leader is just cautious and strategic about everything and anything he does if he sees you as a potential threat that is not cooperative he would make plans on how to get rid of you, and I'm afraid that time has come rin" mhmph I beat u before illumi what makes you think I can't do it again" Well the plan he gave me was to slowly watch ur human days get to you as u slowly age u grow weaker, but you still have a multitude of power left so we couldn't send any ordinary demon and plus you have that black flame ability so it had to be me but your no match for me now" I guess we will have to see illumi

(in the apollo clan their are 3 types of flames the regular state is orange, orange is regular sun flames that is normal throughout the clan the 2nd state is the RED flames only a few Sun users have access to this state its a grade above orange flames and its 10x hotter, and the 3rd state is black flames this state is the highest grade of the flames its a pitch black flame that can burn through anything and everything it touches, it can even burn through durability or abilities, this is a flame only 2 sun users has acquired 1 of them being apollo himself and Rin Suske, it took apollo hundreds of years to master but it only took Rin 20 years to master this ability)

( The two then gets ready for battle. Illumi powers up And manifest his immense Power he has the power to manipulate lightning and Take and manipulate souls, He has Faught countless battles he has became a loyal servant to the forsaken clan and with his tremendous power he had worked his way up the the leader ranks, . Rin on the other hand is noble warrior who fought countless battles to protect his village and the world throughout time, he wields the title of the LEGENDARY SUN USER, the chosen one, The strongest human to ever live, He is the leader of the Apollo clan & wielder of apollos power)

( and In a blink of an eye Ilumi dashes towards Rin with Red lightning surrounding his hands, Rin quickly dodges the attack) 

"illumi has gotten faster or did I get slower, that's Very good rin but that was just a fraction of my power, you have no chance of winning this"I hate to admit it but he may be right i need to end this before it get ugly here goes nothing" 

(Rin Flies into the sky and face his sword up to sky, the sky changes from night to day as he draws energy from the Sun he then whispers out the words)

".I call upon apollo the sun god come forth at once " (Red Flames : Apollo's fiery) tch I seen this before this attack brought me to my knees last time we fought, he's getting desperate he wants to end this battle quickly"

( He the. aims his sword down to illumi and suddenly it releases a large beam that is capable of wiping out the country illumi quickly try to evades Rin Attack but the attack is too fast so he thens begin to push it back)

"grr this attack stills holds a lot of power, I will have to double my strength with the souls I have took from demons and humans"

(as he struggles to push the attack back he then starts to increase his power by using his souls he took, the souls he takes not only double his strength but it also counts as a life, so if Illumi dies he will come back with a soul he took, also he gets the full strength of the person or thing when he takes their soul.. and suddenly he pushes the attack deep into space) 

"huh? He tossed it like it was nothing"

( illumi suddenly teleports behind rin back And unleashes Multiple lighting bolts from the palms of his hands and they all connects with Rin, Rin starts to fall from the sky slowly and before he reaches the ground, illumi grabs his head slams it against the ground countless times)

"Can u see now Rin our power is different I now stand above you, tch "

(while rin looks up he sees Illumi standing over him and he gets a flashback of when he was standing over illumi after defeating him)

"what was the words you told me all those years ago? You told me that I was weak and that I stood no chance, you told me I had a choice I had to either run or accept defeat and die, and you let me run away, so Im going do the same with you, either way ur son comes with me"

(after hearing these words Rin starts to laugh)

"you really think I would be a coward and run away at a time like this" mhmph of course not your to suborn to run away" so you should've already known the answer to that kill me already but theirs one last thing" yea and what is that? U may be strong illumi but u have always underestimated the power of Apollo "

(Illumi hear these words that come out of rin mouth and now he can't help but wonder what he means by underestimating apollos power)

"what the hell do you mean?

(rin grins) "their would always be a way to beat you.. I call upon the sun god apollo please hear my words for the last time please send my son to another place where he would be raised and taught well. And live a good life please make it as far away as possible from here, that's enough

(Illumi starts to form lighting at his fingers that forms a blade)

"Please that is my last and final wish .That's enough talking (lightning blade) 

( Illumi then stabs Rin with the blade, while it's happening rin whispers the words)

"i love you all, please make me proud son"

( rin caught up blood and he slowly closes his eyes) 

"you were holding back old man" (Illumi pays his respects and quickly flies to the room where the birth is being held to only see the baby not there" and everyone else in tears)

"Where did the baby go" 

(The soldiers then suddenly attack illumi and in the blink of an eye everyone was dead)


(old man heard a loud bang and quickly checks to see what it was he opens he front door to only see a capsule of a baby inside)

"Ohh what's this.Seems to be a baby , Mhmm. You sure are a cute one with red fiery eyes Mhm your name is dai. What a wonderful name" wahhh wahhh, hahaha ! How about we take you in 

(he takes young dai in his shed and raises him as if he was his own)

End of chapter 00

Written by fainted