Chapter 02 - THE BIRTH

13 years ago..

(We go back 13 years to see the events from the hospitals pov of the birth of dai.)

"Ayame we would be able to take out your baby by doing a c section"

(ayame have to undergo a surgery to remove the baby from her).

"But we don't know if you would survive the surgery because the baby drained a lot out of you"

(Ayame hears this and smiles) 

"its okay just make sure my baby is born into this world. 

It would change the world I can just feel it It has a lovely father waiting on it"

"About that Mr Rin is fighting the clan leader illumi at this rate we don't know if he would survive."

"But he has to, he has a beautiful baby waiting on him. He is one of the strongest fighters to ever exist theirs no doubt in my mind that he could handle anyone that harms this village and his family"

(After hearing these words from ayame every in who's in the room while she's giving birth go silent)

"Mhmk its okay just perform the surgery Fumiko" 

(5 minutes go past )

"The surgery has been a success. look at your beautiful baby boy."

( ayame is super weak from this surgery she can barely keep her eyes open, but she would use every strength left to see her baby)

(Fumiko hands ayame her new baby boy)

"Look at you, my baby boy (cough cough)"

"You have your fathers eyes, i can sense great things from you (cough cough) you would change the world I can tell by the fire in your eyes"

( A Random clans member bust open the door into the room to give ayame a message")

"Lady Ayame, I'm sorry to tell you this but Rin He- He was killed Before he died he made one last prayer to send the baby away far as possible from here And illumi he's on his way here.So please get lady ayame and her child out of here."

(after hearing the news of rin passing everyone in the room heart shatters and they rush to save ayame. But "Ayame just grins with tears falling down her eyes)

"It's okay thank you very much, but i want last long. I'm using all of my power to stay alive he really did a toll on me haha (cough cough) but Fumiko I have one last request.I have chosen that his name would be Dai after my father. Please write his name down on him before he gets sent away.I want them to know my baby boy's name as he becomes the hero of the world"

"Lady Ayame is that all" . 

" Yes im afraid that is all now hurry we don't have much time. this is my final wish from you, than- thank you for all your service.I truly love everyone here, I'm sure rin did also even though he hasn't said it much u guys are the true hero's of the Apollo clan Until we meet again and I love you my son."

(ayame eyes slowly closes as she holds dai. she is finally at peace-everyone in the room starts crying and murmuring the death of ayame & rin "Fumiko then waste no time and writes dai's name down on his stomach with a magic marker ….. then outta nowhere he disappears)

"He disappeared What is that devilish energy!!! It's him he's coming,!!!)

(illumi then finds the room that was holding the birth with devilish red lighting surrounding his body he makes everyone tremble in fear)

"Where the hell is he? Huh! his energy is gone"

"Everyone get ready"

(Every solider remaining gets ready to attack illumi) 

"1.2.3 goooo! This Is For rin and everyone you killed you son of a bitchh!!!"

( with tears coming from their eyes the soilders make one last heroic attempt to protect the Apollo clan) 

 "You lowly humans. This is pathetic, I shouldn't waste my time with insignificant mortals so For this I am going to end this clan's existence and i am going to send you all to your clan leader" 

(With a blink of an eye illumi kills everyone in the apollo clan and no one even saw it happen . Theirs lies the existence of the Apollo clan is no more….) 

" mhmph what a disappointment, but I still have a mission to complete so I'm going to find that child and bring him to the lord I don't care how long it takes. But Firstly I should report that rin is no more of a problem "

( illumi fleds to the forsaken clan hideout to give the news that the legendary sun user is no longer alive)

End of chapter 02

Written by fainted