Chapter 05 - flames unleashed

(It's night outside, rain is falling down and sheds are on fire in the village Bergamo. Dante has no choice but to fight his dad "Chrollo" even though he knows he's no match for him but he has to protect his village and avenge his mother)

"Now Dante, I will tell you this one time, come with me or i will make you this time i will wipe out this whole village. Everyone you know and everything you loved would be destroyed., I can't let this happen, mother. I will avenge you and protect our village. Please everyone in the village, my mother, give me hope. This all ends right now, you Fool, (Chrollo shoots out energy blast)

"Woah" holy shit that almost killed me I have to be more careful"

(Chrollo sends out more and Dante quickly moves out way to evade remaining of energy blast) "shoot they're fast"

(while Dante dodges the blasts the blasts land on trees and set them on fire)

"Tch, everytime he shoots out one of those balls it destroys something. I have to be careful. I don't wanna get hit by it but I also don't want the village to be destroyed completely. Somehow i have to destroy them on impact but how.."

"You're worthless. Instead of coming with me and obeying ur purpose you decide to go against me, I will never go with you, you will have to kill me, . If I wanted to kill you I could. Yea I know that but you would'nt you need me. {maybe I can use that to my advantage}. Tch, you kids are a pain, I was gonna spare your life but you're too suborn to see the truth, so you will die here, but you need me,? Well I I can make another one and another one until one obeys me. So Your time is up Dante you're as good as dead" 

(Chrollo quickly flies to Dante, punching him in the gut and kicking him to the ground )

weak, you're weak, give up or i will kill you."

(Chrollo charges up an energy blasts and aims it at Dante"come with me now or die. I will also destroy this whole village with a single blast.)

(Dante is on the floor almost unconscious after taking a beating from Chrollo)

{no this can't be it, i can't be this worthless, i-i have to do something or it's too late}

"Hey you let go of him, i'm your enemy now".

( Chrollo looks over and sees a man and a kid (yami and dai) 

" Huh what is this? Is this a joke? Hahaha please tell me this is a joke." Who are you fragile humans "

(5 minutes before)

"Dai listen to me, I need you to hide your energy. This is a technique us assassins use. We have to hide our power so the enemy doesn't know we are here. This enemy is too strong to just go in without a plan. Now listen, you're familiar with this technique I have where I can clone multiple people correct? Yes, Now follow my lead once the enemy is distracted we go for the kill. Yes sir!

"(Yami clones himself and dai they both sneak around the demons with their power hidden)

"So what's the plan sensei? The clones would approach him and he should get confused, while he's distracted we will go for the blow. Okay sensei let's do this.

(Dai empties his mind and becomes 1 with his sword to look for the weakness of the enemy)

"I found his weakness, it's his heart just like the low devil demon. Don't be fooled child , a demon of this caliber heart isn't as easy to pierce, focus on your energy and your sword. Mhm gotcha sensei. I am ready"

(5 minutes later...)

"You two have no energy whatsoever. I can't even read a single drop of power from you 2, enough of this nonsense, I will destroy you both. (" chrollo charges energy attack)' Dai

Mhm yes I'm ready.. Say goodbye! , NOW! Dai go'"

(at amazing speed dai and yami quickly get to chrollo and draw their sword , yami is in the front dai is in the back. While Yami stops the attack, Dai tries to pierce his heart from behind…. Yami then stops the energy blast with his sword" Now dai pierce him)

"What the hell is going on, what is the meaning of this"

("Dai pulls out his sword that has this fire surrounding it)

"huh flames?? This is soooo cooool.. He has flames...

(Yami is surprise but he knows exactly what it is, he's just surprised hes unlocking it this early )

"What is this power? What is it, it isn't just flames. I felt something like this before: what the hell is it could it be. Him the one we are looking for, Say your goodbyes demon i am about to put everything into this attack, maybe god will forgive you for being a demon somehow.,, How impossible"

(dai pierce through the demon and his insides are on fire….Chrollo screams, the screams are so loud he collapses the building and makes the whole village shake, Yami then picks the boy off the floor)

"His screams are destroying the buildings, how can someone scream this powerful sensei?I don't know but it also seems that you missed his heart. I did?"

(the screaming suddenly stops , Chrollo flies in the air with a hole in his body that's regenerating and says the words)

"How dare you make a fool out of me, I won't stand for it"

"you all die here"

End of chapter 05

Written by fainted