chapter 11: 1st objective part 2

(As they are leaving the lightning village mitsuya and jafar are greeted by two children that seem to be around the ages of 11 - 12 )

"Hey Mister, my name is Ken valentine and this is my brother Spencer valentine we are the sons of Kobara valentine one of the strongest in this entire clan, our dad seem to think we both are weak and can't go out on missions to kill demons. So now we are looking to prove him wrong. You see us two have beaten all the pathetic kids here and now we're looking to pick a fight with adults. you two are picking up a lot of energy and it doesn't seem you two are from around here. So what's better to test our strength amongst very powerful individuals with unknown abilities. Beating you two would forsure get our father attention" 

"Hey are these pipsqueaks talking to us mitsuya, I don't know jafar just ignore them, HEY!! Dont ignore us, we are very serious here, actually ken is forcing me too do this i really just wanna stare at super hot girls, quiet spencer, {hey they're still walking, you know what screw this} spencer on my count we attack with our best moves on three, do we really have to ken i dont want too , yes now get ready we go at 1 2 3"

(Ken and spencer charges up their attack they both have intense lightning surrounding their body to unleash their group attack) 

"Mhmph we like to call this attack "super ultra lightning kill move" Now spencer attack "

(this move is called "super ultra lightning kill move" a idiotic name only kids will call their techniques and with great speed the two makes their way to jafar and mitsuya to land their killer move, ken goes to the left where mitsuya is and spencer goes to the right where jafar is) 

"Now spencer just like we practice"

( with this move both ken and spencer have their body surrounded with lightning the lightning then flows it way to the tip of their head where it creates a pointy like shape that symbolizes the end of a blade) 

"NOW eat this losers"

(mitsuya and jafar then look to each other and take just a singular step back, this step back causes the valentine brothers to collide with each other instead of their enemies, they both hits each other on the head ) 

"Oww my head, dammit Spencer you ran into me. WHAT! You ran into me, idiot. , Hey are you two done bickering yet cause we have somewhere to be. Come on Jafar you could at least ask if they're okay. Just keep walking, we have work to do. Our next stop is the hardest. Heyyyy stop right there, if you think you can get away with humiliating us without a fight then-. Umm Ken they're gone. huh what they vanished??? Dammittttttt!"

( As Mitsuya and Jafar leaves the lightning village they continue their journey to talk to the other Leaders to carry out the instructions Kenshin gave them , their next stop is the Water Village, the water village is a clan that worships the god Poseidon, the leader of this clan was chosen by poseidon himself a thousand years ago he go by many names but his birth name is Zeref wonder , Poseidon thought that zeref was the only person needed to protect this village, zeref was born with natural strength and potential so he was given the powers of poseidon and he was gifted with eternal life that way he can continue to protect the village for many years to come . He is and will be the first and last protector of this village , zeref is seen as a ruthless indestructible force who never got injured in battle all his life, no one else in the water clan have access to the water ability because zeref is so powerful he can be the only protector needed.) 

"Now then lets enter the gates of the water village jafar" 

End of chapter 12