
It doesn't matter if aliens come to destroy the world, I just wish they would come.

With black roots trying to reign again over his blue locks, a teen with slender long limbs finally woke up. Sitting up, he got the attention of two who were chatting until just now.

"What's your dream about this time, Marco?" asked a girl with long fluffy ash brown hair, Harmonica.

Smiling when he remembered, "Aliens."

"Ugh." Black haired Baton grumbled which Harmonica brushed with her usual tenderness.

"It's nice to dream about something you love."

That's right, behind the usual deadpan face, Marco loves aliens. He's watched countless movies and youtube videos about it but unlike the usual fan, he doesn't take time to prove they exist. He just wishes for them to exist and destroy the usual flow of the world, free from boring school and 8-5 job adulthood which he might not escape from like his parents.

"Do you guys think you can kill someone?"

Three of them were friends who regularly eat lunch on the rooftop… Though not all of them eat lunch but just dissociate and not all of them are on friendly.. terms.

"And why the fuck would I do that?" hissed Baton.

"Doesn't matter the reason but do you think you CAN?"

"I WON'T. Coz I don't wanna go to jail. And ruin everything I worked hard for."

"But what if the only way to NOT go to jail… is to kill someone?"

"When does that ever happen, STUPID."

"A rhetorical question…" Harmonica pondered. "I'd say no, I don't think I can ever kill anyone no matter the situation."

"Even if.. they kill him?" Marco pointed at the already fuming Baton.

"To kill someone is a lot more complicated than we think. It all depends on our morality, what we feel about the consequence, and how we've always been… But inevitably, once we kill someone, our lives will change."

"Killing is that… big of a deal?"

"Did you seriously just ask that?" Baton butted in. "And can we not talk about another one of your crazy shits? And I don't know. Talk about the weather? For a change??"

"But that's boring!"

"You're always bored!! MAYBE you won't be fucking bored if you just do something. Don't you have any dreams?!!" 

"My dreams… are aliens."

Baton took a deep breath before going back to eat his lunch in silence. Baton has always been an achiever whose sights were also high. That's why he's always going around the school and country to make more and more achievements, taking home 1st place almost everytime. So he knows arguing with a lazy bum like Marco would lead to nothing good but peace. Something that Marco never really liked.


"Hey, wake up!"

Marco tiredly opened his eyes to the dim orange sky peeking through the windows. He looked around- being seated in the middle he really did- and saw the classroom empty except for another boy with golden locks.

"I dared everyone not to wake you up as a prank coz I thought it'd be funny but.. then I started thinking you might get trapped and be traumatized AND DIE because of me so.."

"Thanks, Drum… And I also find your prank funny."

"Nice haha. Gotta go film a ghosthaunting video now in a cemetery. With friends."

"Why do you have a bat?"

"Oh, for safety."

"Sounds fun."

"You can join."

"Hm.. I don't really believe in ghosts."

"But you like aliens."

"Coz they're more likely to exist."

"That's your problem. You cling to the possibility, not on what might already be there. If you start looking more than wondering then maybe you'll find what you want, you know?"

"...You're right."

Drum smiled. "You really don't have to take me seriously! I'm like… weird."

"I like weird."

Drum smiled again.

After that interaction, Marco strolled the hallways looking down on his shoes as he mumbled a song. Meanwhile, the orange sky is still orange and the school after it ends is still quiet.

When he looked up, he stopped. There ahead were his two friends. Harmonica and Baton.

"Hey!" he called in the most effortless manner which is probably why they didn't turn around.

He went to them and clasped their shoulders, causing them to be surprised and reveal their big bulging black eyeballs, small nose and lips and dry grey-colored skin.

Before Marco could even say anything, they immediately went back to normal.

"My friends.. are aliens???"

"Friends?" The Baton looked at the Harmonica. "Ohh.."

"We're not your friends. We're aliens. Who ate them and took over their skins." The Harmonica said.

"Harm, why did you tell him?!"

"You guys… are aliens?"

The two aliens looked at each other before they pulled him into a classroom nearby. They returned to their "original state".

"So.. cool!"

"We killed your friends though."

"I don't care. I longed for you guys even before I met them."

The two aliens looked at each other again.

"We'll do the honors and kill you then. As quickly as friendly as you seem."

"What, no!! Dying is boring!!"

"Then would you be willing to side with us? And fight against your own kind?"

"There's no way-"

"Yes. I mean it's not like I always felt like one of them."

"I think it would do us a favor if we have him on our side, Bat. Especially since he's apparently friends with these two."

Bat pondered.

"What's your name, human?"


"Marco… Are you willing to let us, aliens, take over the world?"

"Omg yes!!!"

Bat glanced at Harm. "Thanks, Marco. In exchange we won't harm you then. You'll be one of us."

Marco doesn't really believe that but-


The next day, the daily life of the three friends continued.. with the exception of numerous luring and eating of humans by "Harmonica" and "Baton"...

"Sleep, Marco." said "Harmonica", who was at the desk to his right, mimicking so well the usual gentle demeanor of who used to be his friend. On his left was "Baton", squinting at the enemies.

This was right before dismissal. And the plan was for Marco to put his head in his arms and sleep. So that while the aliens try to kill all his classmates, he won't get in the way. 

So Marco now tried to sleep… But the screams and terror were too distracting for him so he decided to just watch but stay in his seat. As blood spilled everywhere, even on his cheeks, what only pulled his heartstrings was when Bat had Drum into a chokehold.

This made him jump from his seat. "STOP!"

Bat looked at him weirdly. "I thought you were on our side?!!"

"I-.. I have something to tell him."

"Wha-" Bat glanced at Harm, who nodded her head at him. "Fine."

Marco took Drum out by the hand and far from there. "What is happening, Marco?!"

"There are aliens, Drum. And they want to take over the world. I sided with them."

"Why would you?"

Marco stopped his tracks and looked at Drum confused. "Is this how much you love aliens?"

Marco hesitated but eventually nodded. "Did I… make a mistake?"

"That… depends on you… But how could you just let people die like that? Even your.. friends!"

"I'm gonna admit. Before you, I couldn't care less about anyone dying. And even though those aliens said they're gonna spare me since I'm willing to help them, I don't really believe it. But I don't really care if I die in the end as long as I'm having fun right now. And I'm not. Again. I'm just thinking of.. maybe going back to being just weird with you. And betraying them."

"That sounds a lot better, Marco."

"Watch me… change my life."

Drum smiled.

Marco returned with Drum to their classroom but left him outside as he went to Bat…

With a bat.

He raised it and smashed it onto the Bat's head, making him dizzy and fall down. Marco set aside the bat and went on top of Bat, his legs caging him before- hitting and

hitting and 


and hitting and

hitting him across the face, spilling blood each time. Harm ran to try to stop him. Everyone did.


Baton wasn't in his alien form. In fact, he never was. There was also no blood anywhere but only on Baton's face and Marco's fist.

Why was Marco beating Baton to death?

On a regular day?

Everyone already knew he was weird and unpredictable. He'd sleep like nothing matters to him. But today, he was filled with emotions and was willing to raise a finger- no a fist on someone. For once, he was driven with passion and looked like he was having fun.

But to Marco, this wasn't enough. More. More. With how many times everyone tried to stop him, he kept on going. Even with numerous teachers intruding.


He admits. He's always hated how Baton looked down on him. But now, it's clear who's below who.

In life, what matters is not achievements or how big of a dream someone has.

What matters is what you're willing to risk your life for.

Another hit and Baton never screamed anything again. Nor struggled. This is what made Marco believe he's done it. He's finally killed the guy he's always hated.

And everyone. And everything was in chaos.

He stood up and looked at the people around him, who backed away immediately even those who were eager to stop him earlier.

And since he knew that he would be in danger… no, his freedom would be in danger for murdering someone, he ran towards the door and attempted his escape. Feeling free from something he didn't know was holding him down that much.

No matter where I go and what I do, it's boring.

That's why I wait and wait… for something to change.