Blood And Bruises

Hannah's POV

I was currently at Hwan's desk outside Dr. Terrence's office, waiting for both of them to arrive.

Bored, I decided to flip through some magazines I found under the desk. They were mostly literature-related, one even having Wole Soyinka on the cover. It was quite a shocker because I never took Hwan to be the reading type.

To be honest, I never took Hwan to be anything.

Curious, I began to look through some of his other things. He had quite a lot of novels spanning a multitude of different genres. Heck, he even had a copy of the infamous War and Peace.

It was pretty much like a little library under his desk.

I was impressed.

"What are you doing?"

Looking up to find Hwan, there was a frown on his face. The expression seemed unnatural on him, and for whatever reason I wanted to smack it off his face.

"I'm just looking at some of your books. Never expected you to be such an avid reader."