You're My Ecstasy

Hwan's POV

"Hwan!" Hannah screamed, rushing to my side. Cradling my head, she burst into tears. "Hwan, open your eyes!"

Remember what I said about fading into oblivion? Scratch that, I was being melodramatic.

With a groan, I sat up, causing Hannah, Lasisi, Jared and the officers to gasp in shock. Noticing their looks of confusion, I pointed to the vest strapped across my chest.

"Bulletproof, remember?"

They all let out a chorus of "ohs" and "ahs", some even going as far as chuckling at the situation.

"Anyway, where were we?" Jared asked before realization dawned on him and he pointed his gun to Lasisi. "Oh, yeah. Hasta la vista, motherfucker!"

Pulling the trigger, Jared shot Lasisi in the foot, causing the latter to drop his gun and fall to the ground, screaming in pain.