Chapter 1: Simmering Tensions

Jinwoo sighed as he scrolled through the articles on Naver, seeing Hyunjoon's face plastered across every entertainment headline yet again. It had only been a day since Eclipse made their highly anticipated comeback after six months away from the stage, but Hyunjoon was already dominating the news cycle.

As the maknae of Starlight, Jinwoo tried to avoid negative media attention at all costs. His group hadn't been embroiled in any scandals for over two years now, and their company liked to keep it that way. But Hyunjoon and Eclipse seemed to live for controversy, testing the boundaries at every turn with their provocative concepts and Hyunjoon's unapologetic personality.

Not that Jinwoo really knew Hyunjoon personally. As idols from different companies, their paths didn't cross too often. But he'd observed the elder performer over the years, watching him confidently own every stage with mesmerizing talents and sex appeal that left audiences enthralled—and reporters grasping for new rumors.

Jinwoo clicked onto a video link showing highlights from Eclipse's performance the previous night. Sure enough, Hyunjoon commanded the spotlight from his opening verse, stalking across the stage in skintight leather pants and a mesh top that barely covered his chiseled torso. His dance moves were sharp yet sensual, perfectly syncing sex and art. The crowd roared with each of his smoldering looks into the camera, hanging onto his every word.

A small, traitorous part of Jinwoo couldn't look away either, admiring Hyunjoon's stage presence and talent despite himself. But his sensible side worried about the potential effect such provocative concepts could have, both on their industry and impressionable young fans. Not to mention how Hyunjoon's controversies regularly overshadowed other groups' achievements whenever he so much as breathed wrong.

As Jinwoo scrolled through more articles dissecting Hyunjoon's rebellious image and shameless allure, his annoyance grew. He was tired of seeing Starlight's recent accomplishments mentioned only in passing while Eclipse, and Hyunjoon especially, hogged the entire spotlight. Didn't the others deserve recognition too for their hard work?

Jinwoo clicked his phone off with a huff, hoping this was only a temporary resurgence of interest until the next scandal inevitably hit. He could only imagine his manager's stress at keeping Starlight's pristine reputation shiny and scandal-free in Eclipse's controversial shadow. Somehow, he had a feeling Hyunjoon was going to be even more trouble from now on.

Jinwoo sighed again and tossed his phone to the other end of the couch. He folded his arms and sank deeper into the soft cushions, brooding over the situation. It wasn't fair that Hyunjoon got all the attention just because he was a bit more bold in his performances and publically opinionated.

Starlight worked just as hard, delivering beautifully choreographed dances and emotive singing that touched fans' hearts. Their music told meaningful stories and brought comfort to listeners. Yet their accomplishments were overlooked whenever Eclipse made even a small ripple. It was beyond frustrating.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the dorm door opening. Taehyun and Jisoo walked in, still laughing about some joke from their VLIVE recording. But they paused when they saw Jinwoo's frown.

"Hyung, what's wrong? You look like you just ate a lemon," Jisoo said, plopping down next to him.

Jinwoo sighed dramatically. "It's Hyunjoon and Eclipse again. They just had to go and steal the spotlight with their comeback, didn't they?"

He pulled up the article screenshots to show his members. Taehyun whistled lowly. "Wow, he really left an impression. The comments are going crazy over his stage presence as usual."

"It's not fair," Jinwoo pouted. "All our hard work, and people only care about his next scandal. I'm sick of it!"

The others shared knowing looks. They were used to Jinwoo getting riled up over Eclipse outshining them. But they had to admit, it wasn't without reason this time.

"Don't let it get to you, Maknae. Our fans love us too," Jisoo soothed, rubbing Jinwoo's back.

But Jinwoo couldn't shake the irritated feeling gnawing inside. He was determined to show Hyunjoon that Starlight deserved just as much praise and popularity. One way or another, Eclipse wasn't going to overshadow them forever…

Jinwoo sighed again, leaning back against the couch cushion. "I don't really hate them, you know. It's not their fault the public pays more attention to their scandals than our music."

Taehyun nodded understandingly. "I know it's frustrating. Being an idol is tough for everyone."

"Exactly," Jinwoo replied. "We all work so hard, sacrificing everything for our dreams. I'm sure they do too beneath all the controversies. It's just...annoying that their biggest claim to fame seems to be things like dating rumors or smoking photos. Stuff that gets blown out of proportion."

His expression darkened. "Especially Hyunjoon. He always manages to stir up some kind of dramatic news cycle just by existing."

Jisoo chuckled. "Admit it, you're still mad they beat us for Rookie of the Year five years ago."

Jinwoo flushed. "That has nothing to do with it!" he insisted a bit too forcefully.

The others cracked up, seeing through his weak denial. It was no secret their group had been gunning hard for that first Daesang during their debut year. Losing to the newer, edgier Eclipse stung more than Jinwoo liked to let on, even after all this time.

He pouted at his members' knowing grins. "Okay fine, maybe I'm still a tiny bit bitter about that. But that's not the only reason this bothers me! It would be nice if people appreciated us for our music too, you know? Instead of only caring about scandals."

Taehyun draped a comforting arm around Jinwoo's shoulders. "They will, Jin Jin. Just give it time. Starlight's light shines brighter every day—we don't need smoke and mirrors to impress anyone."

Jinwoo smiled, feeling slightly better. His members always knew how to lift his spirits with their soothing encouragement. As long as they had each other and their talent, he believed the world would see what truly mattered in the end.

And as much as he complained about Hyunjoon, Jinwoo had to admit—maybe only to himself—that he did admire certain things about the elder idol.

Hyunjoon carried himself with a level of self-assurance and charisma that was uncanny. He performed like he owned the stage, radiating a magnetic energy that captivated audiences and outshone his peers. There was no hesitation or doubt in his movements.

Not to mention his unrivaled passion for his craft. Whenever Hyunjoon sang or danced, it was with his entire soul bared for all to see. He immersed himself in the music completely, as if trying to convey some deeper message or feeling through his performances. It was artistic in a way Jinwoo couldn't help but appreciate, controversy aside.

And then there was Hyunjoon's fearless individuality—his unwillingness to conform to expectations or bend to outside pressures. He seemed completely comfortable in his own skin, forging his own path without regrets. That level of self-acceptance was something Jinwoo secretly envied.

As the precious maknae of Starlight, Jinwoo knew he could never get away with some of the brazen things Hyunjoon did. His company kept a tight leash on his image and public remarks. Sometimes he longed to break free of those constraints, if only a little, and truly show the world who Seo Jinwoo was beneath the smiles.

But he'd never admit any of this out loud, of course. His pride wouldn't allow him to compliment the very idol he'd been complaining so much about just moments ago. Still, in private moments of reflection, Jinwoo couldn't help but feel there was more to Hyunjoon than met the eye—something deeper driving his audacious persona that Jinwoo found quietly fascinating.


Hyunjoon moved fluidly through the choreography, losing himself in the rhythm of the music as it flowed through his body. Dancing was both an art and an escape—a way to channel all his emotions into something beautiful.

As the final notes faded away, he came to a graceful stop, chest heaving slightly from the intense routine. Beads of sweat dotted his brow, but the workout left him feeling satiated. He grabbed his water bottle and took a long drag, admiring as always his form in the mirrored wall.

The practice room door opened with a creak, revealing Jiho with his hair still damp from the shower. "Wow, still going at it even after everyone left? You're really dedicated, Hyunjoonie."

Hyunjoon shrugged, not one to back down from a challenge. "Just wanted to nail this choreo perfectly. The comeback stage has to blow them away."

"With your talent, it definitely will." Jiho's eyes gleamed suggestively. "I'm sure all the girls will be screaming for you again."

"You know I don't care about that stuff." Hyunjoon took another sip of water, avoiding Jiho's insinuating gaze. It was no secret the other members teased him endlessly about his ambiguous fanbase, but such topics only made him uncomfortable.

Jiho chuckled, sidling up next to him. "Oh don't pretend, I've seen the way you look at the fan art online." He lowered his voice conspiratorially. "Especially the ones with you and a certain member..."

Hyunjoon felt his face flush and batted Jiho away with a flustered noise. "Yah, you're delusional. Focus on your own career, pervert."

But Jiho wasn't so easily dissuaded. He wrapped an easy arm around Hyunjoon's bare shoulders, lowering his lips to his ear. "You know I'm just playing. But really, you seem tense...need help relieving some pressure?"

His roaming fingers brushed Hyunjoon's collarbone in a way that was almost—but not quite—intimate. A shiver went through Hyunjoon's body at the electrifying contact. As always, Jiho knew just how to tease and rile him up under the guise of jokes.

Hyunjoon swatted Jiho's hand away, trying to ignore the flurry of butterflies in his stomach from the other man's fleeting touch. "Knock it off, you pervert. Don't you have better things to do than torment me?"

Jiho merely laughed, his smile bright and carefree as always. "But you're so fun to tease! It's written all over your face whenever I get you flustered."

A stubborn blush rose to Hyunjoon's cheeks at the observation. As much as he tried to maintain his cool, composed facade, Jiho had a way of seeing right through it.

He snatched up his towel hastily. "I'm going to shower. Alone."

Jiho wagged his eyebrows suggestively. "Need a hand washing your back?"

Hyunjoon growled incoherently and chucked his water bottle at the snickering man's head. Jiho easily dodged, blowing him a mocking kiss as he backed out of the practice room.

Alone again, Hyunjoon leaned back against the mirror with a long sigh. His body was still buzzing from Jiho's proximity, confusing thoughts churning in his gut. While he was attracted to women, sometimes he found himself feeling things not just for Jiho, but for other men as well.

It was a side of himself he'd never fully acknowledged before. As an idol, he knew he was supposed to cultivate a masculine image that appealed to female fans. But being with Jiho made him question everything, awakening desires within that frightened and thrilled him all at once.

Hyunjoon scrubbed a hand over his face, slightly distressed. He tried to push such confusing feelings down and focus on his career like always. But no matter how much he denied it, there was an undeniable intimate undercurrent to his dynamic with Jiho that left him wanting more. Feelings he couldn't repress, no matter how taboo they seemed.

With a shake of his head, Hyunjoon steeled his resolve and headed for his well-earned shower. Dancing was his escape from these tangled thoughts, the one thing allowing him to fully express himself without judgment. For now, he would bury these undiscovered desires raging inside, along with Jiho's sly smiles that awakened parts of his soul he wasn't ready to face just yet.

But a small, rebellious part wondered how long he could stay in denial, before his true nature burst free whether he was ready or not…

Hyunjoon sighed as the hot water washed over his tense muscles. Even now, Jiho's teasing touch lingered like a ghost on his skin. Why did he have to stir such conflict within him? It would be so much easier if they could just stay friends without these confusing undercurrents.

As he towel dried his hair, Hyunjoon gazed at his perfect reflection critically. Objectively, he knew he was very good-looking - his toned physique and handsome features were part of what made him a star. But underneath, he still felt like that awkward teenager desperate to prove himself.

Over the years, he'd built thick walls and an aloof persona to keep others at arm's length. But with Eclipse, he finally felt a sense of belonging. They understood his driven nature and pushed him to excel, even when he was difficult. In a lot of ways, they were the only family he had left.

Exiting the bathroom, Hyunjoon followed the murmur of voices to the dorm's kitchen. His members sat gathered around the table, laughing boisterously over some video on Seokwoo's phone.

"Hey, look who decided to grace us with his presence!" Minho called out teasingly.

"Please, you guys are lucky I let you bask in my aura," Hyunjoon retorted with a smirk, ignoring Jiho's knowing grin.

They dissolved into squabbles over the last pieces of tteokbokki as always. While he scoffed at their antics, Hyunjoon found their easy companionship soothing after years of solitude. They balanced out his rougher edges and kept him tethered to reality outside the conceit of fame.

As leader, Seokwoo watched over them all with a weary yet fond smile. "Come on, kids. We should finish eating and get some rest. Big day tomorrow."

Reality set back in - with their comeback in full swing, the pressure and workload would only intensify from here. But facing it all felt less daunting with Eclipse by his side. Whatever the future held, Hyunjoon knew he could handle anything as long as he had his members and music to keep him going strong.