Chapter 107

Third pov

Sunlight streams into the room illuminating and making the dim room light up.

The couple which are lying snuggled on the bed both let put groans simultaneously .

Aria turns around in Adonis's arms as she tries to protect her eyes from the sunlight which is getting to her due to the other side of the room being made of glass.

Sighing in defeat when she is unable to achieve that she slowly peels her eyes open.

Aria looks up and instantly shr is welcomed by the face of the man who kept her awake all night.

Giggling silently to herself he bites her buttom lips as she remembers the events of the night before and her cry sour body is a very good reminder.

She tries to get up from his hold as he has a large arm wrapped around her waist and keeping her body caged against his.

After attempting for sometime Aria sighs out and she lightly taps his chest.
