19 - Recruitment! (IV)


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Elves: what are they, and how are they portrayed?

To begin with, we will go back to the beginning of time, when races were tribes fighting for any type of resource and learning the secrets and laws of the world and adapting to them.

In the First Era, strength was the supreme law; all the weak only accepted their fate, whether it was to become food, slaves, or a sacrifice of exp for the strong!

Then we have the Elves, currently recognized as a Proud and Arrogant race, known for their powerful Elven Kingdom, possessing a Matriarchal government, and having the most powerful, beautiful, and influential woman in the world, the Elf Queen, as their governess.

Elves are known for their beauty and fragile appearance, coupled with their artistic talent, which is refined by their long life expectancy of over 250 years.

Now, going back to the First Era, At that time, the tribal people discovered that the best way to train their young people without putting them in danger was through sex. But those who were strong preferred to have sex with stronger people and have their children rather than have relationships with weak young people to give them little EXP.

And so, they began to capture and enslave males and females from enemy tribes, making them sexual slaves, and elves were preferred.

Because elves were beautiful and fragile and known for being peaceful in their early years, they were the easiest to intimidate and control. So at that time, more than 90% of the elves in the world were sexual slaves, used for the training and leveling of their young generations, and, of course, the best and most beautiful, used as rewards for the main warriors of the tribes.

Because elves had a long life expectancy, they lasted several generations.

It goes without saying that in a world where SEX = POWER. Elves who were slaves and lived for more than 200 years, after being used for several generations, had a very high average level.

But surprisingly, the elves didn't start a rebellion for freedom; at least 2/3 of the enslaved elves didn't do that, as they were more intelligent, and after so many years of enslavement and cruelty, they discovered methods to excel and benefit the most from your situation.

What is it like? Their bed partners were mainly young men with a still-developing mentality, easily influenced by sweet words and carnal pleasures. With this, the Elves gained great control over several races, except for some that had a different beauty aesthetic than humans, such as Dwarves and Orcs.

Dwarves prefer women with more flesh, or muscular, while Orcs prefer strong women capable of bearing strong children!

Naturally, the beautiful and delicate elves attracted little attention from these 2 races and some others in similar situations, where they only used Elves for exp and then discarded them as trash when they noticed that they could become a danger.

And the elves that grew steadily over the decades, when they finally began their movements, in addition to dominating over the many races, began to join together, as well as teaching their descendants everything they learned throughout their lives.

In this way, the elves, who were shy and easily manipulated, became a cruel, proud, and arrogant race!

During the Second Era, there were great technological advances and, above all, magic! Magic has been discovered, and by none other than the Elves!

The Elves discovered and dominated Magic, ruling that era and creating the First Empire in the world! Prosperous and powerful, constantly growing.

But the Elves ended up being too cruel, and many rebellions broke out throughout their empire, accompanied by constant border wars. The pressure was immense, and in the end, the empire fell!

The Elves fled, discovered the World Tree, the most beautiful being in their eyes, and began to worship the Goddess of Nature, serving her; thus, a powerful kingdom protected by nature itself was born!

And the elves somehow lost much of their cruel appearance, but they were still proud and arrogant, who saw themselves as the superior race, as they lived longer, were more beautiful, and had more talents, so they believed they were the race loved by God. .

The other people settled, grew, eras passed, many times of peace emerged, and finally, we arrived at the present day.

Elves who came from an origin of sexual slavery ignore this point and are proud of their beauty, bodies, and, of course, sexual techniques that are passed down from generation to generation.

They are very proud to be prostitutes of the highest quality, the most sought-after in the world. To give an example, the Elven Kingdom makes available to several nations specially nurtured slaves from powerful ancient bloodlines, the most beautiful and sensual Elves.

And they are treated as great diplomatic gifts, establishing strong connections. You could say it's the same way China treats its Pandas.

Owning what is called a "High Elf" as a slave is something that every noble in the world desires, as having it implies great social status, accompanied by many benefits, because in this world, Sex is Power!

And apparently, these elves in question have abilities that allow you to receive more than 1x the EXP after 10 orgasms with them. What it is will be said in the future.

But the focal point of all this is. Elves are prostitutes, with their ancestors being the same, and respectively, they hold great pride in this regard. With a long life expectancy, it is natural for them to have an extremely high libido!

And such libido results in most elves being nymphomaniacs, especially women!

And because elves are arrogant, They do not accept being surpassed by others, especially in what they believe to be good. They will not back down, even when faced with challenging things, as was the case with Mirabell and Skarla.

Mirabell had never actually fucked a dick that big, but genetically and instinctively, she felt she could handle it, and so she went ahead without fear. In the end, her body, which inherited the genetics of her ancestors, helped her stand against Skarla, but at the same time, her pride and arrogance prevented her from admitting defeat.

Result: Mirabell, who had never been sexually challenged in her life before, even when she fucked with Orcs, was not that challenging. She ended up exceeding her limits with Skarla and potentially awakening things in her that are hard to say.

Well, with that, we come to the conclusion: Elves are prostitutes of the highest class!

As for the relationship with Dwarves and Orcs, it has no relation to the past itself but to simple points.

Dwarves are simple and skilled; they don't like to decorate their masterpieces; they prefer efficiency. Elves are the opposite; they like to splurge and show off their artistic talents in any way possible. As a result, the two races have come into many conflicts in the past over beauty and efficiency, resulting in a disagreement, with the proud Elves criticizing the dwarven works for being ugly. Dwarves who are extremely proud of their work felt offended.

Orcs are simple and savage. Their beauty aesthetic prevents them from fully seeing the beauty of themselves, resulting in their being unable to "appreciate" and understand their "value". Elves hate this fact and despise orcs. But strangely, Elves love Orcs because they make great sex slaves for them.


PART 1 – Testicles!


Skarla heard the story of the elves through Viper, but she said it from the common point of view. As the Elf Kingdom treats its people as merchandise and they have no problem with that, it is natural that there would be a reason, and that is their value as sexual slaves and to exalt the social status of nobles.

In addition to all this, elves are nymphomaniacs by nature; at least 80% of elves will become nymphomaniacs. 70% of that 80% will become obsessed with sex, with Viper saying that Mirabell will most likely pursue her from now on.

What is the difference between a nymphomaniac and a sex-obsessed person? Simply put, a nymphomaniac is someone addicted to sex and practically every type of associated pleasure.

Obsessed with sex, they are several levels above that and do everything, going beyond the limits of their body and mind to satisfy themselves. Typically, such individuals end up encountering an extremely pleasurable situation, such as being fucked by an Ogre, participating in an organization so large that they fall exhausted, being drugged, etc.

In other words, elves are crazy; if you want to have a relationship with one and create a family, you will have to choose the Forest Elves. What are these elves, and why are they treated differently?

The current people do not know, but as said in [Part 0], some of the elves were not enslaved at the beginning of time, generating the Clan of Wood Elves, which mainly make up the "High Elves", as they have high purity in their lineage, but there are still many common people who have a calmer and more familiar mentality.

But it is difficult to find a Wood Elf, as they rarely leave their lands. As for the other elves, they live all over the world; Mirabell is one of those cases.

As for Half-Breeds, they are easier to interact with and get along with, but there is a high chance that they will take on many of the characteristics of their elf parents, which often complicates their lives.


The next morning!

Skarla had a bag of ice on his balls, still sore from yesterday. As she didn't have the patience to put on pants, she asked Viper to take care of everything, and as a result, Pauline, Sasha, and Calah are in her room, watching her.

And Skarla's current situation is that she is half-naked, with her legs spread and ice packs on her swollen balls.

"It's much bigger than I imagined it would be; I wonder what it feels like…" - Calah licked his lips and smiled.

"I wanted to help you with your curiosity, but I don't have the capacity to do so at the moment." - Skarla said, smiling bitterly.

"What did you do? Did you fight someone who hammered your balls?" - Calah asked, laughing.

"She fucked an elf's brains out until he passed out!" - Said Viper, where the trio's expression showed astonishment.

"Those bitches literally turn Orcs into their masturbation toys. Are you telling me she fucked and erased an elf with her penis?!" - Pauline asked in disbelief.

"4 hours—that's how long I fucked that pussy; I had to go really hard. I think I may have broken something in her other than her mind." - Skarla said, laughing bitterly and grunting as she moved her hips.

"You are brave; not even nobles get involved with elves so easily." - Sasha said, grunting.

"With something like that, I'm not surprised, but for her to endure 4 hours of this hammering her uterus, I have to rethink the level of elves in my mind. I heard that your males are very good, having long penises; is that true?" - Calah asked, looking at Pauline, who seems to be the most experienced.

"Yes, but they are less intense and crazy than the females. 1 elf woman can knock 5 orcs into bed, but 1 elf man cannot knock 1 orc woman." - Pauline said, but added. - "But they are actually very good in bed, being gentle and knowing how to turn your entire body into a pussy, making you have constant orgasms. If it ends up in the hands of one, it will be difficult to escape. I only escaped because they didn't have much interest in me." - Her tone sounded relieved.

"So the women are succubi and the men are gentle and loving people who conquer and melt the heart of any woman, except an Orc brute of a big, thick, strong thing?" - Calah asked, and Pauline nodded after thinking for half a second.

"Not wanting to seem prejudiced, I think it would be difficult for you to achieve anything with an elf; they are very closed-minded, and you would seem strange to him. I'm not saying you're ugly; you're very pretty and charming-" - Pauline tried to explain, and Calah laughed.

"Don't try to get confused, dear; I won't feel offended by something like that; I'm already used to it. Those who take offense because of their appearance or let other people's opinions affect them are weak and pathetic people; I'm neither."- Calah said, laughing and waving her hand, her gaze returning to Skarla, and of course, with that massive cock of hers, she licked her lips. - "I'll wait until you recover; I want to have a good ride!"

Pauline glanced at Calah for a bit, then decided to keep quiet and sit on the bed next to her.

"Well, I think the conversation and interaction are dead! Calah, this is Pauline, a Level 9 bard; she will be of great help to our mission, and it looks like you will get along well together!" - Skarla said, smiling.

"I don't think you, Sasha, were properly introduced to this one. She is Viper, a former Shadow of Veremor; I won't go into details, but she is now my wife."- Said Skarla, her words startling Sasha and Pauline, while Calah asked himself, What is a Shadow of Veremor?

"Are you on good terms with the duchess?" -Sasha asked in surprise, while Pauline's eyes shone and her body trembled slightly before calming down.

[Perception Test – Difficulty: 18+]

Skarla – D20+14 = 27 (Success)

Viper – D20+9 = 15 (Fail)

Skarla noticed Pauline's trembling and suspicious body language, feeling something wrong, but left it to talk about it later.

(Note: If you want to understand what is happening above, pay more attention to Skarla and Pauline's entire interaction so far. Then come and draw your own conclusions.)

"Yes, you could say we are good friends and have a lot of unfinished business." - Skarla said, smiling and noticing that Pauline's reaction became more resolute, with her seeming more relaxed.

"You look so young, but all the shadows look younger than they really are… but as far as I know, you should still be in service. To be dismissed at such a young age means that she values Skarla very highly." - Sasha said, narrowing her eyes.

"Wait one moment! What is a Shadow of Veremor?" - Calah asked. - "It must be something common since you two seem to know, but I'm new to the region, and it hasn't been long since I left the sea to live on land."

"Come here; I'll explain." - Pauline said calmly, pulling her aside and telling her the basics while naturally paying attention to Sasha's dialogue with the two.

"Skarla made a great contribution, negotiating with the duchess something so valuable that it took me out of the Shadows of Veremor. Naturally, I lost all my authority and am just a civilian now." - Viper said calmly, smiling as she placed her hand on Skarla's shoulder.

"So you're more impressive than I thought; I hope to learn a lot from you!" - Said Sasha, looking more excited, almost certain that Skarla must be around Level 18~20, as she only has that strength to be able to speak on an equal footing with Letiphia Veremor and negotiate to the point of receiving a Shadow of Veremor.

"Anyway, you haven't met Pauline either, right? But it's like I said to Calah, she's our bard. Pauline, this is Sasha, a swordswoman; I met her shortly after you and Viper left the room; she was disturbed by our activities; she came into the room looking for the man who fucked you two and me; she got angry; several things happened; and in the end, it ended with me crushing her pussy and in the shower, I recruited her!" - Skarla said, smiling, and Sasha blushed.

Pauline looked at Sasha, analyzing her. - "If you recruited her, it means she is capable. But how many members are you thinking about joining?"

"Apart from me, I intend to recruit 10; we already have 4, so there are 6 left. I thought about recruiting the elf I fucked; she was skilled as a thief, but... I don't feel like I'll have the stamina to go on adventures with her by my side. Not if I still want to have more children in the future." - Said Skarla, still feeling the pain in his balls.

"I wanted to meet you, but if you left your pearls like that, you must be crazy." - Calah said, smiling and crouching down to observe Skarla's balls.

"Anyway. Sasha, how was it with your acquaintance?" - Skarla asked curiously.

"His name is Phinel, and he showed interest; he is currently at this inn. I paid for a room for him and said I would introduce him to him today; if you want, I can call him." - Said Sasha.

"I understand, but do you know what level he is at?" - Skarla asked.

"Yes, I asked, and he said he is Level 10, but he is not a Druid but a Nature Mage." - Said Sasha.

"What's the difference?" -Skarla asked curiously, and at her question, something sprouted from the ground—a flower and a calm voice came out of it.

"Druids learn all types of magic related to nature, but they focus on polymorphy as well as other rules that limit them greatly. As a Nature Wizard, I learn my magic like any other wizard, except that I focus my studies on nature. I cannot use polymorphy, but I am not limited by the rules of the druids." - Said the voice echoing from the flower, and then a knock echoed on the door. - "I can enter?" - The voice came from the flower.

Skarla nodded, and Sasha, near the door, opened it.

A handsome young man with white, somewhat pale skin entered. Beautiful, short platinum-white hair. Beautiful green eyes, long pointed ears, wearing heavy robes and a fur coat, with some accessories with expensive jewelry, which are certainly magical items.

[ Image] →

"I apologize for having overheard your group's conversation, but I hope you understand my distrust, as Sasha informed me that this group will contain two masters, which interested me but filled me with many suspicions!" - Phinel said, bowing.

"I see. How about introducing yourself?" - Skarla asked, not feeling offended, but she was frowning about not feeling like she was being observed.

'Magic is really complex; I need to be more careful in the future!' - Skarla thought, sometimes forgetting that the rules of this world are different from Murim.

"I am Phinel Cas'ta Wokd; I am an Elf of common origin; even though my lineage comes from a prestigious family among my people, I come from a small remnant of that lineage, which gave me the right to have your surname but not the power and influence behind it." - Phinel said calmly.

"I'm 133 years old; I started my adventure less than 40 years ago; due to various complications, I haven't gone beyond Level 10 yet; I arrived here after recommendations from acquaintances and, of course, rumors about riches and opportunities, which I believe is the same for some of the present here."

"You speak well, and your voice is pleasant." - Calah said, nodding.

"Thanks." - Phinel bowed his head with a gentle smile.

"And in fact, it's quite big…" - Phinel said, looking at Skarla. - "Do you want me to cure you? Nature Magic Healing is more efficient for this type of situation than using potions or even Holy Magic."

"Hmmm, ok!" - Skarla didn't think much and agreed. - "But if you try something funny, you'll learn to walk through walls and fly without magic!"

"Of course, I wouldn't dare spoil something so blessed and magnificent." - Phinel said, smiling and with a certain sparkle appearing in his eyes.

(Author: Hmmmm… he's SUS!)

Phinel then kneeled before Skarla, with Calah standing up, smiling curiously and expectantly, while Skarla raised an eyebrow.

"Can I touch? It will be more efficient." - Phinel said, with Skarla finding it increasingly suspicious but nodding.

Soon Phinel's hands came forward, white and delicate like a woman's, and slowly fell on his testicles, where she slowly grabbed him. Skarla growled in pain, and Phinel apologized as he continued only more gently.

Then, with her hands below and above his balls, a greenish light appeared as Phinel recited something in an unknown language to Skarla, who heard Viper say it was an elven language.

Soon Skarla felt more comfortable as his reddish balls turned green.

'They're not ripe yet…' - Thought Calah, laughing at his own inside joke.

Then the glow softened and Skarla's testicles were no longer sore. This surprised her since potions had practically no effect and their energy circulation helped little but still prevented them from becoming even more swollen.

"Thank you for the honor of playing something so unique. I certainly believe I drove one of my compatriots crazy with something like that." - Phinel said, smiling.

"I thank you; now I can wear my pants!" - Said Skarla, already getting dressed, with Phinel and Calah looking very depressed with this decision.

"Do you, by any chance, prefer to take it from behind?" - Skarla asked, raising an eyebrow, with Calah beside her with bright eyes wanting to know the answer.

"I have no preferences; I love all types of sexual relations. Men have a greater diversity of pleasures than women; it would be an affront not to use them all and, of course, appreciate them all! If you are interested, I have no problem with you using me. I may never have received something this big before, but I am confident that I can handle it. I am an elf!" - Phinel said proudly.

"Accept him!" - Calah said without hesitation, her eyes bright, looking extremely curious about something, and her cheeks were already blushing. She seemed excited by certain thoughts.

Phinel laughed, but her look said that he was really interested in Skarla and, of course, in joining the group, something he said next. - "I actually have great interest in the group, not just for you, but because I can feel that everyone present is significantly strong, and as you have contacts with the duchess, it would be of extreme advantage to me. Hope you don't mind me being so blatant in my greed!"

"You're being honest; I appreciate that. Regarding the group, I don't see any problems. It's not even because I want to have something with you; it's just that I can feel that you are very strong and have skills that complement the group. Does anyone have a problem?" - Skarla asked, looking at the others present who had no problems.

"So, Phinel, welcome to the group; now how about I introduce everyone?" - Skarla said smiling and started with the names.


PART 2 – Beastkin!


Phinel is a little strange, but he seems to be just a young pervert who likes a challenge, even if the challenge might tear his ass up!

Through some conversation, which ended up being taken to the bar, as there is nothing better than strengthening connections than a good beer!

And of course, Skarla wanted to know who Viper had asked to be recruited, since Skarla left her in charge of the two vacancies for Assassin and Rogue.

"I found a lot of candidates, but because I don't think we want some misfit or someone who might stab us in the back, I had to spend some extra time to finally narrow down our options." - Viper said calmly, looking proud.

"Since I'm new, can I ask a stupid question?" - Phinel asked, smiling as he raised his hand. Next to him are Calah and Pauline.

Skarla nodded, and Phinel asked. - "We already have Lady Viper as the group's assassin, who is above level 11. I don't see the need for another assassin, especially if she is weaker than Lady Viper. I have no problems relevant to a thief; your skills are useful in many situations."

"Viper is using a different training method than usual, which may incur many failures in the near future, such as skill substitution. She may end up focusing on being an assassin who, in addition to being able to deal explosive damage to kill her enemy immediately, will have the maneuverability and ability to hold on even if she fails in the assassination and gets involved in a drawn-out battle." - Skarla said calmly.

Your point is that, as Viper will soon stop being 100% focused on assassination and stealth and instead be able to fight head-on without wasting any of her capabilities, it's better to have an assassin who will only focus on that than one who potentially may not do more. this job.

"A change so late is surprising; I look forward to everything going well!" - Phinel said, smiling, and Viper nodded, drinking her beer. She is still in doubt, but she trusts Skarla.

With that, no one had any problems with having another assassin in the group.

Soon, Viper continued to give more information about who she thought would be interesting to recruit. She said about some who were already part of other groups, but that with enough words and demonstration, it would be possible to bring them.

The group listened intently, with Calah laughing as she said. - "We have two masters in our group; I doubt they will refuse if one of you asks."

"In fact." - A light voice came from the side, and a 168-cm-tall man approached, hooded, from the shadows.

Viper, who was speaking, became alarmed and quickly tensed, and she wasn't the only one, with Sasha and Pauline also being amazed. Skarla clenched her fists as if she had not even detected this individual.

"Don't be scared; I'm a curious man, and I'm interested in you!" - Said the man, taking off his hood and exposing large eyes with emerald green pupils.

An animalistic face, a feline with dark fur, cat ears, and very sharp nails like claws.


[Image] →

His clothing was simple: a leather breastplate, a belt with two daggers, and some throwing knives. A hood is connected to a cape that is draped around your neck and shoulders.

"This is the second time today that my senses have played tricks on me. Either you're really good, or I'm getting lazy!" - Skarla said, frowning, with Viper getting worried.

Viper knows Skarla's attributes, her advantages, and much more. Skarla is literally a monster, and her senses are extremely advanced. But even she didn't feel this beastkin.

"I'm flattered, and I assure you, I'm skilled!" - Said the man, laughing, where he bowed and finally introduced himself. - "My name is Tropim, and as you can see, I'm a Beastkin; I'm a Level 9 Rogue; I'm not that far from Level 10. My main skills, besides stealth, would be the use of poisons and throwing knives. But I'm very good at picking all kinds of locks; I've never let a trap slip past my eyes, and I've never failed to disarm them!"

Her tone was full of confidence and pride as she smilingly sat down and deftly stole Calah's beer, to which she frowned. - "I didn't like him anymore!"

Tropim snapped a finger, and a coin flew; Calah caught it. - "I take back what I said!" -She said, smiling and waving. She shouted for more drinks.

"So can I be part of the club, or have I scared you off?" - Tropim smiled confidently while drinking.

"He showed himself to be skilled. If I managed to deceive his senses, it is because of my magic, but if he deceived you, it indicates that he is very skilled."- Phinel said, and Tropim waved a smile at him.

"I'm not petty; I admit that you have skill if you got so close without me noticing you. I'm Skarla; this is Viper…" - Skarla started naming everyone present, and Tropim made a point of memorizing everything.

"I couldn't help but notice your interest in recruiting an assassin. If that's the case, I have someone to recommend; the problem is that she has some annoying baggage!" - Tropim growled with disdain.

"What kind of luggage?" - Skarla raised an eyebrow.

"In the village where I was born, there were many of my kind, of other clans, and of course, many mestizos! Among the mestizos, there was a Chinchilla girl who was a little bullied for being weak, so she ended up making friends with another, a Beastkin from the Rabbit Clan; Jinmei is her name. He was an annoying brat who chased every girl like a rabbit in heat; with this Chinchilla girl, it wasn't much different, and as a result, they were always close."

"Then, when he got older, Jinmei started learning alchemy, and because it was advantageous, I and many others became friends with him, helping him to level up in exchange for potions, some financial support, and things like that. A good business transaction, and this Chinchilla girl grew a lot, where Jinmei quickly latched onto her like a parasite!" - Tropim growled, sounding disdainful.

"It seems to me like a case of unrequited love." - Skarla said, smiling and narrowing her eyes.

"I assure you that I have no feelings for the girl; it's just that Jinmei is pathetic! Nobody liked him; the girl only liked him because she was bullied and he was the only one who took care of her in some way. Today this girl must be around Level 8~9, while the idiot boasts about being a Level 5 Alchemist." -Tropim rolled his eyes, knowing how she may be looking, but he was indignant.

He even talked about how this girl alone killed an ogre to save Jinmei, where she almost died.

She is extremely good at fighting and has great attributes and confidence. Tropim said that her body was not inferior to that of Sasha or Calah. If Skarla can bring her along, she would be great company.

"I'm not interested in some arrogant Level 5 brat. We already have our alchemist, who happens to be Level 8 and has earned it through her efforts, not holding on to others."- Skarla said, narrowing her eyes.

"You're a Futanari, right?" - Tropim asked.

Before Skarla could state it, Viper asked. - "You're not thinking about…"

"That's not a nice thing to do." - Said Phinel with his eyes closed and drinking his beer.

"If this Jinmei guy is as trash as he says he is, I don't see any problems, but if their relationship is more than what you told us, that would be criminal!" - Said Sasha nodding her head.

"I'm not ashamed to suggest this; I really despise Jinmei and feel sorry for Shunam. We are from the same village, and it is an honor to come from the same village as someone with their capabilities. We've fought side by side a few times and done missions, and I know how exceptional she is. While I'm at Level 9, close to Level 10, she's already approaching Level 11 by leaps and bounds! You can see that she must be 2 or 3 years younger than me!"

"I can't accept that someone so young, incredible, and talented is being dragged through the mud by a piece of trash who only knows how to fuck any hole she finds attractive. I don't expect you to understand my point of view. It may seem to you humans that I have some romantic interest in her, but I swear on my mother's behalf, that's not it! My race is very underestimated, and my village was also the target of a lot of prejudice and other problems, so I am proud that someone with Shunam appeared there, someone who many of us believe can make a name for themselves in this world."

"The problem is that Shunam has no ambitions, or at least, if she does, she is being suppressed to do the bidding of that arrogant, trashy brat!" - Tropim grabbed his head at the comments, but he really wasn't ashamed.

"Okay, I understand, but what the fuck are you talking about? What's so bad if he just asks if I'm a futanari?!" -Skarla frowned in doubt, and many looked at her, confused. How could someone of her level not know this?


Viper coughed and began to explain how Beastkin society and its halfbreeds work!

Beastkins are a race of humanoid beings with predominant animalistic characteristics. Most of them are of the physical type, where within their Race, there are numerous Sub-Races, with the most famous being the Clans of Lion, Tiger, Bear, Boar and Elephant.

But there are dozens to hundreds of other clans spread across the world, with all kinds of animalistic characteristics.

But like all animals, beastkins have a greater need for the wild, many times greater than the animals from which they originate. Because unlike humans, animals don't have sex for pleasure, but humans have this capacity. Now mix the two, and we already know what happens.

As a result, for Beastkins, hormones are potent aphrodisiacs, where the stronger the individual of the opposite sex, the more attractive they will be to a Beastkin, especially when they are in heat.

But apart from this time when their bodies are craving carnal pleasures and getting pregnant, They have several days a month where they are more sensitive, especially females.

Men have more control over their bodies, but when they are around women of their species who are very excited, they tend to lose control. In the case of being around human women, elves, dwarves, etc., who are also excited, they will still be affected, but not as drastically.

But unfortunately for female Beastkins, the world isn't fair, which makes them slaves to their own bodies and desires.

Females end up being hypnotized when they are close to strong individuals, when they feel their pheromones, and naturally, when they are more excited or have strong body odors, they end up amplifying their hormones, which, if a Beastkin female feels it, can make her excited and then lose control.

For this reason, Beastkins rarely leave the villages or cities in which they were born, as they understand how harmful their bestial instincts are to themselves and become slaves to their own bodies.

And this is due to one main factor: they are bad people!

There are many cases of adventurers who encounter a family of Beastkins, or simply a female Beastkin working in an inn, store, etc., who rushes forward without hesitation to try something.

Normally, the female, who is smart, tends to stay away, but with due insistence, touch, and sufficient exposure, the senses begin to be clouded, and reason ceases to exist.

Therefore, it doesn't take long for an adventurer who is above Level 4 to seduce a Level 0~1 Beastkin, taking her to bed and becoming the master of her body.

In Beastkin society, the strong are always exalted, and the weak are pushed into the corner.

And unfortunately, there are cases of entire Beastkin families being destroyed because of this. A strong and evil adventurer invites himself to a house, attracted by the body of a Beastkin, then advances on it.

If the husband is not present, it is very likely that when he arrives home, he will find his wife in bed with someone else and will know at that moment that he has lost her forever!

If the husband is, he may fight to keep his wife, but if he loses, it will be even easier for the invading adventurer to take her.

As for mestizos, who have more human characteristics than animals, they end up having fewer problems related to this. Of course, they still receive penalties related to their animal instincts and pleasure, which are easily inferior to the strongest.

But crossbreeds do not have a heat period; if they do, it is extremely short and less intense. They are also 2 or even 3 times more resistant to sex than pure-blood Beastkins, which makes it difficult to destroy their families over something like that.

In the case of the Beastkins, what these adventurers do is considered rape, but as they easily give up everything to be by your side after just one relationship, it is difficult to categorize as such. In the end, everyone sees this as Beastkins' problem, which they can solve themselves!

As for the Crossbreed Beastkins, they will not abandon their entire lives or the relationships established because of their instincts. Maybe they lose their senses due to the pleasure, but when they regain them, they won't run away with just anyone because of their racial defects!

Understanding the complexity of the Beastkins' lives, Skarla now understood what Tropim was suggesting, but then she said it. - "This Chinchilla girl is a mixed breed, so I don't think she'll be of any help. I have no plans to rape anyone!"

Sasha raised an eyebrow and decided to keep quiet and drink her drink.

"Shunam's father is a half-breed Beastkin of the Rat Clan, and his mother is a pure-blood Beastkin of the Chinchilla Clan." - Tropim said and added. - "So she's more Beastkin than half-breed!"

"I assure you that Shunam is extremely beautiful and skilled. Take it from me; taking her out of the clutches of that annoying rabbit, you will do her, the world, and, of course, my village, a favor! Like I said, no one likes Jinmei, and because he drags Shunam with him for her mediocrity, even fewer people like him." - Tropim said it seriously.

"Argh! How the hell do you know this is going to work?" - Skarla growled, since if this Shunam person wasn't taken by now, it had to have some meaning.

"Probably this bunny must make her drink libido suppressants or something to keep her in check. As an alchemist, I can do this!" - Calah said, scratching his thin chin.

"If you want, I can go out to get more information and see if what Tropim said is reliable. If she is as skilled as she says she is, it would be a huge waste for someone like her to continue to be with someone like this Jinmei." - Viper said calmly.

"I will refrain from this conversation; I don't feel comfortable!" - Pauline said.

"As an elf, I see the beauty in a relationship, especially between Beastkins, because I know how much your species struggles to stay together, which makes me despise you for actually proposing such a thing. But if Jinmei really is as bad as it seems and perhaps to manipulate this girl, he makes her take drugs to suppress her libido and stay with her by her side, you will have my apologies and support. If this is not the case and this girl is still taken, with a potential romantic relationship being destroyed, I apologize, but I will leave this group!" - Phinel said it seriously.

"I agree with Phinel!" - Pauline added.

"I don't care, it's just sex!" - Said Sasha, but she knew it wasn't just that.

"I don't know why they suddenly started getting so serious, but if you want, I can take a look. I'm an alchemist; I'll know if she's abusing something." - Calah said, rolling his eyes, knowing that because of the new member, the group began to shake and could fall apart.

Tropim just drank his beer, with his sharp eyes evaluating everyone present.

Skarla scratched her head and said. - "I may be someone who loves to have sex, but I'm not going to destroy relationships or lives because of it, not to mention that if everything is true and I end up stealing this Shunam, I'm likely to have an extremely clingy and in-heat Beastkin assassin by my side . I already abandoned an elf who almost burst my balls because of it."

"Please do not compare female Beastkins to elves. Elves are tougher; a beastkin is easily satisfied."- Phinel said.

"I may not know much about Shunam, but I have seen many female Beastkins being seen as better in bed than elves!" - Tropim said, narrowing his eyes.

"Haha! What a joke! You Beastkins are so fragile in bed, both men and women; you orgasm so quickly and easily; it is because of the males who cum fast that your females cum equally fast."- Phinel said, laughing in disdain.

"For an elf who only knows how to give his ass and fuck any hole he finds, you talk too much!" - Tropim growled and seemed irritated.

"Yes, I love good sex, but from my 100+ years of experiencing all kinds of holes and good cocks, all the Beastkins I've interacted with are at the bottom of my list!" - Phinel laughed, and Tropim growled, knowing that it wouldn't be easy to discuss sexuality with an elf!

"Screw this! I won't waste my time!" - Tropim said, growling.

"If you want to show me I'm wrong, you can show me later if you're not too busy selling members of your race!" -Phinel laughed mockingly, making Tropim even more irritated. He snorted, stood up, and apologized before walking away, saying that he would find them later.

Phinel laughed before standing up and saying, - "Well, I don't like having bad relationships with my teammates, so I'm going to go apologize!" - Laughing, he picked up his things, went towards Tropim, and left.

"That was faster than I thought…" - Calah said with a hand over his mouth, hiding his smile.

"One thing I've learned in my life is that if an elf provokes you and makes you angry, he wants to fuck you!" -Pauline said, laughing and watching Phinel walk away, and of course, she looked at his ass.

Skarla just laughed; that's weird, but she was curious about how they're going to do this.

"Male elves, if they want to fuck another male, will simply annoy them, and then when apologizing, they act coquettishly and indicate that they will let them do whatever they want with their bodies as an apology. This is extremely effective for men, and the pretty faces of the elves help." - Viper said it in a cold tone, but she had a curious look.

"It's sure to be wild!" - Calah laughed. - "Is there any way we can observe? If possible, join?" -She asked.

"If you want to try your luck, go ahead, but you're likely to irritate Phinel by ruining the mood." - Pauline said with a shrug.

"Hmmm… ok, then I guess I'll settle for the big one here!" - She said smiling and looking at Skarla.