42 - Ceremony!


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PART 1 – Conversation and Decisions made!


Time passed, and soon the day of the Reward Ceremony arrived. The entire capital was festive, receiving guests from various nations, even enemy ones. It turns out that this demonic invasion is causing concern across the continent.

But the main reason for these nations' presence, especially the enemy ones, is because of Skarla.

A legendary figure appeared like a comet; no one has information about her, her achievements, what she accomplished in recent decades, or how many formidable enemies she killed before finally reaching such a level.

It has gotten to the point that in the short period of a few months since the discovery of Skarla, every nation on the continent has sent letters far and wide, magical messages to other continents asking about Skarla, showing images of her, and much more.

Everyone is curious about her identity, as the rise of a legend not only impacts a single continent, but multiple ones as well, implying the possibility of a looming catastrophe within her country. Should she lose her sanity or inadvertently trigger it, it would be a tragic event.

In the past, legends have disguised themselves as commoners to visit other nations and continents. However, they often encounter arrogant nobles, leading to intense conflicts. This has forced entire nations to maintain their pride, hunt down these powerful individuals, and endure significant losses.

So they need to know where the hell it came from, where it was born, and how to become allies while avoiding becoming enemies as much as possible.

The Zenirys Empire is mainly seeking to understand Skarla's mind, her real goals, why she is here, and why she established herself in her empire, where the easiest way to understand is naturally through Letiphia. She received an invitation to discuss Skarla with the Emperor, Empress, and several other nobles.

The parties continued, and several theater plays appeared. An old acquaintance was in the Capital, Pauline. She didn't go to meet Skarla, but as she gained fame for being part of her group and took advantage of that to earn money, she sang the songs she created to emphasize her power and heroism, talking about the fearsome demon who faced Skarla's immense fists. After their fierce confrontation, the great heroine emerged triumphant, burying Skarla under the mountain and crushing her to death.

Everyone was eager to listen, and her presence commanded a high price. He is accompanied by two elves, Phinel the Nature Wizard, who, because he trusted Pauline, requested to stay together, and she agreed. The two bonded, and even though they are not lovers or anything like that, they are colorful friends who did some services on the way to the capital.

The second elf in the group, a red-haired woman with soft white skin and two daggers at her waist, skillfully steals wallets from the street without detection. Clearly, we're talking about Mirabell, who hadn't given up yet, but she knew that reaching Skarla now was practically impossible.

The three of them ended up together for various reasons; why did they come to the Capital? In addition to being able to benefit from the relationship they have with Skarla, they can get some money, and for adventurers like them, every penny matters.


As the sun rose, Skarla was on a balcony, naked, and felt the sun's rays entering and hitting her body. In his arms are his three wives: Letiphia, Viper, and Calah.

All enjoying the sunrise, where naturally there is magic preventing outsiders from observing the interior.

"I think your son has arrived." - Skarla said calmly, and Letiphia looked at her. - "Berinto?"

"Yes, I feel her energy." - Skarla replied.

Letiphia grunted, got off her, stretched, and went to grab her underwear and dress. Skarla watched her get dressed—this beauty. They would have stayed together all week if not for their limited stamina and the numerous tasks they had to complete today.

Letiphia didn't say anything; she just kissed Skarla's forehead after getting dressed and leaving. Little by little, her heart is opening. She has already accepted her destiny as your wife; she now just needs to adapt to loving someone other than her children.

With her leaving, Skarla turned her attention to these two on her chest, kissing and hugging them tightly. Calah laughed, and Viper stretched like a cute kitten.

"Viper, I love you." -Skarla said, kissing her forehead, which surprised Viper, but smiling. - "I love you too."

Skarla smiled and, with a cold tone, said. - "Then stop acting pathetic. As my wife, I hope for the best, because I will be her shield, so all you need to do is walk with your head held high and not let anything, not even me, bring you down. I know from your story with Letiphia that you are always nervous around her, but you have to overcome that, or you will never be able to master my martial arts, because in addition to talent and a good body, you also need to have an unstable mind and be strong to advance. If you do not have this, you will succumb to the Demonic Arts that I am teaching you; you will become a slave to your will, and I will be forced to suppress you with force in the hope that you will one day recover, but if not, I will kill you!"

Viper's eyes widened, and Skarla continued. - "I love you; you were the first woman in my life to whom I really felt such a strong attraction and who I desired so much. Talya and Ilyria, the mothers of my daughters, I love them, but our relationship began out of impulse and obligation; in your case, it was my desire to have you for me above all. In my entire life, not just this one, but all the lives I've lived, you were the first one who truly made me want someone in my life so much."

Viper shivered at those words; her eyes turned red. - "So as someone who loves you, do not succumb to your sense of inferiority, because as my wife, you are not inferior to anyone; even Kings and Queens, Emperors and Empresses, will have to lower their heads in the future to talk to you."

Calah heard this and felt that the conversation was scary, but she felt strange until Skarla pulled her, making her come up so they were face to face. - "I love you too; don't doubt that. I am someone who is materialistic and objective; our relationship started with that, but you now occupy my heart, and I can't see my life without you."

These words warmed Calah's heart; she hugged his neck and said. - "I'm going to do my best to finish the elixirs and advance in the Aquatic Arts, so I won't need to stay hydrated or die from cumming so much."

Skarla laughed; she really loved this bitch who only thinks about sex. She glanced at Viper, who was sitting down. She hugged them both tightly and said. - "A shame, but we have to get up and take a shower; we need to receive a lot of money."

Calah smiled and bit her lips, excited for the reward. The words still affected Viper, heightened by the emerging mental message from Skarla.

["Please, as someone who loves you and wants the best for you, get over it and move on."]


After taking a shower, Skarla went to eat breakfast and also met his wife's son, Berinto.

And there he was, coming to meet her and asking for a private meeting. He entered politely, as he understood that Skarla is no longer a commoner; she is a legend and must be given due respect, regardless of her resentments.

"Sit down; I know you must have a lot of things on your mind." - Skarla said, hinting at the chair, and without hesitation, he sat down. - "You don't need to use honorifics with me; Skarla is more than fine."

"Understood." - Berinto nodded and calmly cast a spell on the surroundings to seal the sound. Skarla was unfazed, and she looked at him calmly.

"Ask me anything you want; I'll be happy to answer." - Skarla said, smiling slightly.

"Your relationship with my mother is already obvious; do you have plans to get married?" - Berinto asked seriously.

"Yes!" - Skarla said without hesitation.

"I see, so since she can still conceive, it means the fact that I'm the firstborn doesn't matter anymore. So tell me, will you fight for the leadership of the Veremor family? If that is the case, I will give up here and ask my sisters to do the same."

"Don't worry about that; I won't fight for the leadership of the Veremor Family, my children with their mother, much less. You are the firstborn and have full right to this family; I will not take that away from you."

Berinto narrowed his eyes upon hearing this. - "I understand and thank you. But what is your real plan? If you don't want the Veremor family, what do you want?"

"Your mother. I have no ulterior motives; I simply fell in love with her, and I want her for myself. She likes me, we love each other, and so it will be. I understand that you must have your doubts and suspicions; I would too if I were my mother, but I want to make her happy, and I will do so. I am not interested in the power of her family, because, as you can see, I don't need it. If I wanted power, I would be going after royalty." - Skarla said calmly, and Berinto nodded.

"I have no problems with this, if it is true. My mother is an adult woman, and I admit a lot, but I do not doubt her decision-making capabilities. But I want to know what her relationship will be like with the Veremor Family. You will take my mother, and since you will not fight for the succession, as well as soon becoming a noblewoman of the Empire and forming your own family, it means that my mother will be the one who will marry you and not the other way around." - Berinto narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, we have already talked about it, and she is in agreement; as soon as we get married, she will hand over control of the family to you." - Said Skarla.

Berinto clenched his fists but remained calm. - "You didn't answer my question, just part of it."

"Berinto. I love your mother, you can be sure of that, and I'm not after her because of her position or wealth or because I have some strange fetish for older women with children; I simply like and want her, simple as that. Despite my flaws, I take responsibility for my actions. You are the son of the woman I love, so I will see you as part of my family. Just like your sisters, you are all important to me because you are the most important things in your mother's life. She may not show how much she loves you because of her position and the possibility that you and your sisters will soon be fighting for succession, but she loves each of you and wants the best for you all, but she understands the position she is in and how it harms you, forcing her to watch their own children potentially becoming enemies."

Berinto shuddered when he heard this.

"Then you will become the leader of the family, and you will have my full support. Even if you hate me or just use my name, I don't care. Do whatever you want; the world will see you as my son, which will be the case with your sisters, so use it however you want. I will accept any responsibility, good or bad. I made this decision the moment I decided to accept your mother as my wife, so I have to take full responsibility."

These words left Berinto shocked. - "Will you give me and my sisters full support? Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. I already spoke to your mother about this too; she didn't give me an answer, but even if she refused, I would still make this decision. Hate me, despise me, or whatever; I don't care; you can use my name, but all I ask is that you don't let anything bad happen to your family because it will hurt your mother, and I don't want to see her hurt. ."

"I understand. I have no more questions, and... thank you." - Berinto said, smiling with a gentle and genuine smile. - "I was actually worried; since my father's death and the loss of my mother as her last child, she became cold and distant; I don't think I ever saw her smile after that. But today when I met her, she was smiling like it was natural, so I thank you for making her happy and for showing me that you are not playing with her."

Skarla smiled; she didn't expect it, but he is Letiphia's son. Even if she is cold, she has a warm heart, and her children certainly inherited part of that.

"I will see you with my mother, because I respect and admire you." - Berinto said words that surprised Skarla.

"Wow! That was too fast." - Skarla laughed.

"I will assuage my sisters' doubts and concerns; there is no need to worry. I was closest to my father, and I know what decisions to make. So mom… take care of her. I hope my brothers are adorable." - Berinto smiled and stood up.

Skarla looked at him, smiled, and said. - "Wait one moment." - Berinto looked at her, and she took something from her storage item, which she took from Letiphia.

She took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Berinto. - "Inside is a technique that I created; it will help you become physically stronger; all you need is to have one skill slot, and over time it will increase all your attributes. Your mother is learning this. After memorizing, burn the parchment and make sure you don't let it fall into anyone's hands."

Berinto was surprised and picked it up, while Skarla grabbed her arm. - "Seriously, this technique can cause wars; even demigods would covet it, much less legends and empires. You will become a target if information about this technique spreads, so be aware!"

These words left him speechless, but nodding, he put them away and thanked him, then left.

Shortly afterwards, Letiphia entered. "How was it?" - She seemed genuinely worried and distressed.

"He called me mom." - Skarla said, and Letiphia was shocked.

"Did you hit or fuck my son, you bastard?!" - Letiphia growled fiercely and had already grabbed her staff, ready to attack.

"HEY!" - Skarla screamed and moved forward to suppress it. - "It's nothing like that; he just accepted that we are together, that I don't want the Veremor family, and that you will marry me. He thanked me for smiling again and said he would call me mom out of respect for me."

Upon hearing this, Letiphia calmed down, still harboring suspicions, and decided to cast spells to ensure she didn't harm her son. But when she was sure, she apologized for her distrust and hugged him; she didn't say anything else, and they just stayed like that for a while, until they were forced to prepare for the Reward Ceremony.


PART 2 – Reward Ceremony!


The streets were busy; traveling bards hired by the Imperial Family were singing praises about the Empire's achievements in defeating demons.

Skarla, Mountain's Fist. He repeatedly recounted his story.

And finally, the protagonist's carriage left the Veremor Mansion, crowds on the way, throwing flowers, falling on their knees and giving thanks, shouts and celebrations, people of various races and ages trying to catch any glimpse of Skarla.

To satisfy the people's curiosity, the carriage stood in the center with its windows open. Letiphia was already waiting for the crowd and thinking that it would be a good advertisement; it would be good for them to meet Skarla, so she chose a carriage that allowed others to see the person inside from both sides.

Skarla sat and didn't react to people, but at some point she took papers and started drawing faces and writing some things, like height and certain notable things.

It went on like this for a long time, to the point where Letiphia sent someone to get more paper, which she brought quickly, and Skarla continued. The speed at which she drew was incredible.

When they finally arrived at the imperial palace, which was magnificent and glorious, it was found in the center of the capital and covered a large expanse of land. Rows of carriages were organized, with thousands of soldiers guarding the place and many nobles in the courtyard and garden, all carefully watching the arriving carriage.

And when she stopped and the mattress man opened the door, a large figure walked out, beautiful and youthful, exuding power and fierceness, attracting many looks of different attitudes.

Skarla calmly turned around and helped Letiphia down, where they stood side by side. Both dressed luxuriously and beautifully. Letiphia is in a dark blue dress that shows off her devilish curves.

Skarla, unwillingly, was also in a tight red dress, exposing her curves well, and to hide the volume between her legs, a special item was put on for comfort and disguise.

Her figure was fantastic; even though she is very muscular, she is not exaggerated, but everything about her is perfect; her proportions are incredible, along with her muscles. Her long brown hair is in a fabulous hairstyle. It was impossible for her not to attract attention and have hot looks.

She was irritated by this, but it was dress code, and she also didn't want to give a bad and wild impression—more than she let on.

And in her hands, there is no bag but a pile of papers. No one understood what that meant, but among everything in her, the papers are the last of the things that really attract attention.

No one stopped them from talking; it was just light greetings. This is not an environment for conversations, but rather waiting until they are formally summoned to the throne room.

And for formalities, the Commander of the Imperial Guard approached. A tall, imposing man with intense green eyes, a full beard, and a large scar that runs from his chin, across his mouth, and up to his cheek.

[Image] →

His name is Arthur Cervero, a powerful knight who has served the imperial family for decades.

Arthur respectfully bowed. - "It's a great pleasure to meet you; I'm Arthur Cervero, a true honor."

"Nice to meet you, Skarla." - Skarla said, smiling, and then handed him the stack of papers, which left him confused. - "Sorry, but it's work for you and the city guard. While I was coming here, I detected demonic energy not provided by contracts like sorcerers, but rather by followers. I drew their faces and other striking features."

Arthur was shocked and took the papers, staring at them. - "Is this right?" - He asked in disbelief.

"Sir Arthur. Don't doubt Skarla's capabilities or her ingenuity; otherwise, you will regret it." - Letiphia said this to the side with a serious look.

"Understood, I'll take care of it." - Said Arthur, having no more reason to doubt, heard and read several reports about Skarla's actions.

With the documents delivered, Skarla and Letiphia waited until, in less than 5 minutes, the doors were opened, and finally, everyone was given permission to enter.

Everyone entered, where they were divided into 3 groups, two of them on the sides of the main floor, where there are those who will receive rewards for their military merits for the empire.

Everyone was organizing themselves, with the highest-ranking nobles at the head, along with princes and princesses, and then influential figures in various sectors, such as merchants, politicians, and renowned knights.

In the center, the main floor, with the few dozen people being rewarded for their merits, is at the front; those who will first receive their rewards are at the end, along with Letiphia and Berinto.

The soldiers and servants organized and inspected them to make sure everything was in order and to avoid complications.

Then, when they were organizing themselves in the corners, trumpets sounded and large doors were opened at the top of a staircase. A man and a woman appeared.

The man was handsome, tall, and seemed to have a strong physique. Long platinum white hair, beautiful red eyes and white skin, a square chin, and a shallow beard.

[Image] →

This is the Emperor of Zenirys, Lucius Zenirys. He may appear to be around 25 to 30 years old, but he is far from that age, still attracting many women and being in the prime of his life.

He had an imposing and superior look, casually walking down the stairs with his left arm being embraced by a beautiful and youthful woman.

This woman was short in stature, with long white hair and a shade slightly darker than the emperor's, with delicate features and a colder, darker look. Intense and dangerous red eyes with a unique glow. She walked down the stairs with her husband, adorned in luxurious jewelry.

[Image] →

This is none other than Kaleria Zenirys, the empress, first wife of the Emperor, and mother of three children, all princesses.

She seemed distant, dark, yet arrogant and proud, standing on a pedestal that made anyone feel unreachable.

The Emperor and Empress arrived, receiving admiring looks from everyone, before finally falling to their knees, Skarla being no exception.

"LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR!!! GLORY TO THE EMPIRE" - A thunderous sound echoed from the voices in unison, to the point of making the environment shake.

Lucius and Kaleria arrived at the thrones, where they stood with their backs to them, looking at all of their subjects before sitting down. - "Get up!" - Lucius's imposing voice resounded, and everyone began to stand up.

An old man walked forward with a large scroll in his hands.

"Today we are here to celebrate, congratulate, and reward the heroes of the Empire before the benevolence and generosity of the Great Emperor. During the last few months, we have been greatly tormented by the demonic presence plaguing our glorious empire, and these great heroes have ceased the tyranny and expansion of these aberrations in our sacred lands." - Said the man predominantly and passionately, stepping back, and the Emperor stood up.

"The demonic invasion that began in the Duchy of Veremor shook this nation, but we fought, for it will not be the mere presence of filthy creatures that will cause fissures in this glorious empire that I govern; I would never allow any harm to come to my citizens and loyal subjects!"


"And after great pressure, we accomplished many victories; we lost many heroes and innocent people, my subjects who died in service in the clutches of these aberrations, but they were all avenged, as their schemes were thwarted, for we are superior! Its powerful leaders, who could be something in the dirty hell they came from before the empire, are nothing more than insects waiting to be stepped on."

"And today, this great event that is celebrated throughout the empire, this glorious nation, applauds the efforts of all the heroes who have fallen and prevailed in the face of demonic forces, and today we will reward them. It is certainly far from what is necessary to compensate for their heroic efforts, but it's a start, and much more glory and wealth awaits you!"

At Lucius' words, applause came, and he sat down, looked at his wife, who remained silent, looking intently at the people below, with her eyes specifically on Skarla, who felt it and returned the look, not backing down.

No one seemed to have noticed, or they simply ignored it, as these are two of the most powerful women present in this room.

"Now I will tell you your rewards; prepare yourselves!" - The old man shouted, and everyone in the center kneeled down, where the first names were being called, proclaiming the defeat of the demonic forces and how they suppressed the actions of neighboring nations or powerful criminal groups, including acts of corruption.

Even with the Demons causing problems, the nation's other problems did not cease, and well before all that, several achievements had been acquired in recent months that were awaiting a formal reward.

With the presence of demons, these rewards dragged on until everything was done today.

The former received thousands in gold, followed by reduced taxes on the land they owned, as well as other rewards in the form of titles, but there were no significant noble promotions.

With each name and achievement proclaimed, applause filled the hall.

This lasted for several minutes, until...

"Berinto Veremor, forward!" - The man cried out, and Berinto got up, going forward and falling to his knees.

"Berinto Veremor, firstborn of the Veremor house, you achieve one of the main achievements in this endeavor against the demons, staying east of the duchy, having hunted eight Demonic Creatures of frightening power, preventing any advance of the periodic invasions of the barbarians. Your deeds are commendable and impressive, demonstrating great will and loyalty to the empire; as such, you will be rewarded with 5,000 Gold Coins and an Empire Medal of Heroic Honor, along with the formal rank of Military Commander."

"I am extremely grateful and honored by Your Majesty's great generosity. Long live the emperor!" - Berinto said it out loud.

Right away. - "Duchess, Letiphia Veremor, forward!" -With her name called, Letiphia followed, and Berinto retreated to her place.

She knelt down.

"Letiphia Veremor, Duchess of Veremor. You led the front against the demonic invasion, bearing costs and ceding your lands, prioritizing the safety and prosperity of ordinary citizens. You and your soldiers held out for months against the demons before the empire's reinforcements; many loyal subjects lost their lives during this period. You served as a shield for the empire, controlling and eradicating the demonic presence in our empire. His contributions are countless, with the most recent being the purge of infiltrated demonic forces among the citizens, avoiding unnecessary sacrifices, and always prioritizing the greater good. Furthermore, another feat of a much higher level would be the fierce battle against a Legendary Demon that could incur countless deaths and losses for the empire, but given his exceptional leadership, this demon was killed and his hidden forces annihilated, bringing a massive victory not only for the empire but for all humanity!"

"As a reward for its incredible deeds, the Duchy of Veremor will receive parts of the lands deposed from the Marquisate of Trapom, lands associated with the Krugar Mountains."

=== [Information] ===

The Marquisate of Trapom was where Skarla, Ilyria, and Talya escaped to go to Barony Staruss.

Aside from a large pass in the Duchy of Veremor, which is the main battle route against the people of the Krugar Mountains, the Marquisate of Trapom has a smaller pass.

With this information, what caused the marquisate to lose land?

=== [End of Information] ===

"The Duchy of Veremor will receive a 3% reduction in taxes for the next 10 years. The Duchy will also receive the authority to launch its own military campaigns without needing permission from the Imperial Family."

With this reward, everyone was incredulous, as this means that the Empire is giving authority to the Veremor Family to try to conquer the Krugar Mountains, which has been the target of the empire's desire for a long time.

The problem is that giving such authority indicates that what the Veremor Family conquers will be theirs; if they conquer the Krugar Mountains, even with allies, they will be able to decide how many lands to hand over, and the Empire will have little control over this.

This is a huge reward; many wanted to protest, especially the Sieres and Kopar families, as this is giving a lot of power and authority to just one family.

But it turns out that there were no protests because, besides being a reward ceremony where things have already been decided and cannot be changed, Letiphia has the support of a legend, so there is no reason to run the risk of irritating everyone.

So they could only remain silent while Letiphia thanked her for her reward and applauded.

"Skarla, go ahead!" - The old man's voice sounded, and everyone's attention was doubled. The imposing and kneeling figure, motionless all this time, stood up and advanced. Letiphia passed by her; they did not look at each other.

Soon Skarla was kneeling in the center, in front of the emperor, with the old man at her side with the parchment.

"Skarla, Legendary Adventurer. She came in support of our empire without asking for anything in return, simply as a mercenary in a simple job, the one who contributed most to the safety and victory of the empire, putting her life at risk against a Legendary Demon who was possessed by a Demigod. The danger she faced alone could bring our glorious empire to ruin, but she confronted it alone, finding and purging the demonic forces not only in the Duchy of Veremor but also here, in our capital, where, in just a simple carriage ride through the city, she discovered the presence of 26 demonic followers, all of whom have already been apprehended and are currently being interrogated."

The old man's words left everyone shocked; no one knew that, especially because it happened now. Arthur doesn't play around on duty.

"Her feats are difficult to count for how incredible they are; as such, the Emperor will reward Skarla with 100,000 Gold Coins, Imperial Immunity, the Title of Marquise and personally give a Mansion in the Capital to Skarla and her surname." - The man stopped speaking, bowing before the emperor, who stood up.

"Skarla, your presence brought security and prosperity to this nation. You were a great surprise, an unexpected ally who avoided the worst possible scenario, and even now, you continue to help us without asking for anything in return. For your bravery, generosity, and honor, I give you the Title of Marquise and the surname Verona. The Empire is in great gratitude to you, and rest assured that we will repay this gratitude 100 times."

Lucius' words were met with applause.

"I thank you, Your Majesty!" - Skarla said, smiling and with her head down.


PART 3 – Dance and Party!


After the rewards were proclaimed, the environment was quickly filled with tables and chairs, the courtyard was opened for movement, and plenty of food and drinks were served.

A dance started to celebrate and unite the people. Only the most influential and powerful in the Empire are present, heavily congratulating those who have contributed the most in the last year.

Skarla was the center of attention; nobles, politicians, and merchants surrounded her, including mercenaries and envoys from other nations. Only people with power and influence are present here.

She was very calm, not allowing herself to be run over, avoiding delicate subjects, and avoiding any political trickery.

With that, everyone began to have an idea of her capabilities; she not only knew how to fight, but she was also smart—very smart.

Strength and wisdom in the political environment are not desirable; when confronted with such a vision, questions about marriage arose.

As Skarla is a Futanari, naturally offered mainly by the ladies of their families, it is unlikely that a woman of Skarla's stature, who looks like an Amazon, which many believe comes from some Amazon Clan, will certainly not agree to conceive the children of a weak man.

So the best thing was to offer him her daughters and granddaughters, but Skarla avoided that conversation, saying that she still has a lot to do, like dealing with demons, and doesn't know if she can keep her life, so she prefers to avoid marriages.

If that wasn't enough, she said that she is already satisfied with who she is with and doesn't want any more women to complicate her life. She sometimes used humor to escape this delicate subject.

And in the middle of this, Kalen and Angelo spoke out, politely and without enmity. Kalen was eloquent and kind, constantly praising Skarla and saying how fantastic it would be if she gave some lectures and demonstrations of her strength at the Imperial Academy, which many applauded and agreed with.

Angelo, on the other hand, was against this, saying that Skarla is a motivating force for the entire army that has been suffering from diabolical terrors; her presence is more important on the battlefield, and it was the academy students who should go to Skarla if they really wanted to know their achievements and have some of their teachings, in addition to learning what a battlefield really is, showing that the academy cannot teach everything.

Skarla smiled at this, not giving her opinion; she doesn't like either of them and won't accomplish anything like that. She aims to investigate and conquer the Krugar Mountains; why waste her time teaching arrogant young nobles?

She already sees in the future, if she were to go to the academy, the number of young people full of hormones with their egos sky high, disturbing her due to her humble origins.

Naturally, young people are much dumber than older people. They are more impulsive and disconnected from reality, as their reality is the one that has been presented to them since their creation, being placed on a pedestal above any commoner.

Anyway, everything was handled tactfully until Hackel arrived in a beautiful black dress, exposing her magnificent and attractive figure and receiving many covetous glances.

Both face-to-face, talking in a subtle way, it was an incredible sight for anyone—two tall and muscular beauties with incredible curves and stunning beauty.

There is no need to say how many intrusive thoughts flooded their minds; if they could, they would perform all kinds of immoral acts with them.

(Author: They are wonderful, but as a human being, the worrying thing is the pillars between their legs. I would rather avoid being impaled than succumb to my wildest desires.)

Hackel didn't come to embarrass her or try some political game; he just came to talk and introduce some acquaintances and their wives. Hackel doesn't have a wife, but he has women.

In this world, people of noble power have a lot of rigidity in their consorts; the normal hierarchy of their relationships is:

Main Wife or Husband: The one who will have a level of power similar to hers, just below you.

Concubine/Concubine: They are those who came later; they could become the main partner, but this rarely happened. They have less power and influence than the main partner, but they are not too far away; it depends a lot on the internal structure of the family.

Conjugate: This is an unofficial position where a marriage does not occur, but they are still together and can use each other's influence. In other words, it would be a courtship between nobles, which may or may not become official.

Naturally, "Conjugate" is a modified title for this world, due to the ease of the sexual act and how it benefits people. The nobles, who are important figures and on a great pedestal, use these mechanics but cannot abuse them and thus mainly need to relate to each other.

The problem is that the importance of their bodies is another delicate matter. The relationship between two nobles is of paramount importance, and as a result, the nobles needed to create a position that lessened this responsibility and allowed them to enjoy the benefits.

Purity is something required but not mandatory. No nobleman will cause problems because his partner is not a virgin, but if she is, the significance will be even greater.

And these women that Hackel presented are his spouses, daughters of nobles and politicians, very beautiful and educated. It is likely that Hackel at most sees them as sexual partners or uses the connection for political purposes.

Whatever the case, Skarla, who learned a little more about this world's noble structure, knew how to fuck these arrogant brats without needing to marry them.

The problem is that if one becomes pregnant, several obligations will arise that are impossible to avoid unless you flee the nation or resolve them secretly.

Anyway, Skarla had a good relationship with Hackel. She didn't really understand why she felt so attracted to Hackel, but there was nothing to be said or done; she was attracted and didn't feel averse to the fact that the member was between her legs. .

Probably, after what happened with Zenyo, Skarla resigned herself. It could also be the influence of a certain Demigoddess who tormented her in recent months.

Whatever it is, she doesn't care.

And in the middle of the conversation, a butler approached and said, -"Marquise Verona, I beg your pardon for interrupting your pleasant conversation with the Princess, but Your Majesty is requesting her presence."

Hearing this, Skarla nodded and began to be guided. Everyone got out of the way. An invitation from the emperor cannot be refused or interrupted. Who would be foolish enough to do so?