Chapter Three

Lu Xi was beyond speechless, it was one thing to betray your sister for a man off the streets and have an affair with the person your younger liked, but going as far as to not only betray his benefactors and harm their own beloved daughter, whom they in-trusted on him before their passing, a daughter who was his younger sister is something even the most heartless of a person would be able to do. Yet Li Chen was able to effortlessly not only betray Li Yining Bur but also spared no effort to make sure she never recovered, For him to do that he not only seemed to be indifferent to her but also had a strong hatred for her and her family.

But if that was the case it would not make any sense since, from childhood Li Chen was well aware that Li Yining was not even a constant to inherit her family's company and Li Chen was always the one that would inherit the company and most likely make more wealth in his lifetime than at any other position. Therefore there should not have been any hatred between them, it would be understandable if he resented her because she was born with a golden spoon while he spent most of his life working to earn her family's affection and securing his future position as CEO of the Li corporation but even then, Li Yining would be getting most of the divides and most likely inherited her mother's wealth.

But even with that, there shouldn't be such strong hatred, so the question is where are those feelings streaming?

Putting aside the problem with Li Chen's motive there was also the problem with this body itself. Except for a few mentions throughout the plot, his existence seems insignificant but that can't be the case since Bai Qin was friends with Li Yinging and there was no way that her family would let someone with no background approach their daughter so that would mean that he had someone behind him and yet he died quietly and there was no follow up whatsoever, it's very problematic.

The plot he received was either tampered with or was incomplete, whichever the case, nothing was as simple as it seemed.

"Alina, why are there so many inconsistencies in the plot you gave me, are you sure it's complete?"

*Host, that is the plot that has been provided by the world consciousness, it's the complete events that took place.*

Lu Xi sighed laid his head on the pillow behind him and closed his eyes, he was not going to get anywhere by questioning Alina, it was better for him to explore the world plotline by himself and gather the pieces together.

But before that, he needs to get a more clear understanding of the oriental owner and his life experience.

"Alina, I'm ready to accept the memories of the original Owner"

*System transmitting, memory transmission in progress*

Bai Qin was originally a homeless child, who lived on the streets. He didn't Remember how he ended up homeless or where he came from, all he remembers was that his name was Bai Qin and that was about it.

He was very familiar with begging people and he was able to feed himself and that was all that mattered to him. As he got older he learned to steal and he was able to afford to rent a small room to sleep in away from exposure to the constantly changing weather.

The more he stole the better he got and the better he got at stealing the easier it became for him as a result he was no longer happy with just getting by and surviving, he wanted a better life, and he wanted to be like every other kid that went to school and didn't have to worry about where his next meal was going to come from, so with the money he stole he started to attend classes and learn material arts and he spent from the age of 12 to 16 years old he spent most of his time in a Doujo learning material arts.

That was until his sensei found out that he was participating in street fights, where he fought against others for money, his master refused to teach him any longer and told him that he taught him Martial arts not to make money but to become stronger and learn discipline.

This of course was not something Bai Qin wanted to hear, to him learning material arts was something he was learning solely to further his future and earn enough money to make a better future for himself, it was a product, a means to get by and he said as much.

Unfortunately, his master didn't agree and he immediately removed him from his class and told Bai Qin he was no longer welcome at his dojo.

Bai Qin was devastated by this as he perceived being rejected by the only parental figure he had and ran off after going to a drug store to buy some liquor was making his way to his apartment when he ran across a car accident, the car ran into a pole and it was smoking.

He went up to the wreckage and found that the passenger and driver were passed out and he managed to drag them out of the car and away from the car before it exploded.

The owner of the car turned out to be Wang Lei, the current CEO of Wang Industries and a man with as many enemies as assassination attempts he experiences.

The original owner from that night changed from a poor and poverty-stricken youth to the adopted son of a millionaire.

One would assume that Bai Qin's life improved and was much better than it had ever been before, but that would be assuming too much. The original Owner simply traded one hardship for one even worse, he ended up in an environment where he was not welcomed and under all of the pressure to be better.

The original owner was homeless from a young age and lacked family and education,

To him, the bare minimum such as food, and shelter which most children have from a young age is a luxury.

He barely knew how to write and had no education, dressed in plain clothes, with no, he was naturally not as good as others who can play instruments, can paint and we're trained from a young age by tours on the proper manners.

The reality of his old life and his new life had a huge gap that shocked him strongly.

The change came too quickly and while the original owner was playing catch up to everything while being ridiculed for his background by the aritrocrast children he had to socialize with.

The original owner tried desperately to further his education, To gain the attention of his new father but to no avail. He couldn't make up for the two decades and half of schooling he missed in a few months just as he couldn't get the attention of his adopted father due to the fact that wang Lei already had a routine he had developed that he wasn't willing to change to accommodate the original owner and a calendar that was so busy he was barely in the same country as the original for more than three weeks a year.

All these things eventually lead the original owner to become realistic and instead decide to strive for a better future for himself, one he built himself so he seriously started learning from scratch and withdrew from the social circle and mostly kept to himself except for Li Yining who in that time he formed a tentative relationship which over the next year developed to a full friendship.

When the original owner turned eighteen he and Li Yining agreed to meet at a private club to celebrate together. That's when Bai Qin ran into the scene of Li Chen and Luo HenSheng kissing before opening a room. He was angry for his friend and thought about beating them up as that was his first response before he took a picture of the scene and quietly retreated, waiting instead to find a good time to break the news to her gently about her brother and her crush.

However before Bai Qin had a chance to break the bad news to Li Yining, it was a little too late, he had no choice but to show her the pictures which led to her re-acting impulsively and by the time he found out it was too late she had already spread the pictures throughout the school and painted the target on her back.

He tried to salvage the situation by hiring someone to spread the images online as well as to put pressure on Li Chen in the hope that he would be restricted by the attention of the masses and would prevent him from lashing out at Li Yining, but unfortunately when Luo HenSheng tried to commit suicide all his efforts went up in smoke and people instead sided with him and Li Chen.

Which unfortunately gave the original owner no chance to regroup and prepare preventive measures as he died in a car crash on the same day. The breaks in his car were cut and by the time he realized it, he missed the chance to save himself, and his life was snuffed out quietly like that, leaving him to tragically die in the midst of his burning car by himself.

After his death, the very next week Wang Lei was assassinated, and his empire was swallowed by Li Chen.

Lu Xi opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling blankly, he didn't know who to pity the most in this story, the original owner was just collateral damage, Li Yining who was cannon fodder, or Wang Lei who was a pass-by whose sole purpose was to act as a plug-in for the male protagonist.

The original owner served no other purpose than to be the one to trigger the climax of the story of Li Chen and Luo HenSheng and once he served his purpose he was retired tragically.

There were so many things wrong with the plot of this novel that Lu Xi wondered why the intellectually disabled idiot wrote it.

These two protagonists are 100% scum and needed to be dealt with, not only did Li Chen rob others of their property, but he also didn't forget their crush. Luo HenSheng directly leads to the death of both Bai Qin and Li Yining, truly a fitting pair.

"Alina, can you please be more specific with the requirements of the mission released by the client Li Shan?"

*There are two tasks that need to be met to successfully complete the mission released by Li Shan.*

*After Li Shan witnessed all that happened to his beloved daughter Li Yining was not recoiled and refused to move on until his daughter was spared that tragic fate.*

*First he hopes that his daughter can become strong enough to take over the Li enterprise and able to stand strong independently*

*Second, Ge wishes that Li Chen and Luo HenSheng pay the price for harming his daughter and experience what it's like to be living in hell every day.*

*The completion of the mission is judged on the blackening meter of the protagonists.*

"All I have to do is make sure the blackening meter hits 100% for the mission to be met correctly?"

*Yes, once the blackening meter hits 100% that means the protagonist's halos have gone dark and have lost their halo, and the mission is dimmed completely.*

"Then the means I use are or the process doesn't matter correct, it's up to me?"


Lu Xi nodded in understanding and his lips rose slightly, as long as he reached the goal, the means he uses to achieve that goal are his personal business.

Li Chen is not worthy of being the male protagonist and he will relieve him of that position and everything he holds dear.

*Alina who was quietly observing her host shuddered when she saw the blood-thirty smile spread across his face, she silently lit a candle for the protagonists of this world and those to come.*