Chapter Three Part One

"Tell me the story of when courage was replaced with pleasure."

"What is there to say? Everyone made this exchange."

"But how?"

"It started with the fundamentality of convenience. This convenience was made out of virtuosity, but it was bled dry, and money became exponentially more valuable than virtues. I saw it. I watched it take its final breaths. It was like a fish out of water slowly suffocating, bleeding uncontrollably. I wished it didn't happen. I never wanted the convenience to die, but there were terrible men with eyes that reflected fire, and grinning teeth that sought out for viciousness. They beat it to death, kicking it, biting it, cutting it, shooting it. Then the men ripped it apart and let it bleed out. I wish that was what traumatized me, but it was the pedestrians that passed by. They never even looked at it. Each one of them was distracted by something that was unimportant in the span of the universe, yet they were manipulated to believe that it was of some importance. The men that tore that convenience apart, went after the distracted pedestrians. They took the corpse of the convenience and used it as a puppet. I watched its dead body hang from strings. It was truly horrifying. The passerby watched it with excitement. It was almost like he was high. Continuously watching, continuously consuming to an end that was incomparable with anything else. I watched his brain dissolve into waste, and all that was left was almost like a hollowed out pumpkin. There were remains of a brain, but it never worked like it used to. The pedestrians' brain worked now only on the idea of consumption. Oh, I watched these things happen, and I stood there like an idiot and did nothing. The process became like a carousel repeating over and over again on each new pedestrian. All those innocent people's brains were turned to absolute mush and sucked out of their hollow head, and they continued to ride this carousel with all the joy in the world.  

"What was it even for?"


"But it's just money, it could never do something like that."

"The puppet masters grew hungry and greedy. Their teeth had venom on it, and they were willing to do anything for money. That's why they killed the convenience. It's a misunderstandable mess, and here I am telling you these things trying to be as cautious as I can because these things are deadly truths that creep into man's soul and temps him to decide between courage and pleasure which ultimately begins a pathway into the dissension of madness and isolation, for man is told he is evil from birth which gave him nothing but pain. It's not that he isn't evil, but he was told that he could never be better which twists his soul and wrings it dry of purpose, promise, and individual reasoning, so they masquerade convenience for pleasure and tell all that everything is acceptable as long as you have an open heart. They got the passerby to do their dirty work for them, and the passerby played with puppets, becoming the fool who was controlled by the puppet masters. God, I watched these things happen, and I did nothing, nothing! Can you believe that? Maybe I am the fool, the passerby that did nothing and was manipulated to do the bidding of the puppet masters, but everyone that I know has become addicted to the puppet masters' game. I mourn for them. They will never truly be free. They have imprisoned themselves, locking themselves in their own cell and holding onto the key."