
{Jan's POV}

[Seoul, Church Of the Holy God's]

"I'll be off now, Auntie!"

I said goodbye to the woman who had raised me from infancy.

Though not my biological mother, she had shown me the love and care of a true parent.

"Be safe, Jan,"

Auntie Natalie waved as I ran from the church.

"Make sure to always eat and make tons of friends!"

Her words warmed my heart, and I turned to give her a reassuring smile.

I nodded at her advice, waving as I ran off.

She had always been my pillar of support, and leaving home for Pinnacle Academy was a significant step.

"I will, Auntie. Don't worry. I'll make you proud," I said, determined to excel.

Taking a deep breath, I shouldered my backpack and headed towards Seoul's IDS Station, which would transport me to the academy.

As I entered the station, I approached the counter where an attendant stood with a warm smile.

"ID card and destination, please," he said calmly.

"Destination: Pinnacle Academy," I replied, handing over my ID card. He inspected it with a practised eye.

"Jan Ates confirmed. Proceed to station B," he announced, nodding.

"Thank you," I replied, taking a deep breath as I stepped onto the teleportation pad.


Magic enveloped me, and within moments, I arrived at the academy's main courtyard.

The academy grounds were awe-inspiring. Towering structures adorned with magical runes, lush gardens, and bustling students created a vibrant atmosphere.

I was bewildered at the architecture and the sheer scale of the academy, which was significantly larger than Heroes Prep Academy, nearly two or three times the size.

Navigating through the courtyard, I noticed other students arriving, each with their own unique aura and talents.

In the crowd, familiar faces from the Entry exams emerged.

In the middle of it all, I spotted my friends from Heroes Prep Academy—Camila, Valencia, Bazz, and Lyra.

Excitement welled up within me, and I shouted, "Yo, guys!" waving my hands through the bustling crowd.


Suddenly, a force pushed me back, and I found myself face-to-face with someone I didn't quite understand—Louise De Valerion.

He and his lackeys stared at me with intimidating intent.

"Well, look who it is. It's Mr. Rank 1 himself!" Louise spoke in a calm yet angry tone, spreading his arms wide.

"Ah, hello Louise, it's nice to—" I began, but he cut me off.

"Don't call me by my name, Ates. Someone like you doesn't have the right to address me so casually," he snarled, grabbing my collar.

If he was going this far, I wouldn't hesitate to respond.


I grabbed his wrist with my right hand, meeting his gaze with a serious look.

"Let go, Louise," I said, applying pressure.

Despite my efforts, Louise refused to back down, smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh, are you finally showing your true colours, Jan?" he said, trying to lift me.


Valencia stepped in, positioning herself between us. With a stern look at Louise, she spoke in a casual yet respectful tone.

"Louise, we're here for the entrance ceremony. Let's not spoil the occasion with unnecessary conflicts."

He backed off, staring at Valencia with a mix of frustration and understanding.

"Whatever. Just know that I'll be number 1 soon," he muttered before turning away, his lackeys following suit.

Valencia turned towards me, her expression a mix of exhaustion and energy.

"Sorry about that, Jan. Louise can be a handful. It seems he still can't get over losing to you in both Theory and Practical."

I shrugged it off. "It's fine. You have a way with him. Thanks for stepping in."

Camila chimed in, "Ignore him, Jan. We've got better things to focus on, like the entrance ceremony and making the most out of our time here."

She was right. This was a new chapter in our lives. Bazz added with a grin,

"Speaking of which, we better head to the ceremony. Don't want to be late on the first day."

"By the way, we should go to the presentation hall now~," Lyra spoke cheerfully.

As we nodded in agreement and made our way through the crowd, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me.

I turned and scanned the courtyard, but saw no one overtly observing me. Maybe it was just my imagination.


After a month of nonstop training and zero sightings of our main character, Jan, it felt like I was forbidden from meeting him. I'd checked the usual locations, but to no avail.

Still, my stats had seen some improvement:


{Axel Saint Rel Laurence STATS:}

Age: 17

Talent: Marksman Of Weaponry [Grade 8] [...]

Affinity: Flame, Water 

Health: 62/62

Strength: 12 -> 17.5 (5.50+)

Stamina: 15.5 -> 25 (9.50+)

Speed: 55 -> 58 (3.00+)

Intelligence: ? [Unlocked after theory exam]

Mana: ? [100 BP required.]

Special Stats [...] Special Abilities: Dead-eye [Grade 10], Instinctive Targeting [Grade 10], Abilities: Piercing Shot [Grade 10], Vulnerability Reader [Grade 8], Quick Shot [Grade 9],

QP: 10, PPP: 25, BP: 0 


I still lacked the preparation to survive the looming first main event of the first-year arc, but at least I knew I'd manage the initial weeks.

Arriving at the front of Pinnacle Academy, the sight mirrored my expectations. Stepping off the IDS Platform (Instant Destination Stone), I admired the academy's towering structures, an expansive outdoor area with exclusive training equipment, and unparalleled facilities that towered over my head.

Also accompanied by the best types of teachings in this world. Although I knew the answer to almost everything there's no reason for me to be here.

But I had to since there were changes I wasn't aware of. 

The first order of business was seeing Jan.

Amidst the massive crowd of freshmen pouring out of the numerous Destination Platforms, I positioned myself in the courtyard, eyes fixed on what I imagined to be the strongest academy student.

Black hair, sky-blue eyes, ideal height, a robust yet lean physique—undeniably, it was Jan.

I weaved through the crowd, my eyes fixed on the perfect human silhouette, my thoughts becoming reality.

But as more freshmen emerged, I was pushed away from my creation.

After a while, I spotted him with his rival, Louise, someone just as strong as Jan.

Louise's golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes were certainly striking features.

He looked just as good as Jan, befitting a rival.

Carefully, I focused on their conversation, which mirrored the lines from the original story.

They were supposed to have a brief physical altercation, but it was stopped short, seeing something out of place.

Her cascading aureate gold hair flowed down her shoulders, and her enchanting crimson-red eyes reflected warmth and richness.

She looked almost as tall as me, but she was wearing shoes that boosted her height.


I was confused. She shouldn't be here in the first-year area. There's no way she could be a first-year; she was supposed to graduate after the second semester.

Could it be her? It couldn't be.

If she were here to assist the first years, it would make sense, but she was wearing the first-year badge on her uniform.

Originally, she was the strongest third-year in Pinnacle Academy's history in the novel.

The golden prodigy, the only sword saint who could wield any weapon with absolute control and perfection.

But had I made a mistake? Did the assistant tool change her character to be a first-year?

Jan possessed an adaptive ability greater than anyone on Earth, allowing him to learn with a single glance.

He was perfect in every way, with excellent mana reserves and swordsmanship on par with the sword saints.

Louise, on the other hand, was the heir to the Flaming Terror, blessed with the purest fire attribute and exceptional strength. He never missed a day of training or study.

With Valencia's unexpected presence, the entire first-year arc was poised for a major shift.

Undoubtedly beautiful, Valencia stood out among the other characters: Camilia, the silver-haired maiden; Bazz, with his fuzzy red hair; and Lyra, with her dark brown hair.

As I tried to make sense of Valencia's out-of-place appearance, the announcement of the introductory ceremony interrupted my thoughts.

Considering Valencia's original status as the strongest third-year, I couldn't help but wonder if the assistant tool had altered her character or if there was a deliberate reason behind this change.

Heading towards the presentation hall, I observed the interactions between Jan, Louise, and others, sensing the impending storm.

The colossal hall with magical patterns adorning its walls hosted students in hushed anticipation.

The atmosphere buzzed with excitement, and the murmur of conversations filled the hall.

As the lights dimmed, the academy's emblem illuminated on a massive screen, capturing everyone's attention.

The headmaster, a wise-looking figure with a long, flowing beard, stepped onto the stage. His presence commanded respect, and the hall fell silent.

He began his speech, welcoming the new students to Pinnacle Academy and emphasizing the importance of unity, growth, and the pursuit of excellence.

During the speech, my gaze wandered over the familiar faces in the crowd of 1100 students.

There was Alice, England's representative, not just as royalty but as a student who could easily be mistaken for Valencia's sister.

A few other standouts were future powerhouses like Miya Takeo, Noah Davies, and Jae Yoona.

Many students from all over the world sought to attend this academy, but only a select few made it.

Obviously, I was an exception, but the students in this academy were far from weak.

However, my attention kept returning to Valencia.

Her captivating crimson-red eyes held a certain depth and intensity.

She listened attentively, her posture radiating confidence.

The golden and silver hues of her hair caught the light, creating a mesmerizing effect.

The headmaster concluded his speech, and the hall erupted in applause.

It was time for the freshmen to be sorted into their classes.

As the names were called, I couldn't help but wonder how Valencia's unexpected presence would alter the story's dynamics.

Jan, Louise, Camilia, Bazz, and Lyra were all in the same class, just as the story dictated. Yet, luck seemed to be on my side as well.

Valencia, Alice, Miya, Jae, Noah, and I would be joining their class, making it the most competitive first-year class yet.

I observed the interactions between the characters.

Jan and Louise, with their rivalry, now shared a class with the Saintess Valencia.

The addition of Alice, Miya, Jae, Noah, and myself made the atmosphere even more intriguing.

As the ceremony concluded, the students split off into their respective dormitories.

Males and females branched out from the large intersection labelled "male dorm."

The only items I needed for my new dorm were my bow, some clothes, and the holographic MK 1 smartwatch that had become integral to my daily life.

I made my way towards the dormitory, preparing for our first day of class.


Authors Notes:

- Jan and Bazz first met when Jan was eight years old. They were at a bakery owned by Bazz's family and got into a fight over a piece of bread to feed a dog. Jan easily won the fight and from that point on, Bazz and Jan became best friends.

- Before becoming an author Axel was a tri-athlete in three sports! 

- Jan and Louise's rivalry began when Jan first joined the Prep Academy for Heroes. He accidentally bumped into Valencia, and Louise defended her fiercely. Thanks to Valencia's intervention, a fight was narrowly avoided, but ever since then, Louise has harboured a strong hate for Jan as he was way too good at everything as if he was reincarnated from another world.