Broke For Nothing

Valencia's eyelids twitched, drawn by the smell of butter and maple syrup wafting from her plate.

She was about to rejoin the land of the living, and I didn't want to make the situation to awkward so I should just quickly leave. I thought, the chill of dread creeping up my spine.

Jan, who saw Valencia wake up tried to continue what we were talking about earlier.

"So, Rel," he drawled, with a curious look in his eyes, "you gonna leave us hanging on that mana optimization theory? You were about to say something but you stopped?"

Valencia stirred, a soft cough hacking into the silence. Panic clamped down on my throat. Explaining mana optimization with her awake was like juggling nitroglycerin.

I was fidgeting in my seat, searching for an excuse to leave, but nothing came to mind.

Panic gnawed at me. "Uh... um, I forgot something at my dorm I have to leave. Goodbye!"