The Battle Of The Ages (4)

[Pinnacle Academy Stadium 1 - Arena A: Main Stage]

A desperate plan burned within Louise's mind. Yes, Jan's durability was defying expectations.

His resistance to the heat, those impossible bursts of power... it spoke levels to Jan's abilities, a potential Louise sensed, but didn't fully understand.

Pain burned through Louise as he shifted control over his domain.

He couldn't sever it completely – the protective barrier still served a vital purpose. Instead, he ruthlessly sacrificed a portion of his fiery barrier, drawing it inward towards the heart of the dome.

The platform itself began to crack and warp under the shift in elemental energy, but Louise remained focused.

In the air above him, a compact sphere of blue flame formed.

The dome, now visibly fractured, shook under the strain.

Jan, sensing the terrifying energy gathering above, had to act.