Her Sword And His Bow (2)

[Pinnacle Academy, Stadium 1 - Arena A: Main Stage]

"So, Gerrard... your daughter's facing the surprise of the tournament. Any predictions?"

Kang watched, shame twisting his gut. Gerrard wouldn't shut up. How Valencia had beaten Jan a few years ago, but Louise couldn't?

The gloating was unbearable.

Each word was another blow, magnifying Louise's failure – and the shameful victory of his daughter's friend.

Now, all he could do was pray. Pray that his ambitious daughter would also fall, humbled by this... this nobody archer.

Gerrard sighed. "I stand by my daughter, of course. But this boy...he's an outlier. Unpredictable."

"True enough," Kang conceded. "But given what we know of your daughter's skills, and how that archer fights..."

Gerrard nodded slowly. "His ability to recover in dire situations is uncanny. Rumour has it, he gave a brutal beating in an earlier round and still pulled through."