But You Piss Me Off

[Paris, Champs-Élysées - Dawn's Blade Arena, Arena Hallway]


Valencia's breath came in uneven gasps. 

Just hearing Alessandro's voice made her panic.

She couldn't find her voice at all, couldn't defend herself or Rel against Alessandro's tyranic nature.

"Come on, Val," Alessandro said, his tone leaking with condescension.

"Let's leave this rat here. You shouldn't be seen with such a loser." 

He brushed past Rel, who remained frozen in shock.

Valencia watched Alessandro approach her slowly, her legs trembled at the thought of him.

His closeness brought a wave of nausea, reminding her of the past.

"Let's go," he urged.


Then, a firm hand on Alessandro's shoulder stopped him.


Rel's voice was quiet, but his tone felt absolute.

"I don't think a prince should be acting this way."