Practice makes Perfect 2

"OK! You won the 1v1, but don't be complacent. There's also a 3v3. We will beat you. That even your mother doesn't even know you." While looking at the other person and hurling harsh words, Luke just wants to say, you are really too gentle. Compared with previous experiences, it is really lighter than a feather.

"5 points. As long as you score, you can continue to attack. You've won the 1v1, so there's no need to turn around." After that, you threw the ball to Luke and immediately took up defensive positions in advance.

Luke, about to serve, first gave the ball to the smaller one. Because he was fast and powerful, and his opponent was defending against him, and Luke had defeated this black and tough opponent, so he wanted to take advantage of his opponent's loss. Without the mentality to calm down, let him challenge his opponent to test the effect.

What he didn't expect was that he directly passed the ball back, giving it an "I'm so optimistic about your eyes." But when he saw his defender, Luke realized that the one who defended him was the one who said harsh words. That one, of course, is also the one who he defeated.

It seems that this teammate wants to teach him a lesson, but Luke still wants his teammates to try their hand first and also wants to test his vision talent. After all, testing the results is the main purpose.

So he signaled the pick-and-roll to the big shooter, but before he could block it, Luke seemed to break through inside, causing the opponent to not react. The person who was originally guarding the big shooter also followed him. Luke made a back pass, and the opponent also responded. Without understanding what was going on, I saw the basketball enter the net.

The big white man also clapped his hands with himself and celebrated a little. On the second ball, Luke found the little man and told him that as long as he raised his finger to 1, he would be allowed to run inside.

Sure enough, on the second ball, the little man who just saw Luke's gesture cut inside and used his speed to throw off the defender. Luke also directly hit the ground and passed the ball, allowing his teammates to easily get an empty basket.

On the third ball, Luke made another gesture. Sure enough, his teammates received the instruction and cut inside. At this time, the big man who was thrown away shouted anxiously. The player guarding Luke heard the sound and looked at Luke. The action of passing the ball is forward.

Little did he know that this was a fake pass. Luke turned around and rushed inside. At this time, the defender of the big white man quickly returned to defend. When Luke saw the defender attracted, he directly passed the ball without looking at anyone and helped the big white man make a three-pointer from the corner. hit.

Then there was another cooperation. The little black man who received Luke's ground pass was flanked in the crowd and saw Luke running behind him to receive his hurried pass.

Maybe it's because of double-teaming! The quality of the ball was not good and it almost went out of bounds. Fortunately, Luke had enough wingspan to catch the ball.

After standing firm, Luke saw the open shooter and passed the ball in a semicircle to bypass the defender. The big white man who received the pass made a three-pointer from the bottom corner.

When dribbling again at 4:0, Luke, who was watching his teammates move, heard a voice coming from the opposite side.

"Hey! You are indeed very strong, but you have already passed four passes. Do you dare to hit one of them? If you score, I will really admire you. My defense is not something you can scoff off."

Looking at the bald man on the opposite side, Luke always felt that there was something wrong with what he said, but Luke also wanted to see how strong his defense could be, so he moved to a 45° angle on the left and directly signaled his teammates to pull away.

Maybe it's because of his strength, or maybe it's because he didn't score a single point in this game, so they let him play isolation. It was also a way not to embarrass Luke.

Luke, dribbling the ball on the left, kept finding the rhythm of the attack while observing the opponent's footsteps. Suddenly Luke turned his center of gravity to the left and made a step gesture to break through.

Little did he know that this was a fake move. Luke quickly pulled back, broke through to the right, made a crossover, threw away his opponent, and made an easy layup. The game ended at 5:0.

Then, he left under the unwilling look of his opponent. After chatting with his two temporary teammates for a while, the two left one after another.

The court became empty again, but Luke did not go back. Instead, he continued to practice boring basic skills by taking advantage of no one is here.

Today is the first time Luke has won respect with his strength on the court. This feeling fascinates him,

He worked hard for this without talent before, let alone with talent. He understands that although he has talent, it does not mean he has strength, so he has no regrets even if it is boring.

Of course, today's game also allowed Luke to find himself again, exuding that kind of relaxed and unrestrained temperament. Of course, Luke didn't know it at this time. At this time, he was still in boring training. Sweat like rain.