Illusory Space Array

This [Illusory Space Array] is quite useful for Jun. Although it cannot affect cultivators above the early stage of Qi Condensation Realm, this array can still broadcast the inside activities. 

If Jun can come up with an innovative idea, he can surely make a killing with this array.

"In the previous host's memory, this type of array was quite common in martial academies or sects of mortal and immortal worlds," Jun muttered to himself. This "Illusory Space Array" wasn't rare at all. 

Many sects in the immortal world used it, and even in the mortal world, it is used in training disciples by top forces.

"Let's buy it first." Without further delay, he decided to buy this array.

[Congratulations to the host, you have acquired 'Illusory Space Array']

A scroll immediately materialized before Jun. As he opened the scroll, a system message appeared.

[Do you want to learn the 'Illusory Space Array'?].

"Yes," Suddenly, a white light appeared in his mind, followed by a bunch of unknown memories.

After a while, he completely learned the [Illusory Space Array].

"This array is quite cost-effective. It doesn't need any additional resources, just three spirit stones to activate it once," Jun was delighted. 

Initially, he had been worried that the [Illusory Space Array] might require costly resources to activate. Quite the contrary, it was quite cheap to operate.

"Master, here's your tea." Hua Zhenyi politely placed the tea cup in front of Jun.

"Good," Jun said in a low voice and sipped the tea.

"Tell me something." Jun turned to look at Hua Zhenyi, who was about to leave. "What would you do with the 'Illusory Space Array' if you want to earn some money from it?"

Jun's sudden question stunned Hua Zhenyi for a while. "I would use it to establish a martial academy or just a regular training hall for independent cultivators."

"Alright, you can take your leave." Jun waved his hand, gesturing for Hua Zhenyi to leave.

Although she wanted to ask something of Jun, she held herself back. After all, she was just a maid for Jun and had no right to pry into her master's work.

"Maybe, I can set up something like a treasure hunting competition for independent cultivators and mortal martial artists," Jun thought.

Even though the treasure-hunting competition sounded good, he was nearly broke.

How would he find treasures for the competition? Jun shook his head dejectedly and rejected his own idea.

"What about a battle arena for independent cultivators?" This idea sounded better to Jun. 

After considering its advantages and disadvantages, he decided to go with it.

This battle arena would contain two levels of competition. 

The first one is where participants will fight against demon beasts of the same level. Those who win will advance to the second round.

In this universe, there are two types of beasts—Spirit beasts and Demon beasts. 

Spirit beasts look the same as demon beasts, but they are more intelligent and can be tamed by beast tamers.

On the other hand, demon beasts were greater in number but lacked intelligence, relying solely on their instincts. 

These beasts couldn't be tamed even by Grandmaster-level beast tamers. That's why capturing demon beasts would be cheap, making them suitable opponents for participants.

In the second round, participants would fight against each other at the same level. The winner would be determined as the winner of the round and awarded the prize.

"This idea is quite good, but it requires capital first. I will have to find a way to solve this problem," Jun mused, scratching his chin in contemplation. 

He then decided to call over Ding Xue and Little Wei.

"Zhenyi! Come here," Jun called out.

In the next second, Hua Zhenyi came running after hearing Jun's call. "You summoned me, master?" she asked in haste.

"Yes, go and call over Ding Xue and Little Wei," Jun ordered, providing her with the information about where to find the two.

After a while, Ding Xue and Little Wei arrived, following behind Hua Zhenyi with hurried footsteps.

"You asked for us, Shop Owner Jun?" Ding Xue inquired, puzzled by the sudden summoning.

Jun, with a mysterious smile, replied, "I want to start a new kind of business."

Ding Xue and Little Wei were stunned before regaining their composure.

"Master, should I continue with my work?" Hua Zhenyi politely inquired.

Jun nodded in response, and as she left, Little Wei, who had been standing beside her, was stunned. He had assumed that Hua Zhenyi was a protector hired by Jun for his safety. 

However, her way of addressing Jun as her master indicated a different relationship, which was perplexing considering Jun's lower cultivation level.

Ding Xue, having witnessed Jun's mysterious abilities, thought that Hua Zhenyi might be restraining her aura. 

She could be at least at the Golden Core Realm or even Nascent Soul Realm to serve under Immortal Master Jun.

Seeing the two of them, Jun was also quite confused. Ding Xue had a lecherous smile while looking at Hua Zhenyi's departing figure, and Little Wei gazed at her like he had found his long-lost mother.

"Ahem! So, the business I was talking about is..."

Getting back to the topic, Jun began to explain his idea to the two of them.

"Your idea is excellent, Shop Owner Jun," Ding Xue praised.

"Yes, he is telling the truth, Shop Owner Jun. Although there have been battle arenas like this in the past, it's my first time seeing someone use something like an 'Illusory Space Array' in this field. People from outside will be able to watch the fight inside while the participants' real bodies won't really get hurt," Little Wei chimed in.

"I know. I might not be a genius, but I sure am a little creative," Jun praised himself shamelessly.

"But, Shop Owner Jun, how are you going to earn money from this? Won't most of the money earned from entrance fees be consumed for prizes and array management?" Ding Xue asked, raising his eyebrows.

"True, that's why I am planning to add a betting section in the arena. The audience can watch and bet on the participant they like this way," Jun explained.

"This seems doable. Instruct us on what to do next," Ding Xue said, bowing politely to Jun. Little Wei did the same.

"You don't have to do much. Just go and do some advertisement; this battle arena will open in three days," Jun said while taking a sip of tea. 

Although Jun would like to open the arena from tomorrow on, this type of work requires preparations.

"We will go back now," Ding Xue bowed again. Afterward, both of them took their leave.

Jun reclined back in his chair, relaxing. Anyway, Hua Zhenyi can do all the work for him, and he can just relax here. 

He peacefully closed his eyes, wanting to take a small nap.

"You aren't going to sleep right now, right?" A voice came from outside the shop, jolting awake Jun.

"It's you," Jun said as he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. It was Qi Baishi who had left the shop before.

"Well, Shop Owner Jun, did you see my storage ring?" Qi Baishi asked with a nervous expression.

Jun smiled and took out a small ring from his drawer. "Are you talking about this?"

He tossed over the ring to Qi Baishi.

"Yes, yes, this is my ring. Looks like I must have forgotten it last night. I won't bother Shop Owner Jun anymore." Qi Baishi hurriedly turned around to take his leave after receiving his ring back.

"Halt!" A cold voice came from behind him; it was Jun's voice.