"So, how did it go?" Lola asked the moment she saw me walking out of the Big classy building.

I Shrugged, frustrated and disappointed. "we are doomed. "I tilt my head. No sign of Ojo anywhere. And I was about to inquire when he showed up holding three frappucinos.

"Here, this will cool our minds a bit. "

We accepted gracefully. I lean against the black Mercedes 4matic benz packed behind me. "I don't think we can get back the job." I took a sip.

"We might. "Ojo sounded corrective.

I don't understand what he's talking about. I mean, few minutes ago, I was in Mr tunji's office. What was I doing there?

I was pleading pathetically. On behalf of myself and my best friends.

But all I got was a kick out.

It's like the man already got tired of us from start and need us no more.

"But come to think of it, what big offense have we committed to be punished this way?"

"Really? "Ojo raised his brows quizzically at Lola. "Girl, you got to be kidding me. We arrived late in the middle of an important meeting we are to hold."

"So? "Lola sipped her cup. "is it a new thing? Who doesn't know that Lagos is a very tight region and one has two jam traffic everyday?"

It wanted to look like a debate or something between these two, so I had to interfere. "Guys, guys, let resolve this and think of a way to get our job back." I don't know if I'm trying to make a point.

I don't want to go home looking like a liability.

It was as if they both give an angel 2 seconds to pass by as they both look sad, exhaling like hopeless beings.

"It is so frustrating. " I say, sighing. "I wasn't prepared for this bad news this morning."

"Yeah, me too." Lola added.

After a little while, Ojo snapped his fingers, as if catching an ideological bulb in the air. "Who said something about us losing our jobs?" He scoffed and brought out his iPhone XR. "Look," lola and I pegged behind him, scanning into his device. "That guy is not just an ordinary guy.?" He started and I began seeing sexy, gorgeous and Greek god looking like handsome man.

Just like the one that walked out of this building an hour ago.


God is a wonderful creator.

I have never been talking offside by someone's appearance before. But, today, this stranger took me off the cliff to cloud nine.

Just by appearance.....

Different hallucinations has started gawking into my big head already.

" if I'm if I'm not mistaking here, he looks more of the same bastard that made us lose our jobs." Lola grumbled.

As if mimicking what she just said, "like the same bastard, blah, blah, blah." He zoomed the sweet photograph of a man on black tuxedo, posing in front of a black Toyota Tacoma. "Do you really think your hatred will do him any harm or help you get back your job, miss whatever? FYI, this guy dreads no one. He is Damian Ayōmidē Kunlē."

"It is a lie." I gasp.

Lola shook her head in disapproval. "Wait, wait, wait, hold on a minute. Did you just mentioned "Ayōmidē Kunlē?" The former senator of osun state and ex-head of state?"

Ojo shook his head vigorously, "Am deadly sure, lola."

"Am not buying that, O.J" I refuse. I scoffed. That lie is too expensive of all people, a politician's son stepped into our low class company? Preposterous.

"Wait, you don't believe me?" His brows furrowed. "Okay, fine, I'll show you guys something." He opened the guy's biography on Wikipedia. And of a truth, it was true.

I begin to ask myself why I never noticed him in the morning when I was losing my job.

"Āladūrā ōo," lola gasp, covering her mouth in shock as we all stare at the photo of the father and son smiling and hugging each other in the tennis court.

All my imagination was to be the one in place of his father hugging him and if peradventure, kissing him also.

Damn! The guy is too hot.

Skin like a mirror and I wish I can see myself through those light brown eyes.

Until then, Ojo distracted us. "I know how we can get our jobs back."

Lola and I moved closer as he whispers something intelligent into our ears.