Chapter Twenty-six

It started to rain at evening hours when some policemen was standing outside the Omowumi's mansion to take Adira with them for questioning.

They've already searched the entire mansion as commanded by officer Coker but unfortunately, they didn't find a sign of Sharon anywhere in the mansion at all, nor was her cologne smelt around.

Adira's mom, Rukky was busy ranting, saying all sort of words and swearing to the Ayomide's family.

She even railed curses on them, cursing the day her daughter got married into that family.

But the police officers forbad her from doing so. They needed one person and that's the person they've come to get.

At exactly 5 o'clock pm, Adira was already in the police custody.

"Yes sir, we have her here with us now. You can come to the station." Officer Coker spoke over the phone.

Not quite long enough when the woman was still claiming innocence in the D.P.Os office that Dayo and Darin appeared.

"Where is my daughter, you crazy daughter of an harlot?" Dayo pressed forward. His mood was to pounce on her and rip her apart but the D.P.O and officer Coker had to cool him down, holding him back.

Whereas, Rukky was already at the station, battling on how to get into the building but the cops outside won't let her in.

The detained woman quickly stood up to defend herself, "I don't know what the hell you are talking about." She turn, facing the D.P.O, "l swear on my life that I have nothing to do with this issue, so please tell your boys to take me out of this chaotic place."

"Repeat that again and I'll forget my palms on your face." Darin's hand was ready to respond to his anger if Dayo hadn't held his wrist back, nudging him to cool down and leave the situation under his care.

The woman looked at everyone in the room, quizzically. Then she let out a crazy laugh that died in one seconds. Then she warned in Yoruba dialect, "Eyan Kan wa wo mi ri wahala oh. Eh? Iru ituju wo ni eyi? Officers, I don't know what's going on. I didn't steal anyone's child, I swear that am innocent."

Dayo gritted his teeth in anger, it was like his patience was patient enough, now he couldn't keep his cool. Think it was now Darin's turn to calm his brother. "Njo oti rii dokita abinibi Kan ti osope KO ni awon egungun ninu apoti ohun eloro?" He retorted in Yoruba dialect. "After making a fool out of yourself five years ago, you still had the guts to raise your ugly head to come carry our daughter, Adira? Shame on you. Even the wind hates your presence and smell on nature."

The woman turn towards officer Coker, wondering how she could explain and sort herself out in a situation like this. "Oga, for the love of christ," she place one hand on her chest and continued, "My name is Adila Omowumi---though my friends call me Adina but I am never my twin sis---Adira. And second of all, I am not married neither do I have any kids, nor am I a single mommy. So please and please and please," she clasped her palms together tightly, pleading. "Tell this mad man to-----"

She stopped midway when Dayo and Darin burst into hard laughter.

Dayo clapped his hands softly, "Wow Adira, you never mentioned to me that you were not just an harlot but a really bad actress. Impressive but not that interesting." He narrowed his eyes, becoming more serious than even before. "Adira, stop playing games and bring out Sharon from wherever you are hiding her."

"Stop calling me ADIRA! My name is Adila or Adina." She snapped.

Dayo turn towards officer Coker, "Not until she brings out my daughter, lock her up. For the bonus record, you can keep her till next year without food and water. Let me come next year and see her bones beg." He stated firmly and walk away.

Darin clenched his chin, staring at her with firing eyes for a while, then he followed after his brother.


The news got to the Ayomide's mansion, but they tried to keep it out of hearing, hashtag #because of Damian.

That guy is an unquenchable fire. He is a wounded lion. If he finds out about this case...…

Only God knows what he might do to the Omowumi's family.

So, for the record, it better remain out of bound for the main time.

Kunle Ayomide Coker tried preventing the news from exploding in the air, social medias and press. He is more carefree with his reputation and image in the limelight. That's what matter the most to him, even more than his granddaughter's whereabouts.

"Omo---binrin mi, o gbodo wa ni ibikan ni bayi, tutu, Boru ati adawa." Ronke kept wailing, pacing around with her hands on her head. Sweat drill over her face, neck and body. Her make-up ruined like horror HD. "My precious stone. My rare gem. My pearl, my happiness, where are you, my love?"

Even though she doesn't like the mother, but not the daughter. She'd love and cherish the little lad so much.

Dayo stood by the window, staring into deep space. Darin stood beside him, nudging him to calm down. Kunle sat on the sofa, his head buried down.

After a while, he lifted his head, looking at his wife, he sighed, tiredly, "Ronke, stop making this look like a funeral. Since we've got our hand on the suspect, definitely the child will be out."

Ronke broke into tears again, "When Kunle? For how long? The day is almost ending and she haven't accepted her guilt. You tell me, when is my daughter going to come back home from wherever they are keeping her hostage? You know the Omowumi's family, Awon Omo binrin jesebeli ati Delila ngbe Ibo eh? Wo, they don't mind keeping Sharon with them and letting the other one in prison to rot behind bars. They---"

"Where is he?"


Everyone turned their faces towards the one woman that just walked in majestically like she owned the mansion, strolling in with her sassy and sexy body curves like a model.

Dayo and Darin blinked nice and twice. They still don't believe who they are seeing in front of them.

Dressed in silver wrap-dress, black peep toes stilettoes, black purse on her left arm, light make-up and hair in 'C' part short bob.

Dayo took out his phone out of his pocket, clicked on the recent call logs and dialed out officer Coker's number.

He placed the phone on his ear, waiting for the officer to pick up. Meanwhile, the others were still muted in shock like dumbers, including Ronke. They expected a straight explanation from Dayo if truly he had locked this woman up.

"I still haven't seen my daughter and you set her free?" Dayo barked over the phone when Coker picked up after so many rings. "What?" His brows furrowed, Darin chimed closer to get a grimace of what Coker was saying. "How can she be there and here at the same time? Okay, I'll call you back." He hungs up and faced reality.

Without being asked, the lady walked foward, feeling too welcomed.

She stopped her tracks right in front of her ex-husband who kept throwing darting eyes at her. "Dayo," she clicked her tongue in pity. "What has my twin sister got to do with this that you had to lock her up behind bars, almost causing my mom's blood pressure to level up again." She stated in anger between gritted teeth. "This fight is for the both of us, only." She poke her finger on his broad chest. "Don't drag in third party, darling."

She winced in pain when Dayo took hold of her arms like a little kid, leaving her purse to fall helplessly to the ground.

"How dare you, Adira?" He whined.

"You are hurting me, Dayo." She winced.

"Where is my daughter?" He yelled, almost squeezing the living breath out of her.

Even Darin shook a bit in shock at his brother's voice, almost pulling down the roof.

"Our daughter," she shook herself off his grip. "You have no bloody right to claim her alone, Dayo. I am Sharon's mother and I carried her in my womb for nine fucking months."

Dayo laughed sarcastically, "Oh really? How come I never knew? But you never thought of that before committing adultery on our matrimonial bed."

Adira rolled her eyes, getting tired of the old story. "For christ sake, Dayo how many times do I have to clarify myself that it wasn't me? That was my twin sister you mistook from me. It was your mother who plotted this game to throw me out by using my sister's ex boyfriend--- Craig. But unfortunately, he didn't even know which of us was me or her----talk much of knowing who he was dating----"

"Olorun jo o nibe there." Ronke cuts in. "It is your mother that plotted the game of kicking you out of your marriage." But inwardly, Ronke still had doubting gut if Adira was really twins.

Does she really have a twin? Is she twins? But she has never seen double Adira once since eleven years of knowing her.

She talks with so much confident about her twin which clarify that she must be right.

But no. Ronke won't let her guard down or else every one including Dayo would believe it's true.

She turns around in form of exaltation, "You people should come and see oh, Adira is seeking for a way to come back into this family and destroy my son's life again." She took off her scarf on her head and tied it on her waist as she retaliated in Yoruba dialect, "My dear, KO si ona fun o." She started pulling Adira out. "There is no space for you here at all----"

"Mom stop." Dayo instructed. When Ronke still continued, pretending not to have heard her son, he yelled, "I said stop."

Ronke froze on a particular spot. Her heart racing and pounding so fast. "Why?" Her lips breaking fear. "She cheated on you and she still have my grandchild with her."

"She still has Sharon with her and that's what important now." He remarked then muttered something in Yoruba dialect, "Gbogbo nkan yi ni irikuri." Then he stare at Adira for a very long time, saying nothing else.

She ran to grab her purse on the ground at the time Ronke let go of her arm.

"Don't even think about it," she snapped at his face. "You hear me? You will have to kill me or my sister or maybe my mom but you'll never find out where Sharon is. NEVER!"

He grabbed her wrist, stopping her when she turn to leave.

He took out his phone for the second time, still holding her wrist, he instructed officer Coker to sign out the release of Adila. Adira's twin without taking his eyes off Adira. Though the officer hesitated for a while, but culdn't say anything further after he yelled at him.

Meanwhile, Ronke was no longer herself. Both fear, tremble, cold sweat and high blood pressure roamed inside her cords and nerves.