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(Deep down the ocean)

"AURORA!!!"shouted an old mermaid as she swam towards the east.She kept on swimming forward looking for her daughter, Aurora.She swam upwards and saw her daughter sitting on a rock staring at the moon as she sang melodiously."Aurora,what are you doing here"she said as she approached her daughter.

"Mom, can't you see how beautiful the moon is?I wish to remain like this forever"said Aurora with her eyes showing a hint of sadness.Her mother sighed helplessly as she stared at her daughter.She knew Aurora was referring to the mission given to her.

"I wish so too,ora but you see you are the princess and you have to protect your people."replied Aurora's mom."Isn't there another way??We don't have to kill each other for peace.We can dwell with the werewolves without trouble"said Aurora hoping that her mother change her mind

"No, Aurora! Have you forgotten how those beasts killed your father?!I swore on your father's grave that I will make sure you get revenge"replied Aurora's mom already boiling in anger

"Even if it costs my life,mom.You want revenge, right??"Aurora said sadly."Am sorry dear but this is what fate has chosen for you"replied Aurora's mom as she turned her back and swam towards the west

"Fate hasn't chosen this for me but you have chosen this for me.I never wanted this life, all I want is peace"cried out Aurora has she watched her mother leave

(Somewhere in the forest:the werewolf's clan)

A handsome young man walked out of a cave and moved towards a stool.He is exceptionally endowed with a pure fair and flawless skin.His pointed nose and pinkish lips complimented his ocean blue eyes.He was a true definition of beauty,He is RICARDO!!.His name alone send shivers into the spine of both the werewolves and mermaids except one person and that's his sister, Reagan.Almost immediately a stone was thrown his way but he was quick to dodge it .He looked towards the direction the stone came from and speak of the devil it was his annoying twin sister, Reagan."Get up lazy-bone and help me drag this inside"said Reagan as she struggled with a large bunch of banana.Ricardo scoffed as he moved towards her and in one swing he threw it over his shoulder.

They went into the cave and made a fire.Reagan sat down while Ricardo sat opposite her."When will we move the pack away from this place and go back home?"asked Reagan worriedly.Ricardo sighed and turned away from her."After I get rid of those stupid fishes that killed mom and dad.I won't let a single one of them go scott- free."said Ricardo as he clenched his fists

"Can't you just forget it and let us live peacefully?"Reagan asked again hoping to melt her brother's heart but it didn't work.Ricardo stood up and left the cave while Reagan stared at the fire as tears flowed her eyes

Ricardo went very deep into the forest as tears flooded his eyes.He recollected how he lost both parents on the same day when he was just 7yrs and he was left with the responsibility of taking care of himself,his sister and the pack.He became an alpha at a young age and killed at age 10

He wished to forget about everything but whenever he remembers his parents anger boils in him and the hunger for revenge eats him deeper


(The werewolves clan)

Reagan was setting the firewood so she could make breakfast when a young handsome and hairy man walked into a cave and hugged her from behind.She thought it was Ricardo but the scent was different.She quickly pulled away and the personal she saw got her excited and afraid.

"Edward,what are you doing here?"asked Reagan as she looked at him questioningly."Is that the way to welcome your lover?"asked Edward."Stop it, Edward.We aren't lovers so if you know what is best for you leave before Cardo comes back"said Reagan as she pointed to the door.

"Really??Why are you always talking about him?Am not afraid of him and am ready to face him"replied Edward."If I were you then I would leave when she asked me to but it seems like you are want to die"said a voice that sent shivers down the spine of Reagan.She looked towards the door and saw Ricardo standing with his hands behind his back.He was sending daggers towards Edward with his eyes as he moved towards Reagan.

He pulled her behind him roughly making Reagan whimper in pain."It will be a waste if I kill you here so I will let you go again but if you ever come near my sister again I wouldn't hesitate to behead you"said Ricardo authoritatively."I did nothing wrong,alpha.it is not a crime to fall in love...."said Edward but he couldn't complete his sentence as Ricardo held his neck tightly choking out the air in him.

"It is a crime to fall in love with my sister!"yelled Ricardo as he tightened his grip on Edward's neck,his eyes were dark and it showed that he was angry."please Cardo let him go.You're going to kill him"cried out Reagan as she held Ricardo's hand.Ricardo let Edward go as he ruffled his hair with his fingers while Edward crawled out as he coughed and gasped for air.

"What was he doing here?"asked Ricardo as he stared at Reagan angrily."I don't know.He just came in and I was about to chase him out when you arrived"replied Reagan."Stay away from him"said Ricardo as he sat on the stool while Reagan went to cook

(Under the water)

Aurora sat down listening to the different plans given by the elders in the castle on how to take down the werewolves.She sighed as all of the plans involved bloodshed.She wished there could be a way without blood shed.

"Can't we forget about this revenge?.I can't afford to lose anyone again. Everytime we go against the werewolves we lose quite a number of people"asked Aurora directing the question to no one particularly.The elders stared at each other before sighing,they didn't want to lose anyone also but if they drop their swords the werewolves might end up swiping them off the earth

Aurora looked around and saw the helpless look on her elders faces.She knew they couldn't also do anything about it and the war was inevitable."You are all dismissed"said Aurora and all the elders left the hall.She turned her back at the door and wept.

Then she heard the opening of the door,"I said I want to be alone!"she yelled without turning back."It is me,ora" said the person at the door."Simeon!"she cried out as she rushed towards him and engulfed him a hug."It is okay.let it all out"Simeon said as he patted her back

It took a couple of minutes before Aurora could compose herself and she stared at Simeon. He was her best and only friend from childhood and somehow he had been able to understand her."So why were you crying?"asked Simeon as he led Aurora to a chair."The same reason I have always cried"said Aurora as she sat down while Simeon sat beside her."I think it is time you accept things the way they are and stop crying at little things.Your tears can't change things"advised Simeon while Aurora just nodded."Come on let me show you something.It will be better if you put on a smile because your face looks like a mess"said Simeon making Aurora burst into laughter as they exit the palace


Aurora sat down by the bank of the ocean waiting for Simeon.He had gone to get her a cold stone and she wondered how humans could eat a stone all because it was cold.

She was so anxious to see what it looks like but it was taking Simeon forever to get it.She pulled her tail out of the ocean and it transformed into a pair of legs.She was not in any clothing but she wasn't aware that humans had to put on something because they don't use clothes in the ocean.

She walked towards the city paying no attention to the eyes on her.Everyone was awe by her curvy and sexy body and some mistook her for a model.She kept on moving forward as she searched for Simeon.

Meanwhile, Ricardo left the clan to the city to get a gift for Reagan.He had been to harsh on her lately and he could sense that she wasn't comfortable with it.He wished to stop but he wouldn't want to risk her getting hurt.

He was on his way when he saw a beautiful and enticing woman in just underwears and he wondered where are clothes were.He found her body enticing and seductive but he calmed himself down as he moved towards her.He pulled off his coat and he draped it on her to cover her nakedness.

Aurora stiffened as she felt something on her and when she turned her eyes met with a captivating blue eyes.She was so lost in the eyes and she couldn't look away."Come with me"said the man as he led her to a secluded spot

"Wait here while I get you something to wear"said Ricardo while she just nodded.He hurriedly left to a nearby store and got a pair of jeans and top.He wasn't sure that she was safe where she was.Humans weren't trustworthy and they might do something to her.He quickened his steps as he approached where she was.He met her sitting with her heads bowed.

"Take this and go change over there while I wait for you here"Ricardo said as he turned his back on her hoping to give her some privacy.He couldn't help but notice the strange look on her face as she stared at the clothes.

"I don't know how to put this on"Aurora said after a while.She had been staring and the clothes and she wondered what she was meant to do with it.Ricardo would have been suprised by her words but he was so lost in the sweetness of her voice and he wondered how a person could have a

voice as melodious as hers.

He took slow strides towards her and stood right in front of her."Give it to me"he said stretching his hands and she placed the clothes on them.He helped her put on the clothes ignoring the lustful voice telling him to pull off her underwears instead.

"What did you come here for?"Ricardo asked as they settled on a nearby swing "I came here with my best friend and I wonder where he is now"replied Aurora as her eyes darted around in search for Simeon.Ricardo felt jealous to know that her best friend was a male nevertheless he made up his mind to make his time with her memorable.

"Am Ricardo by the way"said Ricardo stretching his hand out for handshake."Am Aurora"said Aurora as she wondered why his hands were stretched out.Thinking it was some way of greeting in the human land,she stretched her hand out also while Ricardo shook it awkwardly.

"Do you mind if I show you around?"asked Ricardo hoping that she accepted.Aurora nodded and he took her hand in his as he pulled her towards a snack stall.He bought two burger and handed one over to Aurora.He knew by the look on her that she had never had one and he wondered where she was from but that wasn't the time to find out all he wanted was to enjoy his time with her."You eat it this way"Ricardo said as he demonstrated while Aurora did the same.

He made sure she tried different foods and amazing rides.The sky was getting dark and he didn't want to let her go.Aurora didn't want to leave him also but she had no choice as everyone in the water must have been worried"I have to go now, Ricardo"said Aurora."Ok but promise me you will be her next week same time on the same day"said Ricardo."I promise"replied Aurora as she left.

Ricardo watched as she blended with the darkness and he wondered when she lived,he decided to ask when next they meet.He turned his back and left.Meanwhile Aurora hid behind a tree and watched Ricardo go before jumping into the ocean swimming fast towards the castle.She was beaming happily as she recalled the day's event with Ricardo.She made a mental note to see him again the Next week

Ricardo walked towards his cave with a smile plastered on his face.Every member of the pack that came across him were suprised because they had never seen him smile in 19yrs that was since the death of his parents.

Reagan stared at her brother as he ate his meal beaming happily.She didn't know the reason for his happiness but she hoped it always remained like that.


Aurora swam as fast as she could and she sang as she swam along."Ora!"she heard someone called behind her and when she turned it was Simeon.She swam towards him happily eager to tell him about Ricardo."Where have you been?"Simeon asked worriedly as he checked her body to see if she was injured.

"Chill, Simeon.Am okay"said Aurora as she recounted the day's activities with Ricardo to Simeon.Simeon's face became sour and anger Rose in his heart.He had searched everywhere for her and already thought that the werewolves have captured her but she was enjoying a date with another man."Simeon,are you listening to me?"asked Aurora as she sensed that his mind was far away.

"Yes,I was listening but I can't anymore.Everyone is worried about you in the castle so let's go fast"replied Simeon as he faked a smile and swam forward while Aurora followed.


Days went by and Ricardo kept on thinking about Aurora.He couldn't wait to see her again.The smile on his face seem to be glued because it had been on it since he met her.Reagan wasn't an exception as he had allowed her to be seeing Edward though he laid down strict rules.He kept on picking his meals as he smiled and beamed."Am seeing the beauty tomorrow again"Ricardo muttered silently though not silent enough because Reagan heard him.

"Can I get to know this beauty that has been making you smile for almost a week now? asked Reagan as she sat beside him.Ricardo blushed and looked away from her."OMG!did you just blush?I have never thought I will see you blush at least not in this lifetime"said Reagan while Ricardo tried to hide his blush.

"Mind your business, Reagan"said Ricardo as he tried to leave her side but Reagan was quick enough to pull him back which made him lose his balance so he fell while she jumped on him."So you wouldn't tell me?"Reagan asked as she began tickling him.

Ricardo laughed and pleased for her to stop but she didn't.He felt so happy as he remembered old times when he had always played around with Reagan but they scarcely do that ever since there parents died because he had been all about revenge

"I am so sorry, Reagan.I promise to be a better brother and create more time for you"he promised within himself.

Meanwhile, Aurora had gone to the city along with Simeon to get clothes for their date.She would have loved to go alone but she wasn't used to the human world and she didn't know how to use and buy clothes and since Simeon was familiar with the human world,she asked him to escort her though he tried to avoid it.

Simeon sighed sadly as he watched her pick different things and asked for his opinion on them.He really wished he could confess his feelings to her before it was too late but he didn't want anything to jeopardize their friendship.

After a long day of shopping,they headed back to the ocean and they were about to enter when they heard the howling of wolves.Aurora's heart skipped and she needed no one to tell her that they were surrounded by werewolves.She held Simeon hands tightly as she turned and the person she saw made her heart shatter


Ricardo was still playing around with Reagan when a member of the clan rushed towards them.He stared at him questioningly."The mermaid princess is in the city with a merman"said the clan member.Ricardo's eyes darkened and he moved clothes to him before holding his neck tightly."Are you sure?"asked Ricardo."Yes I am"he replied and Ricardo rushed towards the city with Reagan and the other guy behind him

They his behind a tree and watched as a lady and a man walked towards the ocean.Ricardo found the lady's back familiar but he chose not to believe that it was someone he knew.Just as they were about to go into the ocean,he and Reagan howled loudly gaining their attention.Then they moved out of the bushes,lo and behold right before him was AURORA!

Aurora's body stiffened as she stared at Ricardo.She had never thought of him to be a werewolf and now he was going to kill her.

Ricardo took slow and shaky strides towards her while her heart hammered heavily against her chest.Just as he was about to get to her,Simeon blocked his way.He sent a deadly look at Simeon but Simeon still stood on his way

"Get off my front, you stupid fish"said Ricardo as he pushed Simeon away.Simeon fell to the floor and before he could get up the other guy already held him.Aurora watched as Simeon struggled to get free then her gaze travelled to Ricardo who was towering in front of her.

"Why didn't you tell me you are a mermaid?Did you probably want to kill me so you decided to seduce me?"Ricardo said as his face darkened more."Seduce you??I will be a fool to do that,if I knew you were a werewolf then I wouldn't have allowed you stay near me"Aurora said in shaky voice

Ricardo gripped her hand tightly and pulled her closer."Look at me!"he ordered and Aurora raised her head up in fear."It is such a pity I fell in love with a fish nevertheless I have something for you"said Ricardo as he dipped his hands into his pocket and brought out a shiny diamond necklace with his and her names carved on it."I thought of giving you this tomorrow but I guess this was be the last time we will meet.I am letting you go this time so don't ever cross my path again because am not sure if I will let you go again."said Ricardo as he put the necklace around Aurora's neck."Is this how it will all end?"asked Aurora as tears filled her eyes.Ricardo nodded and he planted a deep kiss on her lips.

Aurora tears flowed as he kissed her then he pulled away and cleaned her tears with his thumb.Ricardo pulled back and signalled to Reagan and the other guy to leave with him.They stared at him questioningly, that was the first time he had met a mermaid and let them go and surprisingly he kissed her.

Ricardo left after taking a last look at Aurora who was already in tears.Simeon only stood and watched the scene,he couldn't understand what was going on and the werewolf even pet them go without a fight He had a lot of questions to ask Aurora and the same goes with Reagan as she stared at her brother...


Ricardo walked slowly towards the clan as tears flooded his eyes.It was his first time in love and he didn't even get the chance to court her.Something in him tells him that she belongs to him but another side of him is saying otherwise.He could hear the howling of wolves from afar and he wondered what they were celebrating.

He got nearer and his eyes met with a familiar face again, Aurora was right before him chained to the walls and beside her was her weirdo friend also chained.His eyes widened and anger surged in his heart as he saw a werewolf hitting her.He rushed towards him and held his hands before he could lay another finger on her.

"How dare you?!"said Ricardo as he flung the werewolf hand away before going near Aurora.He slowly cleaned the blood on her lips as tears flowed down his cheeks.He hated to see her hurt and his heart ached as he saw the bruises on her,he wished to kill the person who did that to her

Aurora watched as Ricardo left her and she wept.She knew it was of no use because nothing could walk between them.She stood up and wiped her tears."Let's go, Simeon"said Aurora bit Simeon was staring at something behind her and when she turned she saw a pack of werewolves.Iy seemed like the entire clan had come to capture her.

"Hey princess,Alpha must be so in love with you but we aren't so you aren't leaving alive"a weird looking guy said as he came closer to her and that was all she remembered as everything got dark.

She woke up when a bucket of water was splashed on her face.She looked around and saw many werewolves dancing happily.She knew she was the cause of their happiness,she looked around searching for only one person and that was Ricardo but he wasn't around.

She never had time to think about him as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.she looked down and saw the weird guy beating her with a whip.She didn't have time to recover from the pain when she felt another.She whimpered in pain but just as she was expecting another she saw Ricardo holding onto the guy's hand.She heaved a sigh of relief and tears flowed down her eyes.

Ricardo carefully cleaned her tears away and leaned closer kissing them away.He unchained her and carried her bridal style ignoring the looks on his members faces

"Ricardo,Simeon is still chained"gently said Aurora.Ricardo stared darkly at Simeon before ordering him to be released and taken care of.

"Ricardo, you can't just do what you want because you are the alpha.We can't accept an enemy in our clan.What if they are spies?"asked a member of the clan."I will bear all the consequences if anything goes wrong till then they are our guests and no harm should come upon them especially Aurora.You don't want to know what will happen"said Ricardo as he left for his cave with Aurora in his arms....


Aurora watched as Ricardo placed her on a bed in a cave.She could see droplets of tears in his eyes and she felt sad that she was the cause of it.He took a medicine kit and started to tend to her wounds.

Ricardo carefully applied medicine to her wound and felt bad that his people were the cause of her pain.He looked at her face and his gaze met with hers.His eyes moved to her lips and they looked so tempting.He looked away calming his wolf down,he should be feeling pity for her but there is this feeling surging in him and he needed to cast it out before it got out of control.

Aurora watched as Ricardo stood up and she wondered where he was going.Unknowingly she grabbed his arm before he could take a step.He turned to look at her and she wet her lips with her tongue before slowly bitting it in embarrassment.

Ricardo's self control tore off immediately she bit her lips and it felt more like he was been seduced."Am sorry, you can go"she saw as she let go of his arms."No, you already made me want to stay"said Ricardo grinning mischievously before slamming his lips on hers.

Aurora was caught by surprise but she quickly blended in.They were lost in their own world of passion and they didn't notice when Reagan came in.The sound of metal clashing got them to disengage and Aurora's face burned in embarrassment.

Reagan wanted to check if Aurora was fine but she was welcomed by an overwhelming sight.She was lost staring and mistakingly her hand hit the metal plates at the door making a loud noise that got them to disengage.

"Am sorry to disturb you"she said beaming mischievously at Ricardo."What the heck are you doing here, Reagan?And don't you know how to knock?"asked Ricardo as he glared angrily at Reagan who gave him an annoying smile in return.He hated the fact that she had to disturb his time with Aurora and if it was someone else he would have beaten the hell out of him.

"Are you okay?"asked Reagan as she moved towards Aurora ignoring Ricardo's question.Aurora nodded in return wondering who she was."Mind my manners.Am Reagan, Ricardo's fiancee"said Reagan while Ricardo gasped in horror.Aurora's face twisted and she felt disheartened.She never expected him not to have someone but she somehow hoped he was single.She was even caught kissing him.

Reagan looked at the expression on Aurora's face and she couldn't hold back her laughter.She could see that not only her brother was in love."It is not funny, Reagan"Ricardo said harshly."of course it is, Cardo.If I didn't say that then I would have missed this look on her"Reagan said as she pointed to Aurora.Aurora stared at her confusingly and she wondered what was funny about her

"Am not his fiancee.Am his twin sister I guess you wouldn't have heard about me since my annoying brother don't talk about me"said Reagan while Ricardo huffed.Aurora stared at them in disbelieve they didn't look-alike in any way and no one could believe that they were a twin.She stared at Reagan and felt pity for Ricardo as he had to cope with a crazy sister like her.

"I can see you her in love with my brother and he loves you too but I hope you know nothing can work between you both.It is better to end what you can't continue because the more time you spend together the more painful the heartbreak will be where you part ways.You might consider me as a bad person but this is for the good of both of you.I hold no grudge against you Aurora but I don't want my brother to get hurt so I think it is best if you stay away from him...."Reagan couldn't complete it as she got pulled out by Ricardo and he shut the door behind her.

She just wanted to protect her clan and she didn't want her brother to fall a prey.Tears flowed down her eyes and she rushed towards Edward's cave seeking comfort


Ricardo turned around and looked at Aurora.He felt ashamed of his sister because he never expected her to say something like that.He scratched his head as he searched for the right words to say.Sensing his uneasiness, Aurora decided to speak."You don't have to say anything or apologize on her behalf.Everything she said is true and I think it is best if we listen"said Aurora.

She replayed Reagan's words in her head and felt hurt by them.Reagan had said the truth and she realized that if they stayed together they will only cause more harm and trouble."What do you mean by that?Am willing to fight for you and our love,all I need is you to give me a chance"said Ricardo as he sat beside her.

"Let's not act stupid, Ric.We both know that there's no future for us and we are just fooling ourselves if we choose to ignore it.My people hate your people and vice versa so let's just end it now.The farther we go the more we hurt each other and I can't bear to see you hurt"Aurora said holding Ricardo's hands as she stared at him.

Ricardo sighed softly though he knew Reagan's words had some effect on her but it didn't expect her to react this way."So you are just going to give up on us?"asked Ricardo hoping that she had a change it mind.He had left her earlier because he needed some time to think about what to do.He had never thought of letting her go.

"Am sorry, Ric."Aurora replied shattering the last hope in Ricardo's heart.She looked away and tears flowed down her eyes as she heard Ricardo's whimpering beside her.She knew he was also crying and she felt pity for him.She had no choice at that moment and the only thing she could think of was to let him go.

"If I was just a normal man and not a werewolf, would you have accepted me?"asked Ricardo.He wanted to know if his identity was the obstacle to his love."Am sorry, Ric"said Aurora still not looking back."Answer my damn question, Aurora!"yelled Ricardo as he pulled Aurora to his face.Their gaze were on each other.

Aurora watched his face and noticed that it was reddish.She felt like he was going to switch to his wolf form if he kept on being like that and that was the last the she wanted to see at that moment.She leaned closer and softly slammed her lips on his as tears flowed down their cheeks.

Their kiss was so salty and it passed on many unsaid emotions and feelings.It passed on messages that words couldn't express and comforted both of them in an unimaginable way.They broke off the kiss and stared at each other for a while.

"You being a human would have caused you trauma so I prefer you just the way you are but fate just don't want us together"said Aurora as she wiped off his tears while he did the same to her."I need a favor from you"said Ricardo

Aurora wondered what he wanted but she signalled for him to go on."These few days you are going to spend here to heal.I want you to make memories with me, please.Ignore our differences and just look at me like a normal human.Please just this one time"Ricardo pleaded.Aurora couldn't reject it as she also wanted to make memories with him so she agreed.

Meanwhile, Reagan got to Edward's place and rushed into his arms.Edward was eating when he heard someone enter his cave,he turned towards the door and almost immediately Reagan rushed into his arms startling him in the process.He was still in daze for a moment before wrapping his arms around her.He heard her sob loudly and he wondered what happened to her.

"It's okay"he repeated as he pat her back.Reagan cried for a while before pulling away from Edward.She bent her head shyly.she was embarrassed that she cried in front of Edward.Edward chuckled and led her to sit on a chair.

"Do you mind telling me why you rushed into my cave and took advantage of me?"asked Edward playfully as he sat beside her."Am sorry and what do you mean by I took advantage of you?"replied Aurora as her face burned in embarrassment.Edward was enjoying the look on her face and he decided to continue teasing her."I can still remember how your brother almost killed me because I sneaked into your cave and you just did the same thing so what do you think I should do to you?"said Edward as he moved closer to her.

Reagan's body heated up as she felt his hot breath on her neck and she shifted feeling uneasy."what do you want?"asked Reagan."I will show you"said Edward and before Reagan could react he already pulled her closer and locked their lips together

Reagan felt comforted by the kiss and she didn't want it to stop.It took away all her sadness and worries.It cleared all her pain away."if this is how effective a kiss is then I will love to get one everyday"Reagan said within her as she deepened the kiss

Simeon stared at nowhere in particular as his mind drifted to the events that occurred within the few hours.

He still found it hard to believe that he was in the werewolf's clan.His mind drifted to Aurora and he felt disheartened to think that she was in the hands of that evil werewolf.He felt disgusted that he kissed her and he felt like tearing him apart but he was powerless.

He stood up and moved towards the door,he wanted to see how Aurora was doing.He staggered and walked towards a werewolf."please where is the lady that was brought here with me"he asked.The werewolf stared at him and pointed to a cave while he walked towards it.He was about to enter into the cave when he heard Aurora's voice.

Ricardo held Aurora in his arms as they paid beside each other.He was happy that she granted his wish but then his thoughts drifted to the weird guy with her.He decided to ask her about him to be sure they don't have anything together.

"Aurora,who is that guy,I mean the one I saw with you"asked Ricardo.Aurora giggled and looked at Ricardo's face.A werewolf will always be a werewolf.They are always possessive about their mate and though she wasn't his mate but he desires her.

"Why are you asking?"asked Aurora."Nothing,just answer me"replied Ricardo."He is my best friend."replied Aurora."Just a friend?"asked Ricardo with furrowed eyebrows."Yeah, do you want him to be more than a friend?"replied Aurora.

"No I didn't mean that but have you ever felt anything for him asides friendship?"asked Ricardo."Oh yes I have..."Aurora paused as she stared at him.The look on his face was one that she could kill for and she bursted into laughter.

"You really don't know how you look like now.He has been my friend all through my life and apart from friendship I wish he was my brother.He has always stood by me and supported me in everything.He is my comforter and I want him to remain like that.Having I'll feeling towards each other will only jeopardize our friendship and besides I never taught of him as a man for me.All I know is that he is a friend and a comforter,am sure he does feel anything for me too"said Aurora.

Ricardo watched as Aurora spoke about Simeon and he could tell that she had a special connection with him but she was so naive.He knew Simeon felt more than friendship but he was grateful that she didn't feel the same way.

Meanwhile,Simeon listened to their conversation and felt pain in his heart.For the past twenty years,he had always had hope of the day he will confess his feelings to Aurora but he didn't try to know if she felt the same way he did.It turned out that his love was one-sided and he had only been a friend in her eyes.

He walked back to his cave and laid down on the bed as tears flowed down his cheeks.It was hard to know that the person you've been in love with for years felt nothing for you...

Reagan couldn't look at Edward's face after the kiss and she did everything possible to avoid him.She avoided places he would be and she never came near his cave.

Ricardo had been avoiding her for the past three days and he didn't even spare her a glance.She felt hurt because it was the first time he was avoiding her.She had only one person to put the blame on and that person was, Aurora.

She walked into her cave and places the vegetables on her hand behind the door."Welcome back, sugar pie"said a voice that she could recognize anywhere and any day.She shook her head to be sure she wasn't imagining things.Lo and behold when she looked up Edward was standing before her with his hands in his pockets.

The world around her stood still as she stared at him fearfully."How have you been, cutie"said Edward as he approached her while she stepped back.Edward chuckled and his eyes darkened.He had watched as she avoided him for the past three days.Although,he had little experience on relationships but he thought they were lovers after the kiss.At first he thought she wanted space and he gave her some but now he couldn't take it anymore.

He approached her till her back hit the wall and she stared at her feet as she played with her fingers nervously.

"Look at me like, Reagan."he said huskily and she raised her head up to meet his gaze while he laughed devilishly."Why are you here? Ricardo wouldn't like it if he gets to meet you here and just so you know he will soon be here for dinner"asked Reagan with fear.Ricardo was her only escape card and she was sure Edward would leave immediately.Edward laughed before cupping her cheeks in his hands.

"You delight me, cupcake.The last time I checked he hadn't been coming here for dinner,am I right?"said Edward shattering Reagan's hope.There was no other way to get him out of her house."Okay even if Ricardo's is not coming here for dinner at least respect my privacy.I don't want you here so leave"said Reagan as she moved away from him but Edward quickly pulled her info his arms hugging her from behind.

"Why are you pushing me away?I thought we are lovers already"said Edward.Reagan sighed as she felt sad,she could hear the hurt in his voice and she felt bad and selfish.She never thought of how he would feel when she avoided him.She held his arms tightly around her and leaned back on his chest.

They remained like that for a while before breaking apart."So are we lovers now?"asked Edward while Reagan bit her lips as she nodded shyly.

Aurora was wrapped in Ricardo's arms as she watched the moon with him.The past two days have been the best for her.Ricardo had shown her many places and bought her many things.She wished things could go on like that but she had to go back to the ocean.

She looked at Ricardo's face and sighed sadly.She plan on leaving the clan the next day and she knew he wouldn't allow her so she didn't tell him.She had been away for too long though it's just three days but she was sure that everyone was panicking back home.

She felt bad that she had to leave Ricardo's but there was nothing she could do about it."Am I so handsome that you can't take your eyes off me?"asked Ricardo jolting her out of her thoughts."Do you have to ask?You look like a god though you sometimes feel demonic"she said teasingly.Ricardo furrowed his eyebrows and wondered what kind of description was that.She called him a god and a demon."Why don't I show you mine demonic side?"said Ricardo and before Aurora could run away he started tickling her

She was laughing and crying at the same time and she kept on begging for him to stop.Ricardo sighed sadly as he watched her laugh.He knew about her plan to leave the next day but he definitely to let her go.He didn't wanna to keep her against her will and he hoped she finds happiness as she leaves.....

Aurora watched as Ricardo got dressed through the blanket that covered her face and she wondered where he was going to."Are you awake?"asked Ricardo as he came closer to her while she sat up.

"Good morning, Cardo"she said while Ricardo nodded in reply."Am going to get some groceries but I will be back early so you don't have to stay alone for too long"said Ricardo as he placed a kiss on her hair.Aurora nodded and smiled just then a silly thought popped into her head.She could just leave when Ricardo is not around at least she doesn't have to face him.

She took one last look at Ricardo, more like she was imprinting his image in her memory.She wished she never had to leave but that will only cause more problems.Ricardo left the car and she quickly rushed into the bathroom to have her bath.

Simeon was adjusting his clothes when Aurora rushed into his cave.He wondered what she was doing in his cave.For the past four days,he hadn't set his eyes on her and she didn't bother coming to see him.He still felt hurt that she was with another person.

"Do you suddenly remember that your best friend is here with you?"said Simeon."Am sorry for not checking up on you but I alwa ask Ricardo of you and he told me you are alright"said Aurora.Simeon huffed and turned his face away.He didn't like the fact that she mentioned his name.

"What are you doing here?"asked Simeon."it's time for us to leave.we've stayed away from home for too long and everyone must have been worried"said Aurora.Simeon stared at her for a while before sighing.He didn't understand what she was doing."I thought you didn't want to go home"said Simeon.

"I only wanted to spend some time with him before going back home because it might be the last time we get to see each other"said Aurora."What is wrong with you, Ora.Are you really in love with him?How could you have fallen in love with our enemy? what were you thinking?"asked Simeon trying to keep his cool.

He was so angry and he didn't even know what to do."Am sorry Simeon but I didn't know how it happened besides I wasn't aware that he was a werewolf when I met him"replied Aurora."You should have stopped when you found out besides do you now fall in love with any random guy you meet.You are well aware that your mother won't approve of him and she won't even hear of you being involved with him so it is better you end it."yelled Simeon

"That's what I'm trying to do and your scoldings aren't helping.I have to leave before Cardo comes back"said Aurora.Simeon ran his hands through his hair before pulling her out of the cave.

They walked so fast and made sure not to get caught by any werewolf.They heavily a sigh of relief when they got to the ocean bank and they moved towards the ocean.

Aurora was about to jump into the ocean when she felt a arm around her waist from behind followed by a familiar scent.She wanted to turn to see his face but he held her in place.

"Don't turn back and just listen to me.I hope you never forget me and the memories we shared together.I deeply wish you agree to fight for us nevertheless I am here waiting for you patiently.I am waiting till you realize that we are meant for each other,I am waiting till you are ready to fight for us and our future together.I hope you live a happy life filled with joy and happiness but always remember that someone is here waiting for you.You are my Luna and no one else can take that away from you.I am not going to get tired of waiting even if it means I have to wait forever"said Ricardo as tears flowed down his cheeks

He had left home early that morning to wait for her at the ocean bank.He knew she hadn't changed her mind about leaving and he was sad he couldn't hold onto her but he refused to give up on her just like she did to him.He pulled her closer and buried his face in her neck as he wept.

Aurora's hands held his hands on her waist as she cried also.She felt bad that she gave up on him but she didn't want him to wait for her.He deserved to be happy and she isn't the one to give him happiness.

"Don't wait for me, Ricardo.Move on with your life and live everyday happily because I won't come back.If we meet again then it will be when we battle against each other.bye Ricardo"said Aurora as she pulled out of his arms and jumped into the ocean.

She pulled out a scale from her tail and threw it at Ricardo before swimming off.Ricardo picked up the scale and clenched it in his fist as he watched her swim off.

This whole time Simeon had been watching them,he had wanted to pull Aurora away from Ricardo but his conscience won't make him do it.He knew they needed the time for themselves

He walked towards the ocean to go after Aurora.He knew she needed a shoulder to cry on and he was ready to offer his to her."Take care of her for me "Ric said to him as he jumped in....

FLASHBACK (20yrs ago)

A boy and a girl were seen playing in a garden with flowers as they giggled and laughed.It was so obvious that they were happy and with no worries."Gannie!!"called out a fair skin woman with curvy shape.There's no doubt that she bears a great resemblance with the young girl in the garden.

She moved towards the garden and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the kids playing."Here you are.It is going to rain so come inside and continue playing.Your father would be mad if he meets you here."she said as she carried the little girl in her arms.She turned and said to the boy"Ricky, I hope you know you can't stay outside in the rain so come with me before you catch a flu".She went in with the girl in her arms and the boy behind her.

Just then about four to five well-built men rushed inside breathing heavily."what's going on?"asked the mother as she dropped Gannie on the floor.Gannie rushed to meet her brother who held her tight in his arms."Where's my alpha?"asked the mother when she noticed that her husband was missing.

"Luna, you have to leave here with the kids now.The mermaids are attacking the clan and alpha is badly injured.He wants you to save his children and go to a faraway place."said one of the men."How come?I thought we signed a peace treaty with the mermaids so why are they going against us now"asked Luna worriedly.

"They claim that we killed their King and right now we are at disadvantage because it is about to rain and you know that they get stronger where they feel water"replied another man.Luna wanted to see her husband but she knew it was the most stupid decision to make at that moment because she had to save her children.Almost immediately they heard a sound at the gate and no one needed to tell them that they were surrounded and there was no escape route.

She quickly opened the underground layer and pulled her children inside.She wouldn't allow anything happen to her children even at the cost of her own life."No matter what happen never leave your sister.Take care of her and make sure nothing goes wrong with her.You both should always help each other and never allow anyone come in between you regardless of all remember that your father and I love you two very much"she said to her son as she closed pulled the cover.

Some men came in dragging a hefty man with blood all over his face He was almost unrecognizable and Luna gasped as soon as she saw him.Standing before her was her very own husband,Rex,the alpha of the werewolves clan.He had several injuries in his body and he was covered in blood.

She rushed towards him as he was thrown to the floor and held him tightly as he wept."I told you to go away,what are you still doing here?"said Rex as he stared at his woman,his wife,his very own Luna, Rachel."Am sorry but we got surrounded before I could leave"replied Rachel as tears flowed down her eyes.

"I guess you guys already bade yourselves goodbye so now it is time for you to die"said one of the men that brought Rex in as he dipped a sword into Rachel's body.She whimpered in pain as she fell to the floor and her eyes gave in to darkness as she breathed her last.

Rex howled as he watched his wife die before him and he felt so helpless.He couldn't even mourn his wife as he felt a sword pierced into his body also and he gave up a ghost.

Meanwhile, Ricky was watching everything through a tiny hole as tears flowed down his face.He had covered his sister's eyes with his small palm as he didn't want her to see such a horrible scene.He came out of his hiding place after they left and knelt beside his parents corpse as he wept with his sister beside him.

He buried his parents and that same day he buried his conscience and his heart with them not until he met Aurora.His hatred for the mermaids started that day....(end of flashback)

Reagan watched as Ricardo entered into his cave weakly with swollen eyeballs.She could tell that he had been crying and she knew it was because of Aurora's departure.She moved towards his cave though she knew he might ignore her but she needed to be there for him so he wouldn't do something stupid.

To her surprise, Ricardo hugged her so tightly as she entered into the cave."It's okay"said Reagan as she pats his back.Tears dropped down her eyes as she saw her brother crying.She had never seen him cry since their parent's death and she determined to make Aurora pay for making him cry.

It took a while for Ricardo to pull himself together and he released Reagan.He wiped his tears away and sat on a stool turning his back against her.

"You shouldnt be here Gannie"said Ricardo while Reagan's stood still it had been years since she heard someone call her by that nickname and her mind was the only one who called her that."You just called me Gannie, Ricky"said Reagan as tears flowed down her eyes.....

Ricardo watched as Reagan shed tears and he felt bad that he had to remind her of their parent's death.He pulled her closer and hugged her tightly in his arms as tears flowed down his cheeks.

He thought about his parent's death and he concluded that he had swayed a bit and forgotten his revenge.His eyes hardened and his quest for revenge resurfaced.

He decided to let Aurora go and of everything ends and she is still willing to be with him then he would make her his Luna.

Aurora got to the palace and the first person to welcome her was her mother.She looked tattered and her eyeballs were swollen.It was obvious that she had been crying and depriving herself of good rest."Ora!!"said her mother as she hugged her tight in her arms

Simeon watched as the scene unfolded in front of him and he silently wished he still had a mother but unfortunately he lost his mother the day he was born.He didn't even get to know how she looked like.He also lost his father when he was seven years during the war between the two species:werewolves and mermaids.

He stared at Aurora and looked around the palace he was surely going to miss everything around here.He had decided to go and live in the city with the humans.The more he sees Aurora ,the more his urge to possess her strengthens and he didn't want to do anything that could ruin their friendship.

He knew that he needed space and time to heal from the heartache and there's no way he could have that with Aurora around.The queen mother, Aurora's mom, turned to Simeon and walked towards him.He was expecting her to yell at him or blame him for Aurora's disappearance but to his suprise she hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for coming back.I don't I can forgive myself if anything had happened to you.I just can't bear losing you.Your father entrusted you to me and I feel like I have done a bad job in taking care of you"said the queen mother as she tightened her hold on Simeon.

Tears flowed down Simeon's eyes as he held her tightly.She had been taking good care of him since his father's death but he had never acknowledged her.He was always a rebel and he always ran to the city to avoid taking lessons and studying.Nevertheless,she kept on caring for him and she never for once yelled at him.

He felt like he just found a replacement for his mother but it was so sad that he was leaving soon."I will never forget you, mother"he promised within himself.

Aurora went into her room leaving Simeon with her mother.She felt like her mother was more concerned about Simeon than her.She sat on her bed and her hands moved to her neck rubbing the necklace Ricardo gave to her gently.

Her mind drifted to him again and she wondered how he was doing."I hope you are doing fine where you are.Am sorry for being too weak and I hope you find someone who will be there for you forever"Aurora said into the thin air.

Ricardo sat outside his cave enjoying the view of nature.He had consoled Reagan and she had gone to prepare dinner. Things were back to normal and his heart felt like an empty vacuum. He thought of Aurora and imagine how happy she felt when she got home.

"I hope you know that you chose this for us.You gave up on us too quick and you rendered me helpless.I hope you come back to me and I will waiting for you"said Ricardo into the thin air as tears flooded his eyes....

Ricardo gathered the warriors of the clan for a briefing on the upcoming war.it was two days to the war and he had to ba sure that nothing goes wrong.He checked the weapons and armor and made sure the medical kits were well equipped for treatment of injured wolves.

He had to make some that there were no life loss and if there would be it must be little.He double-checked everything and corrected little mistakes.While doing this his face was as cold and emotionless and his glare was as hard as rock.

Aurora wasn't just sitting also,she was briefing the mermaids warriors on the sketch of the war.She split the warriors into two:one in the ocean while the other would be going with her to the forest.

She suddenly felt dizzy and lightheaded and everything went black.She tried to call for help but she passed out before she could utter a word.

Reagan sharpened the edge of her arrow as she watched Ricardo instruct the warriors.She knew he wasn't going to allow her go for the war but she was ready to force her way in.

"What are you doing?"asked Ricardo as he stared coldly at Reagan.Reagan's heart beat rapidly as she stared at him, surprisingly she felt afraid of his cold eyes."Answer my damn question, Gannie"repeated Ricardo's as his face became more fierce.

"Ehmmm,I was just sharpening my arrows to go and hunt for animals so I can prepare dinner."said Reagan as she bit her lips nervously.She knew Ricardo was aware that she was telling a lie but she still wished he could just let it pass by."Really??I have never seen you hunt before and if I am not mistaken I am always the one going for hunting so quit the lie and tell me what you want to do with the arrows"said Ricardo as he raised a eyebrow.

"Fine, you caught me.I want to go to the war with you.I can be of help"said Reagan.Ricardo eyes darkened at that instant as he stared at Reagan.He knew she only wanted to help but there's no way he was going to allow her partake in the war.It was like putting all he had in risk.She was his only blood relation and he would protect her with his life.

"There's no way you are going to the war and you know that"said Ricardo as he turned away."Wait,I am very good at archery and I bet no one here is as good as I am.Pls let me go with you"said Reagan as she grabbed his hands.

"You will only be a distraction and nothing else.You will be a distraction to me and to Edward.I can't be thinking of you while I fight"said Ricardo as he stared at her.

"Is there a way to change your mind"said Reagan."You aren't going and that's final"said Ricardo as he walked away while Reagan just stared at him.She was going to go to the war no matter what happened.

Meanwhile, Simeon picked up Aurora from where she fell and carried her into her room.He checked her pulse and was surprised to feel two beating hearts.He wondered if he made a mistake and when he did it again he felt two heartbeats again.

That only meant one thing and it means that she was pregnant.He wondered how and then he realized that she must have gotten intimate with Ricardo.His fist hardened but he calmed himself down.

"Since Ricardo is a werewolf then he must have marked her if they had gotten intimate"he wondered and he looked at Aurora's neck to check of there's a mark.Suprisingly,he saw a mark there.it was a picture of a red werewolf holdings a sword and he needed no one to tell him that that was Ricardo's symbol.

He stared at Aurora's face and imagined what her reaction would be the she finds out that she was pregnant.He couldn't believe that she was already Ricardo's Luna and at that moment he knew there was absolutely nothing he could do to make her his again.

He stared at the mark on her neck as he thought of a way to break the news to her while he also imagined how her mother will react if she finds out....

Aurora woke up feeling a ache in her belly and she held it tightly as she squeezed her face in pain."Are you feeling pain?"asked Simeon as he heard her hand.She turned towards him and nodded affirmatively.

"Drink this,it will relieve the pain and also strengthen the baby"said Simeon stretching a cup containing herbs to her.Aurora thought she misheard Simeon so she just collected it and drank it all.

"Have some rest.Stress endangers the baby's life"said Simeon as he made his way out."Wait!w what do you mean by baby?"asked Aurora as she sat up."Don't feign ignorance Ora.You've been intimate with that werewolf and he even marked you.what were you thinking of? Didn't you know it might result into pregnancy?"said Simeon not bothering to hide the hurt in his tone

"Am pregnant???But we did it just once.How come??"said Aurora as she held her stomach tightly."I guess that once was more than enough"said Simeon as he hissed and made his way out."Please keep this a secret for me till after the war then I will decide on how to keep the baby safe"said Aurora as she watched Simeon leave but he didn't even give her a reply.

Aurora laid on the bed as she recalled her passionate moment with Ricardo,she never expected that it could result into pregnancy.


Aurora was wrapped tightly in Ricardo's arms as they watched the moon light.Suddenly, Ricardo stood up and distanced himself from Aurora."What's wrong, Cardo"she asked as she moved near him but he shifted back.

"Don't come closer.Go to the cave and sleep,I will sleep at Reagan's place"said Ricardo."Why??"Aurora asked again.She was worried that something bad was about to happen and Ricardo was trying to face it all by himself.

"Let me explain this to you clearly.Am a werewolf,an alpha to be precise,my level of desire is so high.You are a beautiful woman and you arouse my desire everytime and I don't think I can control it today so it is best if you leave while I can still hold it before we do something we both will regret"said Ricardo trying as much as possible to stop his wolf from taking over.Aurora blushed at his words and decided that she was ready to give herself to him though they couldn't be together but she wanted them to make memories that she could hold onto forever

"I can't leave you alone now.Let's do it and am sure it is something we won't be regretting."said Aurora as she touched Ricardo's chest. Immediately, Ricardo lost all his self-restraint and he closed his eyes tightly trying to calm himself down."I will advise you to have a rethink about this because there's no going back"said Ricardo with the last self-restraint he had.

"Am ready, Cardo"said Aurora and almost immediately Ricardo's nails grew so long and his teeth converted into fangs.He stared at Aurora and he knew she was afraid of him already but he couldn't stop it his wolf was getting lose already.

"Don't be afraid and keep calm.I won't hurt you"said Ricardo as he pulled her into his arms and his words walked as Aurora's tensed body calmed down.He trailed kisses down her neck and flicked his tongue on a particular spot on her neck sending shivers down her spine.

"Will you be mine,Ora?I want you to be my Luna"said Ricardo as he grazed his fangs on her neck."Yes,I will"replied Aurora as she whimpered in pleasure.She didn't have the time to reflect on her words when she felt his fangs sink deep into her neck while she whimpered.It was painful but it was followed by an indescribable pleasure.

She realized she had been marked by him which means she belongs to him alone.

Their night didn't end there as they had a pleasure-filled night fulfilling all their desires and in-built passion....(END OF FLASHBACK)

Aurora sighed as she remembered the things they did together that night.Truth to be told,she never regretted it up till the moment even though she found out she was pregnant.It was the best night in her entire existence.

Ricardo looked at the moonlight as he thought about the upcoming war.He knew he was going to have to battle against Aurora and they would be fighting each other on the stand that the strongest person shall survive.

He suddenly felt his fangs elongate and they felt itchy eager to bite something.His thought drifted to Aurora and he hoped she was alright.The only reason his fangs could be itchy was of something happened to his Luna.

He grabbed his sword and Head towards the ocean within a second thought.He wasn't going to fight all he wanted was to ask any mermaid he came across about their princess.

He got near the ocean and he heard a familiar voice singing melodiously.To be sure,he moved towards the direction of the voice,lo and behold hos eyes met with that of Aurora.

Aurora laid on the bed doing nothing and she got tired of resting so she decided to take some fresh air on land.She swam towards the ocean bank and sat by it as she flipped her take in the water while she sang.

She suddenly heard sounds of footstep and her heart skipped in fear at the thought that she might be captured by a werewolf.She saw a pair of legs and when she raised her gaze to the face she met with the most captivating blue eyes she had ever seen.

The eyes that had kept on appearing in her dream for days and the one that she had longed to see so badly.Ricardo stared deep into her eyes and his fangs began to ache badly.Seeing Aurora unhurt was satisfying but the aching of his fangs were confusing and that only meant one thing which was that she was carrying his seed.

He quickly waved that thought away because they only got intimate once and he was sure it couldn't make a baby.Nevertheless,he decided to ask her.

"Are you pregnant?"asked Ricardo with furrowed eyebrows.He had no time for chit- chatting and he only wanted to satisfy his curiosity. Aurora's heart skipped as she stared at him.She wondered how he found out when her pregnancy wasn't even showing yet.

She decided to tell him but on a second thought they had a war to prepare for and the baby would be a distraction to him.Je might even take her with him so she decided to lie to him.

"What?? Pregnancy?? Do you want me to carry your baby?? Surprisingly am not pregnant and besides why do you think I'm pregnant?"said Aurora as she chuckled nervously.

Ricardo's eyes darkened as he stared at her.He could sense that she was lying to him and he moved closer to her while she stood up in fear.Her tail turned into a pair of legs and she was just in her underwears. Ricardo's eyes raked her body and he felt his desire building up.He moved to the back and turned his back against her without a word.

Aurora quickly held onto him before he could move."Please be careful during the war and make sure you don't get hurt"said Aurora pleadingly while Ricardo yanked her hand off him as he left without a word.

He was mad that she lied to him about the baby.He just heard the baby's heartbeat when she came closer to him and he felt sad that she was going to fight a war with his child in her.

He decided to find her when the war starts and take her to a safe place.

Tears slide down Aurora's face as she watched him leave.She felt bad that she had to keep the baby a secret but it was for the best."I promise to keep our child safe.Am sorry,Rick"said Aurora as she held her stomach tightly.

Simeon watched as Aurora put on her armor and pack her hair well. It was the set day for the war and they were all prepared to go. He didn't want Aurora to partake in the war but there was nothing he could do.

Aurora turned and saw Simeon staring at her.She knew what he was thinking but there was no way she would send her armies to war and stay back.She moved closer to him and hugged him tightly.

"I promise to be safe so don't worry.Just keep yourself safe also"said Aurora as she patted his back while Simeon nodded.

"There's no way you are going to this war, Reagan"yelled Ricardo as he angrily matches out of the cave with Reagan behind him."I know but at least let me fight here at the clan and protect the children at home."Sai Reagan as she looked at Ricardo.

Ricardo knew she wouldn't take NO for an answer but he wanted to try if he could change her mind but it wasn't working."Ok then stay in the cave.You are only allow to fight if anyone come near the cave but apart from that,stay away"said Ricardo while Reagan nodded affirmatively.At least she was still going to participate and there was no way she was just sitting in the cave.

Ricardo joined the armies and together they headed to the ocean leaving one-third to protect the clan.Meanwhile,Aurora also left the ocean and headed to the werewolf's clan leaving some armies behind to protect the ocean.

Ricardo left the clan through the west and at the same time Aurora got into the clan through the east.Aurora pulled out her sword and started to slice it through the throat of the werewolves that came her away along with her armies.

Ricardo got to the ocean bank and signalled to his men and at the same time they all went into the ocean.They swam fast and deep towards the mermaid's inhabitant.It was a place under the water but not in the ocean so they could breathe there.

They got there and a fierce battle began between them.His face was so cold and emotionless as he kept on killing the mermaids.

Aurora was still in a hot fight with a werewolf when she felt a sharp pain in her right arm. Her eyes twitched in pain and she whimpered silently as she turned back...

Ricardo slide out the throat of a mermaid when his eyes met with that of Simeon.He glared at him harshly and approached him with his eyes burning in murderous intent.He swung his sword towards him but Simeon was quick to dodge it."Aurora is carrying your baby."said Simeon before Ricardo could make another attempt.

Ricardo's hands stiffened and he looked at Simeon with a hard glare."I am aware of that"said Ricardo."She is in your clan right now, fighting with your child in her.Aren't you worried that she might get stabbed in the stomach and lose the baby"said Simeon and Ricardo's eyes widened.He never thought of that and he was sure that no member of his clan would spare Aurora.

He looked at Simeon for one last time before swimming fast towards the bank.He had to save Aurora and his baby at all cost.He didn't mind what would be said about him.

Aurora turned and saw Reagan holding a sword with blood stain.She couldn't believe that Reagan just attacked her.In as much as she wanted to fight back,she couldn't because she knew that Ricardo wouldn't forgive her for it.

Seeing that as an opportunity, Reagan hit Aurora with the back of her sword making her fall to the floor."Don't do this, Reagan"said Aurora as she knelt on the floor groaning in pain.

"You brought more problems into my brother's life and caused dispute between us.Now am going to finish you for good so our lives can be back to normal"said Reagan as she pointed her sword to Aurora's stomach intending to pierce it.

Her sword was close to it when a strong arm held the sword.She and Aurora raised their head up at the same time and it turned out to be....